Medtainer Smokes the competition...

Medtainer Smokes the competition...

I find it pretty interesting how important expressing one's self is to pot smokers and that's the focus of todays article. When it comes to their smoking  and style individualism is big part of the "weed Culture"  so Took a look a what else people are doing to personalize their smoking experience !

Having traveled far and wide I’ve seen every imaginable way to smoke marijuana from glass bowls, water pipes, blunts, joints and on and on… People’s individual choice of which smoking instrument to use is as unique as the people that are smoking and it’s widely understood that your pipe is an extension of who you are as a person. For example; I used to know a girl who was a professional diver and her pipe was in the shape of the shark to which she said "this is totally me!" when she broke out with it.  I’m a Joint man my self, but the point is that as a smoking culture, we have found a “Piece” that represents each of us and almost non of them are the same.  We are all different in that regard except for one consistency;  The one thing that has remained consistent is what people have traditionally carried their stash in…Baggies. Plain old Plastic sandwich baggies are the one staple that we have all accepted and although there are people who have used jars and other creative means of storing and carrying cannabis,  we have generally just used the supplier packaging up until now. 

Today the ease of purchase and legalization, or at least decriminalization, has brought our plants ‘out of the baggie and into the bottle’  and with it,  a new staple for our smoking pleasure is fast becoming another way that we can express ourselves. Individualizing our containers is becoming big business for glass and plastic manufacturers so engineers have come up with some pretty cool products.  So now that I know what that next customization and identifiable trend is with smokers, I dug deeper into my search for what individualizes our bottle. It was obvious that I needed to see who has the best container product and I set out to try several types of them to make a call on which one fit my personality the best. 

As a pragmatist by heart so for me I was looking for a bottle that is smell proof and has a plain or otherwise basic style.  I bought three bottles and here is what I found; The first bottle that I tried was 500 ML air tight bottle from Herb Preserve for around 20 bucks.  Sleek style and it’s smell proof so that’s exactly what I was looking for but like Henry Ford once Said- ”you can have it in any color you want as long as it’s black”. Not a lot of creativity or self expression with a black container so it was on to the next. The next bottle that I tried was the Tight Vac which I found through Vaporizer Galaxy... it was in the same price range as the first for about 20 dollars which didn't throw me off too much but $20 bucks is pretty good bag's worth of pot so it's a bit of a stretch. Again the bottle that I got was sleek and air tight which it means that it’s smell proof and the top was pretty easy to use and definitely unique. When you push the cap down it sucks out all the air and creates a vacuum. When you want to open it you just push a little button the top and you can lift the top with ease,  simple.  Last I bought a Medtainer by Acology Inc which is produced by D &C distributors in Corona CA. I'm going to give these guys props because not only was it the best container but you can also own a piece of the company which I find awesome.  (Publicly traded company under the ticker symbol ACOL).

With excitement I waited like 2 weeks to get his container and when it finally came in the mail i ripped the box open with both hands... I found a slim 20 dram container in a marble design. Perfect for my personality and let's face it, this exercise was about customizing your smoking experience so i could wait to use it!

It’s smell proof and water proof like the first two containers that I tested but the Medtainer has several features that the other bottle products did not. The first is that it comes in a child resistant cap like you find on prescription bottles.  As a dad I especially like that because in the very slim and off chance it got discovered by the kiddys, they’ll have a tough time opening what they shouldn’t have. The second feature that the Medtainer by ACOL has is a game changer for me and every one who smokes pot in my opinion. It has a built in grinder!  WTF?! Grind, Store , Pour is the mantra with this company and I get why!  When you can store, grind and carry your pot in your pocket it’s a winning product and for that reason I’m recommending the Medtainer by Acology-ACOL over any of the other bottles that I tried.  It comes in like 50 different designs, colors and logo's so for anyone that has to be different there is a container that you can call " so you!".  Medtainer has the great selection of colors and logo’s, it comes in two sizes but most importantly it has features.  Child resistant, water tight, air tight with a built in grinder.  So design your own with a custom order or buy the one that expresses you the most at I learned an immense amount on my simply of container and absolutely looked into the stock side of the company as well. Great Idea and people are buying them with impunity. Store, grind and pour your plants while expressing who you are as a smoker and that's alright by me! Until next time smoke it if you got it.


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