Meditations for the First 30 Days
How NOT to Become Roadkill on the Highway to Recovery
Lesson Two
Marsha and Sally are good friends. Marsha likes to listen to nature, her eyes closed, and her feet in a cool stream. Sally likes to watch Monday Night Football, cursing like a sailor, and throwing popcorn at the screen. Sally is often too hoarse to talk the morning after a big game. Marsha tells Sally to seek an inner peace, away from the noise and chaos of modern life. Sally tells Marsha to get a life. After a game Sally will sit on her couch for an hour, too content to move.
Today I will look for peace in noisy places.
God, I won’t ask you to help my team. Just let me squeeze all the joy I can from the game, knowing that I can have fun without chemicals. (Did I mention their quarterback often takes Your name in vain?)
Meditations for the First 30 Days: How NOT to Become Roadkill on the Highway to Recovery, (c) 2002, 2019 by Ken Montrose
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