"Meditation eliminates stress and enhances health and energy significantly"?

"Meditation eliminates stress and enhances health and energy significantly"

When we have radiant health, high energy and greater intelligence, we enhance our performance significantly in whatever we do. In this 24x7 connected global business world, daily work demands are very high. Staying away from work due to recurring illnesses can be challenging for the individual as well as the organization. For managers and leaders, the need to be healthy and energetic is even more important. They need to carry out the daily activities with great enthusiasm to inspire their teams. Relationships get better when we give adequate time for families and children, even after a long day at work.

Breath-mindfulness meditation is naturally providing all of this. It improves physical quotient, greatly. Physical quotient deals with health and energy in the body. Regular meditation practice helps one gain radiant health by eliminating stress, relaxing and repairing the body and anti-ageing the body. In addition, meditation helps to expand wisdom and change limiting thoughts and beliefs. We learn that “we heal ourselves” and this alone helps to heal several deep-rooted long term ailments in the physical body through newer gene expression. Epigenetics is telling that when we elevate our body into heightened emotions and feelings.. we can upregulate many new genes and produce new proteins that can repair and reconstruct the parts of body.

Energy in the body is increased significantly by reduced volume of thought and mind chatter, increased optimal sleep patterns and optimal food habits. Thought is energy. Regular practice of meditation helps conserve energy of the body due to reduced number of thoughts.

With a daily meditation practice, all sleep disorders disappear. Meditation helps to go into deep sleep states easily and increases the quality of sleep, while optimizing the sleeping hours. The body gains lot of energy and health during deep sleep. With a regular meditation regime, food intake too is automatically regulated with increased digestion and reduced cravings, resulting in building up of energy.

Most of the body diseases are psychosomatic, which involves both the mind and body. Every physical disease has some aspect of mental component, and how an individual reacts and copes with it varies significantly. Research has shown that more than 90% of the body illness is due to stress. In stressful situations, the body moves into "fight or flight mode". Body needs this mechanism to protect itself in emergency situations such as an animal chasing us.

In this mode, our body pumps several stress hormones including cortisol in to our system, and pumps more blood into legs and hands for additional energy. This increases the blood pressure, breathing and heart rates, and tightening of muscles. In order to pump that extra energy, the body lowers it’s activity in other areas. The digestive system goes into sub-optimal mode. The higher cognitive functions in frontal brain become blurred and so on. This mode lasts only for a couple of minutes soon after the emergency condition goes away and the body returns to normalcy. This is all good to protect ourselves.

However, in the current times, people re-live past emotional events again and again and move the body into the same stressful situations constantly. The event need not be physically occurring. An event of heated argument at workplace may be recalled again and again, leading one to move into constant stressful situations. This leads to sustained sub-optimal functioning of the body, causing all kinds of illnesses. It exhausts our entire nervous system, releasing cortisol and adrenaline in a vicious cycle, eventually causing “burn-out”. Decision making becomes poor and work performance suboptimal. Other ill effects include premature ageing, weakened immunity and reduced brain capacity.

Through regular breath-mindfulness meditation, our mind chatter is significantly reduced, resulting in reduction of stressful thoughts and memories. This helps to relieve the stress completely by structurally transforming the brain into how it responds to situations. There is no longer the constant rush of adrenaline and cortisol into the body, and there is no interference into its natural functioning. There is significant reduction in brain's anxiety, depression and fear centre (amygdala) activity. In short, meditation helps our body to not go into "fight or flight" mode unnecessarily, and let it function at its best and most naturally.

Best wishes

Chandra Pulamarasetti 

Interested to Learn Meditation visit us @ https://buddhaceo.org/ for the Meditation sessions

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