From the chapter MEDITATIONS of my upcoming book with the pretentious working title THE SECRETS which I may later change to OOH-OOH AND OTHER LITTLE THINGS.
In this thought-operated Universe, the way OUT of any life’s pitfall is through changing your mind, which is also the way INTO anything desirable. To that end the ancients created the practice of meditation.
First, let me dispel the Western myth that meditation is a relaxation technique used to ponder or contemplate. The word “meditate” is even used interchangeably with “ponder.” That is incorrect. Meditation is not about thinking. Let us use a much better Meriam-Webster definition: meditation is a practice where an individual is using a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, to achieve mentally clear and emotionally calm state. With a slight stipulation that “a particular object” could also be a word or an action, like breathing or listening to a sound one makes, this definition is correct, because it works.
Any meditation will calm you down and reduce blood pressure, among other health benefits, and so any meditation is better than no meditation, but some techniques produce miracles, where others don’t.
In this chapter I cover the following meditations:
Let’s start with the oldest and the most basic form of meditation. The first records of this meditation go back to 1500 BC or about 3500 years ago, the Dhayana. This oldest known Vedic meditation of the ancient Hindus, the simple breathing technique, is the immensely powerful procedure guaranteed to improve or alleviate a host of unwanted physical and emotional conditions. Sooner or later, it will also bring you face to face with a whole different realm of other spirits and the power-grids that keep the world together. You may even take a glimpse at the omnipresent field of intention we call God. You may even understand what that intention is. This most basic meditation is not to be underestimated. If you want to limit yourself to only one form of meditation, do this one:
Sit comfortably and breathe normally for ten-fifteen minutes in a quiet space, preferably twice a day. No, you don’t have to strike a fancy pose. No, you don’t need to burn incense or surround yourself with healing stones. No, you don’t have to breathe deeply or hold your breath. All you do is put your attention on your breathing and any sensations it creates in your body. The most difficult part of this procedure is understanding how simple it is. If you just inhale through your nose, noticing the expansion of your lungs and the coolness the air creates in your nostrils and the back of your throat and then noticing the sensations of the air being expelled from your body, and you do nothing else and think of nothing else, congrats, you are doing it right.
The only purpose of this meditation is to stop thinking—the simplicity itself. Do not burden it with any complexities. The only intention behind this exercise and the only benefit you are going for is to stop the endless chattering noise in your head. Periodically stopping that merry-go-round even for a few minutes is tremendously beneficial to you on many levels. Your thoughts are mostly concerned with the past and the future. Neither actually exists, except in your head. When you concentrate your attention on the cutting edge on NOW, like your own breathing, the bustling chatter in your head subsides, giving way to… Aha!
Taking it a step further in complexity, we get what I call:
Just as all effective forms of meditation, A Simple Thought meditation starts with just breathing to empty your mind--always. To that pristine mental landscape you then add a simple thought. It isn’t a sound, it is a thought, such as LOVE or HOPE or KNOW, or a phrase, like I LOVE MYSELF. I recommend to start with LOVE and then at a later date progress to I LOVE MYSELF to eventually graduate into I LOVE OTHER PEOPLE. Try to feel the emotion. Just keep thinking that thought and feeling the emotion for a few minutes.
By adding visualization in this expanded version, we specifically attempt to heal the body.
After the breathing part, when you are thinking a thought, such as “love,” and feeling the emotion that goes with it to any extent, place that thought into various parts of your body. I recommend starting with your toes as the points furthest removed from your head. Imagine placing the thought “love” in the big toe on your right foot. Do it several times, as many times as you need to feel it comfortably there. Then do the same with the big toe on your left foot. After you are done with your left big toe, you may want to go back to your right big toe just to see if it is all still comfortable. Then back to the left big toe. Repeat as many times as you feel like.
Next, take up all the other right toes one by one or collectively, then the left toes. Go back to the right again if you feel like it, then back to the left. Don’t be thrifty with the time you spend on your toes. Do not complicate the procedure with any arbitrary rules, such as saying “thank you” to yourself or facing Mecca or the the City Hall or anything else. Just keep putting your simple thought into your toes until you feel you really did it. Then do the balls and arches of the feet, the heels and any other parts of your feet you can think of. Then move up to your ankles or go directly to your knees or thighs and keep going. You can be as detailed or general as you wish. You can end off at any point after you are done with the feet, but, preferably, move all the way up your body to the top of your head.
As we and the crew of USS Enterprise know from William Shatner personally, space is the final frontier. We need space. We don't want to be small with everything in life impinging on us all the time. The space to grow into and use as insulation is not inherently ours, it needs to be conquered. We conquer space just as we conquer anything else: we move our stuff into it. The hands-down best way of doing it is producing and creating for others and being acknowledged for it. Do that. You will acquire a lot of space that way and fast.
That is viewed from the viewpoint of DOING things. That is what we DO to create space for ourselves. The condition preceding DOING is BEING. You have to BE somebody in order to DO something. You need to BE an electrician in order to run that circuit. You need to BE a contractor in order to build that house. You also have to BE ABLE to DO something. First you have to BE. Then you can possibly DO.
After you are done with the body, to conquer space you place that thought, let’s say “love,” into the space around you. For example, you can imagine placing that thought an inch to the right of your head, a foot to the left, a hundred feet behind, a mile that way, inside somebody’s house, under your feet, all the way over there, etc. You can also imagine stringing a white connector line between the “love” you placed in your heart and “love” you placed somewhere else, like in the head of a famous movie producer in Hollywood or in the heart of that special someone. That distance is what is actually called "space."
Important to remember here that these are healing techniques, intended to heal YOU. Your purpose for putting your thought into somebody’s office or anywhere else is to heal YOU, not to affect somebody else. This is not about anybody else but YOU.
The last note on Simple Thought Meditations is that the thought I LOVE PEOPLE or I LOVE OTHERS is a powerful thought. But it only works after you fully exhausted the thought I LOVE MYSELF. Spend as much time as you need on I LOVE MYSELF. Spend more time than you think you need and then go back to it any time you want. Spend months on I LOVE MYSELF. Those will be months well-spent.