Meditation and Your Personal Style
While the benefits of meditation are well researched and documented, I have never seen information on matching your personal style to your meditation technique
(Note: meditation is the process of reaching the alpha / theta brain state with a specific procedure, like visualizing a flame, repeating a mantra, or walking mindfully.)
Meditation research shows
(1) the method isn’t the key: consistent practice is
(2) 20 minutes two times a day provides the possible benefits (3) if using a mantra, any positive word works – it doesn’t have to be reflective of a religion/belief/system ?
I have two theories about meditation and personal style:
(1) meditation is easy when matched with your personal style, but arduous to impossible when conflicting with your personal style
(2) meditation teachers teach their own personal style to their students, not being aware of styles in general or their students’ styles in particular Read More…