Meditation for Global Healing

Meditation for Global Healing

Many of us find our souls longing to contribute to the millions of people around the globe who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and the families of those who are sick and who have lost hundreds of thousands of loved ones.

As always, there is prayer and meditation.

I wrote this meditation and created this video with the help of Kim Fox-Gunderson, a master social worker of Chicago, and her talented daughters Riley Gunderson and Zo? Gunderson.

The Tibetan singing bowl music was created by The Very Real Horst of Duisburg, Germany.

Use this 12-minute meditation to send healing to the planet, to your human brotherhood and to all of nature.

If you watch the video on Youtube, please enjoy the photos of my angels, butterflies and flowers, remembering that we live on the most beautiful planet.

Come to a comfortable position. 

Whether you are sitting or lying down, place your body to be most comfortable.

Take three deep breaths.

Inhale peace. 

Exhale relax more. 

Inhale peace.

Exhale relax.

Inhale peace.

Exhale and let go.

Relax your physical body. 

Open your energy body. 

Calm your emotional body. 

Quiet your mental body. 

Begin to sense the peace deep within your spiritual body.


As you relax, call in four archangels.

Archangel Michael, come be with us.

Archangel Raphael, come be with us.

Archangel Gabriel, come be with us.

Archangel Uriel, come be with us.

Take a moment to feel their presence.

Feel yourself guided, uplifted and protected.



At peace.

Surrounded now by Archangel Michael for protection, Archangel Raphael for healing, Archangel Gabriel for truth, Archangel Uriel for illumination.

Call in your guardian angel.

Call in all your spiritual guides.

Feel yourself surrounded by the heavenly hosts.




Call in your higher self. 

Affirm your connection to the heavenly hosts.

Feel your connection go God Source.


Invoke the light within you. 

Affirm: I am a light of God’s love.

Affirm: I am a clear and perfect channel.

Affirm: Love and light are my guides.

Take a moment now to feel the peace within.

Take a moment now to envision the light within.

As you feel your light, as you envision your light, see the planet before you.

Envision all of nature.

The seas.

The oceans.

The rivers.

The lakes.

The trees.

The forests.

The sky. 

The earth. 

The mountains.

The valleys.

The birds of the sky.

The creatures of the earth.

The creatures of the seas.

The animal kingdom.


Our human brotherhood.

As you feel and see and perceive your connection to all of nature, all of humanity, begin to call in a circle of elders, your human brotherhood.

Sitting in a circle around holy bonfire.

These are the spirits of your ancestors.

Your mothers.

Your fathers.

Your grandmothers.

Your grandfathers.

Your great grandmothers.

Your great grandfathers.

All the elders.

All the ancestors.

Sitting in wisdom.

Sitting in support.

Sitting in love.

As you call in the circle of your elders, visualize yourself sitting amongst them.

There is silence.

There is peace.

There is wisdom in the quiet.

You feel the peace.

You feel the love.

You feel the support. 

As you sit with your elders call on streams of healing energies to come amongst you. 

May you be safe and free from harm.

May you be healthy and free from illness.

May you be happy.

May you be at peace.

As you feel the healing energy flowing through you, begin to channel healing energy.

May your family be safe and free from harm.

May your family be healthy and free from illness.

May your family be happy.

May your family be at peace.

May your neighbors be safe and free from harm.

May your neighbors be well and free from illness.

May your neighbors be happy.

May your neighbors be at peace.

As you feel the divine healing energy flowing through you, channel healing energy.

May mankind be safe and free from harm.

May mankind be healthy and free from illness.

May mankind be happy.

May mankind be at peace.

As you feel the healing streams of grace flowing to you and through you, visualize yourself sending peace.

As you feel the unconditional love flowing to you and through you, visualize yourself sending healing energy.

As you feel the power of divine Source flowing to you and through you, visualize yourself opening to channel healing frequencies at the highest rate that is beneficial to you and to the entire planet.

May the planet be safe and free from harm.

May the planet be healthy and free from illness.

May the planet be happy.

May the planet be at peace.

Take a moment now.

Invoking your power to channel the highest frequencies for healing beneficial for you and beneficial for the planet.

Feel the healing energy coming from your heart.

Feel the planet receiving. 

Feel yourself channeling the highest divine light.

Feel yourself channeling heavenly love, peace, understanding.

Feel yourself channeling healing energies to the entire planet.

Take a moment now.

Send healing energy to the planet, to the brotherhood of man, in only the way that you and you alone can offer. 

Rest a moment in the healing pools of heavenly light, heavenly love, heavenly peace.


As you rest, relax now in the divine understanding.

Affirm: All that comes to me and through me is received.

Affirm: I am a channel for divine love and light.

Affirm: All is well.

Affirm: I yield now to divine understanding.

Affirm: I let go and let God.


As you rest, see yourself sitting with your elders in a circle of power and light.

See the earth surrounded by light and love. 

Bring your awareness back to yourself.

Feel your physical body.

Feel the energy flowing through your energy body.

Feel the calmness in your emotional body.

Feel the peace in your mental body.

Feel the deep connection with your spiritual body.

Rest as long as you like.

Feeling blessed.

Feeling at peace.

Knowing you channel love and light.

What is healing? Healing happens when you make the space in your life for prayer and meditation.

To see Catherine Carrigan’s angel photos in full, please visit this page.

To set up an appointment for a medical intuitive reading or healing work, email [email protected] or call 678-612-8816. If you are outside the U.S., please call via WhatsApp. I can work with you from anywhere in the world by phone, Skype or Zoom video conference.

I’ve been searching around for ways to help everyone get through the Coronavirus, an illness known to attack the respiratory system, hinder breathing and adversely affect people’s lungs both during and after the virus.

I co-created a Meditation for Global Healing. You can listen and watch the video on Youtube with photographs of angels, butterflies and flowers at this link.

We added an extra Saturday morning 10 a.m. yoga class on Zoom. You can find out about joining us at the link.

I discussed how to stay out of overwhelm during the coronavirus pandemic at this link.

I wrote about the healing power of rest at this link.

Discover how to cope with the loneliness of social distancing during the coronavirus by reading this article. 

Read a message from the orchid world at this link.

Turn to Mushti Mudra to release emotional stress when you don’t think you can handle any more anxiety, depression or loneliness. Find out by reading this blog.

I wrote a blog and created a video “How You Can Balance Your Lung Meridian” to read and watch at this link.

I explained “How to Clear Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” at this link.

I published “24 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally Right Now” that you can read at this link.

I wrote a blog with directions and a video for Linga Mudra, a hand mudra you can use anytime, anywhere to boost your immune system. You can read that here.

I pondered the metaphysical meaning of the Corona virus. You can read that article at this link.

And above all I know how profound the breathing exercises in The Little Book of Breathwork can be.

I wrote the book and produced a series of FREE videos of these exercises because I know you can usually cut your anxiety in half in a mere eight minutes. That’s why I called the breath work routine “Eight Minutes to Inner Peace.”

When it’s 2 a.m. and you can’t call your best friend, you can practice the breathing exercises, affirmations and hand mudras to feel better.

When you’re experiencing shortness of breath, anxiety, high blood pressure or don’t know what else to do to make yourself feel better, these are simple tools you can turn to for FREE.

If you are sick with Coronavirus and notice yourself having trouble breathing, you can turn to these breathing exercises, hand mudras and affirmations to redirect your chi and hopefully open up your airways.

To join us for yoga and qi gong classes via video conference right now, email [email protected] or call 678-612-8816 to receive the code. Yoga classes meet via on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 9 p.m. EST and Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST. Qi gong meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. EST. Saturday mornings 10 a.m.


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