“Meditation keeps us healthy, highly energetic, & productive”
Chandrasekhar Pulamarasetti
Founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, Meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
Meditation keeps the body highly energetic through out the day. This happens because of few factors- Good quality of sleep, resting the body during wakeful state due to lesser thoughts, and optimal food intake due to better digestion.
With our never-ending stream of to-do-tasks and unsolvable problems, many find it difficult to sleep at night. One primary reason is stress. The stressors in the body and the cortisol in our blood (the dreadful chemical dumped into blood due to constant stress) keep the body in fight or flight mode constantly and prevent us from sleeping. Inability to sleep can lead to mental, emotional and physical problems. Meditation eliminates the stressors slowly and brings us to the present moment awareness. This awareness of how our thoughts are affecting us, helps us to calm down and go to sleep easily.
Another reason for not having good sleep is low levels of melatonin, a brain hormone whose levels peak just before bedtime .. for deep and restful sleep. Studies have shown that melatonin levels of regular meditators doubles, enabling deep sleep with a rejuvenated feeling every morning. Heightened mental activity is another reason for poor sleeping patterns. When we are anxious or depressed, studies have shown that beta brain waves are active. Beta waves keep us engaged in focused mental activity and do not allow us to relax and sleep
An hour of meditation is equivalent to multiple hours of sleep up to 3 hours in some cases. Many meditators sleep much less than the average of eight hours. They can utilize that extra time for progressing. Many meditators find themselves active and fresh late into the night or wake-up fresh in the early morning. It is recommended to not force oneself to go to sleep and instead utilize that available time productively.
We conserve a lot of energy with lessened thought. With self awareness we stop speaking unnecessary words. When thoughts are less.. words are less automatically actions are less thus a lot energy is preserved.
Meditation helps to optimize the food needs of the body. cravings slowly start to come down. People who normally eat less may start feeling the need to eat more. Meditation tunes us more deeply into our mind & body, we naturally reduce unhealthy food habits including overeating, unhealthy snacking etc,.It becomes easier to cut off extra sugar and fatty foods from our diet. As meditation reduces stress, our body digestive system functions very well and makes food easily digestible, leading optimal physical energy.
Plant based diet is the most recommended diet for meditators. Plant based diet means vegetarian food. It has significant positive effect on both our body and mind. It’s much easy to digest. When an animal is in pain, stress hormones are released in its body to help cope with the pain it is undergoing. When a person consumes non-vegetarian food, the suffering and stress hormones of the animal which stay in the body cells get passed onto the person which eventually causes various health issues.
By switching to a plant based diet, we lessen the suffering of animals and fish. We reduce damage to our environment. We help eliminate food starvation in the world by helping redirect the food grains from livestock (cattle) to people. By turning to plant based diet, we create a compassionate world for all living being.
By being sincere and regular in our daily meditation practice, our sleep levels and food intake gets optimized helping us stay healthy and highly energetic.
Best Wishes
Chandra Pulamarasetti
Interested to Learn Meditation visit us @ https://buddhaceo.org/
Check this link for upcoming Advanced meditation and Manifestation retreat at Pyramid Valley Bangalore https://www.events.buddhaceo.org/
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