Meditation with a tractor
Emma Queen
Emma Queen | Transformational Coach, Trainer & Therapist | Youth & Workplace Development | Nervous System Regulation Expert
I have been teaching meditation for nearly a year. And I have been meditating myself for several years. But in today's class, it was a first!
Allow me to explain.?
As the class was beginning, we thought it would make a difference to do the session on the balcony. We usually stay inside with the doors open to hear the beautiful waves crashing - but as a few people were away, we could all fit on the balcony. The sun was rising, and it was the perfect temperature. To be honest, it was heavenly out there.?
As we started, I could hear and see a huge tractor mowing the grass down from us a bit, and I asked the participants if they wanted to move inside; they all agreed to remain where they were - after all, they had set up their mats/cushions already.?
So we continued.?
As usual, I got everyone comfortable in their bodies, breathing and laying on the mat. We do a bit of breathwork, then lead to meditation. The laying down bit is around 40-45 mins in total.?
As I led them into relaxation of the mind and breath, the tractor started heading our way, and I thought to myself, if I can be calm and lead the group, they too will be relaxed.?
Throughout the session, the tractor making decibels of noise did circles around the building and area we were in. It was quite like hearing thunderous waves, with pieces of quiet time. I spoke and gave instructions during the quiet time and allowed the noise to be there. At one point, it felt like the tractor was coming into the building; we were cm's away from it. Yet, all my participants remained still and at ease.?
I spoke 50% of what I usually do in the session, and we did the meditation till the end. My students got up from their mats, and all gave me massive smiles! The tractor disappeared just as we finished.
They all told me what a fantastic experience it was! They were all calm and relaxed. They each said that the noise of the tractor hadn't phased them at all - and I believed them. These students have been coming regularly for several months, once or twice weekly. They have put in the work of consistency and commitment to themselves, and they can now meditate through massive noise and disruption - I am incredibly proud of them.?
So, what are the lessons, learnings and awareness that have come to me today??
Gosh, so many!
Life is just like a tractor. It will make noise, and you can either get mad at it or work with it. Or, of course, ignore it. It's all possible.?
Life is more challenging than noise. If you can monitor and manage your awareness to the point of being chill regardless - you can achieve anything. My participants nailed that today. As did I - I could have panicked and tried to change the inevitable. I'd like to say that I leaned into the experience and let the others to also.?
Lean into the noise. Lean into the disruption. Can you manage yourself and your emotions on what's happening externally? Because really... it's all you and your perception.?
If you are reading this far and you thought to yourself, 'I couldn't meditate with a tractor next to me!' Then, may I suggest that you come to meditation or a class near you? It sounds like you need it.?
Allow and surrender into the unknown, knowing you are safe. Knowing that the universe/God/whoever is looking after you.?
In my Lead with Light Matrix, I not only teach you tools for life. But also help you gain clarity on who you are and what you stand for. I also remind you that you can, indeed, trust yourself.?
If you knew what the right thing to do was, and it was crystal clear in your mind? What would it feel like if you had a centre of clarity? What would be different??
In times of doubt, what would it feel like to know within...that your inner voice/advice would work??
What if you had no idea what to do or what decision to make, and you could just reach inside the toolbox and use one of the tools in the matrix?
If this is speaking to you, let's chat and have a non-sales chat about the Lead with Light Matrix and whether you get a sense of if it's for you.?
Emma x