Meditation eats conspiracy theories for breakfast.

Meditation eats conspiracy theories for breakfast.

I have a friend who drives his car in only first, second, fourth, and fifth gear, he does this because he considers 3 to be an unlucky number. It's easy to dismiss this behavior as stupid but let's analyze why this happens and why everyone falls for superstitions and develops an unscientific temper. Here are the possible steps that lead to such thinking

  1. We have to realize that thoughts in consciousness can give birth to many conspiracy theories every moment because overwhelmingly thoughts that arise in consciousness are mostly negative, it's almost like the theatre of the absurd.
  2. The mistake we make is that we think we author these thoughts so we identify with them. So a thought rises that number 3 is an unlucky number, a person's mind identifies with the thought, he then goes ahead and propagates the conspiracy theory and soon many people join in and so a ritual is created around it, many Indians consider number 3 as unlucky, Australians consider 87 as unlucky ( because it's 13 short of 100), number 13 universally is considered unlucky, people in the Uk consider 111 as unlucky.
  3. Meditation eats conspiracy theories for breakfast, it helps in creating a gap between when a thought arises and how our mind reacts to it, conspiracy theories are treated with nonidentification, it's almost like treating an annoying individual with indifference.?

In essence, meditation helps in developing a scientific temper, which saves lives, removes unnecessary terror, helps us make wise decisions.

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