Meditation Can Be Calming
Meditation can be calming – what do you think?
People begin a meditation practice for a variety of reasons.
Some of these reasons are:
Reducing Stress?
Stress and the symptoms of stress related conditions such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety may all be reduced through a regular practice of meditation.
Someone may be looking to be more self-aware and developing emotional awareness and many find that from their continual meditation practice.
Positive Outlook
A more positive outlook may develop with a regular meditation practice.
Spiritual Growth
A path to spiritual growth may take place with a regular meditation practice.
And there are many more reasons and benefits to having a regular meditation practice.
What is often the excuse given for not even trying to experience meditation?
There’s just no time in my day for something like that!
Imagine with all of these benefits and more not to be able to make the time. You don’t even need to go anywhere. This may be done anywhere.
What do you think?
More specifically when do you actually think?
Now I’m not speaking about the thoughts that swirl around in all of our heads each day. Mostly these are things we’re worried about.
Some memories pop in once in awhile. We’re additionally considering where we stand on something or someone. Of course we’re thinking a lot about ourselves too. This is known as mind wandering. These are thoughts randomly popping in and out of our mind wandering around aimlessly.
What if 30 minutes a day, to start, was spent on intentional thinking on a specific topic, area, potential invention or something else very targeted and specific. Phone turned off. No laptop. No disturbances.
Do you think this time spent might earn some results?
Once you see these results would you consider trying one hour a day? Or possibly two distinct 30 minute periods each thinking on a different subject?
Here is the thing – it is absolutely the rare person who is even considering doing this. It’s not because they don’t think it’s worth it. It’s because they never thought about it!
Reread this article and give it a try. You may find that you are the next Elon Musk or Albert Einstein.
Wenkroy International LLC is a Professional Advisory company with a main purpose of helping entrepreneurs and business people create the strategy, the plan and the steps necessary to achieve that person’s vision for their business and often their life, while navigating the obstacles which may be blocking them from reaching their goals. The process may involve one on one coaching, advising, laser focus days, personal growth workshops and more. The methods utilized are determined together. The results and value positively impact individuals, teams, divisions and across entire companies. People are now able to focus on what matters most to them, because, they have clarity on where they are heading.
As always share the information in this article with people you know.