MedMoNews: Remembering Casey, Healthcare Reboot2027, Nurse's Week & 5 more events around the US

MedMoNews: Remembering Casey, Healthcare Reboot2027, Nurse's Week & 5 more events around the US

Hello MedStartr Community!

We write today to share all sorts of healthcare innovation news, but first, let's remember Casey Quinlan H.U.M.A.N.?? . One of the greatest voices for change in our community, the?Mighty Casey Quinlan, lost her long battle with cancer last month.?She was an inspiration to us all and showed the way to a generation of healthcare leaders and activists to fix what is broken in our healthcare system.?She managed to make the terrible experiences that happen in the healthcare system not just sad, but funny and then would propose better ways to do things.?She did it with?her writing,?podcasts, on stages (check out her skit from our 2016 MedStartr Momentum Conference), and most importantly for me, in real life.?She was always ready to talk about creative ways to fix healthcare and knew her stuff.?

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Casey Quinlan and Fret Trotter at Cinderblocks 22

I remember last year this week at Cinderblocks sitting with her as her cancer was spreading and she knew it.?She was in great pain but stayed up with me, Fred Trotter , Gail Zahtz ???? , Regina Holliday , Dipti Bhatt , and many others to share stories deep into the night.?We are gathering again this year at?Cinderblocks23?in two weeks to continue the fight she inspired us to, for patient-first healthcare innovation.?She also ended her life (like so many people)with medical debt and her friends are hosting an estate sale now to alleviate some of that.??If you would like to help out, please bid at the auction of?@MightyCasey's belongings is at? ends today.

Another terrible thing that has happened lately was to some of the brightest stars in our healthcare innovation sky, specifically, I refer to Pear Therapeutics declaring bankruptcy and Bright Health 's recent problems as well as issues at several other prominent healthcare disruptors. My view is that by grafting these new approaches in medicine onto the existing healthcare system, they didn't thrive as they might have in new care models with a deep focus on prevention and chronic care management. That is a general issue in traditional models of care, particularly in the US.?Perhaps they needed to be within an ecosystem of innovative care solutions, not stand alone for a condition or six.?We have seen that work from the self-insured employer side at Rosen Hotels & Resorts and the payor side at Sura under Gabriel Mesa Nicholls , but such models only account for less than 2% of all "lives" even though they have been shown to reduce costs and improve care dramatically.?We think this will grow as the current models of care and costs are unsustainable.?That's why we have assembled an all-star panel and one of the top thinkers in the future of healthcare for our next event,?Healthcare Reboot 2027.?Sometimes you just need to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del - (or whatever you do on a Mac.)?I want us to all think about what that will look like and share ideas and solutions.?We firmly believe that if we Connect, we will Collaborate and Create the future of Healthcare together.?We will gather in NYC next Wednesday,?join us in person in New York?or watch on? always.?If you have a great new idea, please also be welcome to apply to get on stage to pitch it to our crowd and maybe get into our portfolio of amazing companies leading this change?here.??

There is a ton of other news and opportunities, so please read and share with others you think will be interested.?We do more together and the global MedStartr Community and MedMoNews is here to help drive that.

Events and Contests (6)

1. Nationwide: MedMo World Tour Applications are Open

We are looking for our next teams to invest in and accelerate.?Stages in New York, Maryland and Florida are coming up in the next two months so apply once and you will be considered for them.?This is part of the MedStartr Due Diligence process where we let the crowd decide which teams get a deeper review and possibly $250,000 in funding and acceleration.?The next events are May 17th and 24th plus we have a great opportunity for interoperability solutions at a huge awesome conference in Florida in June at Intersystems.?Do not delay,?apply today. If you have questions reach out to me, Alex Fair .

2. Chicago: MATTER

Creating a Healthier Future for Our Kids: Addressing Chronic Conditions

Learn about the Healthy Kids Healthy Future: Innovation Competition and how you can help improve the management of chronic diseases for children

Day: Monday, May 15

Time: 11:00am–12:00pm CT

Learn more and RSVP here

*Shared by Steven Collens through Together.Health

MedStartr / Health 2.0 NYC

3. NYC: Healthcare Reboot 2027

May 17th, 6-9:30 PM, NYC

As mentioned above, this event is all queued up and should be great.?Looking forward to Manny Fombu 's vision for the future of healthcare!?Tickets are sliding scale from free for #patients and #startup founders to sponsor level.?Come on out and see the space we want to make a healthcare Innovation hub for NYC, grab a drink, discuss how to drive change and see some great #healthcare #startups.?This is our first event in NYC like this in a while so it will be great to see everyone.??Learn more and get tickets here!

Judges and Panelists: Gail Zahtz ???? , Ronald M. Razmi, MD , George T Mathew, MD, MBA, FACP , Avisha NessAiver , Gaurav Mehta , and me, Alex Fair

Moderator Grace Cordovano, PhD, BCPA

Hosted by Candid

Pitches: Unblock Health, Pheme, Antidote and up to two more

This event will take place in the space we want to create a healthcare co-working, accelerator and events.?Special discounts for early signups and sponsors! Tell us how we can help you and your company connect to the largest healthcare innovation community in NYC?here.

4: Boston: Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Mass Technology Collaborative

Digital Health Networking Event at Brigham and Women’s Hospital from

May 17th, 5:30 – 8. Boston, MA

There will be a panel discussion about the current state of medical extended reality (MXR) and future opportunities followed by plenty of time to meet with others and network.?You can find more information and register here-?

*Shared by Keely Benson through Together.Health

5. Maryland: Regina Holliday

Cinderblocks 2023

May 24th - 25th, Grantsville, MD

Cinderblocks is once again hosted in the beautiful mountains of Western Maryland. This event is a coming together of many voices and thought leaders focused on improving healthcare. We bring all that we have to the table. We welcome all to that table: doctor and patient, artist and musician, rabbi and pastor. We collaborate with others, while tearing down silos; then by burning the past we build a better future. We will also be running our MedMo Pitch contest here so use the apply link above to get in front of some of the most informed healthcare leaders and patient activists!

Tickets and more info here:?

6. Florida: Intersystems Interoperability Challenge

We are helping our friend and MedStartr Mentor?Shereese Maynard?find a few more great companies to pitch at the national Intersystems conference in Florida on June 13th.?Please use the MedSTartr application here and we will review for recommendation.?Note this is not a MedMo contest and has some amazing prizes, but they are listening closely to our recommendations.?Do not delay,?apply today.

7. Oregon: Society for Participatory Medicine

Advancing Health Equity Through Participatory Medicine

June 16th, 6 PM Portland, OR

Join our friends at S4PM for networking and panels on how to advance health equity.

Tickets and info at:? Thanks!?

Shared by John Novack from the Society for Participatory Medicine


In honor of Nurse's week, our?portfolio?company Care+Wear is offering a 30% discount code.?For the softest scrubs, amazing hospital gowns, picc line covers and infusion blouses with style and even hospital bedding now, check out? use discount code "WeCare30" for 30% off all scrubs through the 15th.


OffScrip Health .

When Healthcare Lands on the Healthcare Marketer?

Out of Patients with Matthew Zachary

What happens when the agency veteran has healthcare land in her lap? How might a decades-long marketing and healthcare communications background inform perspective, self-advocacy, decision-making, and the digestion of medical and support-related communications? Well, the answer may surprise you. KayAnn Schoeneman is the President of Curley Company and a young adult survivor of colon cancer. Her advocacy focuses heavily on prevention, testing, and screenings before recommended age. Her agency's client work evocates her belief in giving back while digging deep into purpose-driven social justice causes.


If you haven't heard some of our favorite MedStartr Mentors,? Aline Noizet ?and? Aditi U Joshi MD, MSc, FACEP ?on the?Healthusiasm podcast, we highly recommend it.

Got News?

We include all news sent to us.?Please format it as above and send to?[email protected].

Thank you for all you do for healthcare innovation every day.?We love helping drive healthcare forward and appreciate the hard work of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.?

Yours Truly,

Alex Fair

Managing Partner / Organizer

MedStartr. Venture Partners, /?Health 2.0 NYC

Call us @ 530.MED.STARtr?| or call me @?917.903.4612

Book a time to chat with me at?

Check out our rapidly growing portfolio of amazing companies at?

Fund III Opening June 2023,?email us?if interested in finding and funding the future of healthcare with the help of crowds of people like you.?Accredited investors and institutional investors only.


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