This article is all the revealed knowledge that I gained by the mental exercise called MANTRA YOGA my grandfather taught me. So I want to share it with the younger generation of our world without any distinction between life forms meaning all inclusive. The mantra that I used essentially says everything is ENERGY.?
There are two perspectives called sum and difference of potential and kinetic energies. The sum is called Hamiltonian and the difference is called the Legrangean. They are related through the Legendre Transform.?
There is a Newtonian macro world-view of Gravitation symbolized by a circle ( x**2+y**2=1). There is another Maxwellian Electromagnetic world symbolized by the hyperbola symbolized by (x**2-y**2=1).? You can easily see that the former is the sum and the latter is the difference. The square symbolizes ENERGY. Sum and difference frequencies are formed when you multiply two frequencies.? Max planck wrote Energy is Frequency. Shannon wrote that the Fourier Transform of the Autocorrelation of a random function is the energy density. This is information.? So we have a full picture of the universe as we know today.?
The notion of electron jumping between circular orbits was introduced by Dirac. I am introducing the notion of subatomic particles jumping between hyperbolic orbits. This will explain what Einstein thought were spooky.?
The world is periodic since energy is frequency which is cyclic. So the notion of zero and infinity merge in a circle or hyperbola.? So OHM symbolizes growth equilibrium and decay back to growth. There is nothing really disappearing. The low frequency is long duration and high frequency is short duration. Remember high frequency has higher energy although it lasts for a shorter period.?
So nobody is going to die. I want to come back as a tree. It lasts for a longer time. Some live for a thousand years. Some bacteria live for only a day. The tree is fascinating. It does not travel. It simply eats sunlight, drinks water and breathes air. It feeds all life forms. Look at the variety of every conceivable thing we see is energy manifesting. We perceive with sensors all manifestations including smell and taste. So they are all perceiving energy. My folks cremate dead bodies. It becomes ash. It is dumped into a local river,
There is a ritual in which they offer several things to fire. The ash is used as talcum powder!? They add water to make it into a paste, Then with the three middle fingers of the right hand they take the paste and draw three horizontal lines on their forehead. I never asked them why? I wish I had. So if you see an Indian with three white lines on his forehead, you know that he did this ritual of offering some things to Agni. The smoke from the? fire smells good when the vegetable matter burns. I know that it contained melted butter and cooked sweet rice. I got a spoon-full to eat. It tastes very good. I suppose that it keeps the fire-God Agni? happy.