Medtech industry: New high-performance computer for materials research | Biodegradable artificial muscles | Energy efficiency in hospitals
? Amadeus Bramsiepe, KIT | ? Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme (MPI-IS) | ? Envato Elements

Medtech industry: New high-performance computer for materials research | Biodegradable artificial muscles | Energy efficiency in hospitals

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???? How a new high-performance computer opens opportunities in materials research, how soft-robotics can use biodegradable artificial muscles, and a guide to energy efficiency specifically for hospitals – that’s what we’ve outlined for you in this newsletter.

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Materials research: new high-performance computer

One computer with the power of 10,000 laptops: That’s the high-performance computer for materials research that has now gone into operation at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) . With this computer it is possible to simulate the structural composition of future materials for researchers. Investigating the properties of materials before they even exist is, thus, no longer, a pipe dream.

Read more about the capabilities of the high-performance computer here on Inside Industry!

Biodegradable artificial muscles: Researchers in the field of soft robotics focus on sustainability

Sustainable artificial muscles: That’s what scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz (Austria), and the 美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 (USA) have developed. Their artificial muscles break down completely within six months.?

Read more about how that works and what changes in the soft robotics field from here on Inside Industry!

Energy efficiency in hospitals: A guide to action on energy-saving approaches and technologies

To support hospitals in their quest towards energy efficiency, the Rh?n Stiftung has now published a guide on how hospitals can increase their energy efficiency. With this guide, hospitals can contribute to climate protection while saving money. The guide was developed by the Institute for Health Care Business (hcb) and is free of charge.

Read more about the contents of this guide on Inside Industry!

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