Meditations for the First 30 Days
A recovery eBook, free this week from
Lesson Seven
My dog’s brain is the size of a walnut. We used to walk in the woods behind my house. Two days in a row he got a big thorn in his paw. Now we walk the other way. When I try to walk him toward the woods, he sits down. He cannot be forced down the path where he felt the pain. I have a much bigger brain than my dog. Time and again I walked down a path that nearly killed me. When I look in his eyes I know he knows he’s smarter than I am. (Now and again I have to remind him who smashes his muzzle on the cabinets because he’s forgotten for the umpteenth time that he cannot stop on the linoleum.)
I will prove to myself that I have as much common sense as the average dog. I will not return to the places where I used alcohol and other drugs. I will not pick up the first drink or other drug.
God, thank you for the dogs. Remind me of their wisdom the next time I curse them as I clean the sole of my shoe.