Meditating on the Still Point
The still point is the reality of the present. To become more receptive to this immediacy of the moment requires being willing to participate in the original state of being. Close the eyes and surrender the need to know or be concerned about anything in the outside world. It’s on this attentive stream of perception that everything that needs to happen unfolds. Keep the focus directly in front of the screen of inner space.
You are looking into a world, just as when engaged in the external experience of life – but with a difference. The formal aspect of perception is stripped significantly of its materiality, and what remains is the psychic representation of the physical world of the senses. Closing the eyes preserves energy usually projected outwards to adjust to the inner state of being. Later, when the body consciousness resonates more to the present than the past, the eyes can be opened without losing energy as before.
One of the immediate benefits of regularly entering the body through inner stillness is the release of the normal tensions gathered in existence. These constrictions of energy normally gather on the crown of the head, behind the eyes and within the cheeks. Unbeknown, we tend to hold up the world in fear of what would happen if we were to let go. Here we are consciously relinquishing any tightness or build-up of negative emotionality. It’s important in these meditative practices to be light in breath and spirit. Thoughts may try to invade the perimeter of mind with enticements to break away to attend to other matters besides being still in the body. But it’s to hold your ground by refusing to identify with any mental image, and observe without judgement whatever appears in the mind.
As stillness permeates ever deeper into the subconscious realm, a shift in the perception occurs. It’s an unalterable law of life that whatever is false is compelled to reveal itself to the superior power of consciousness. This means that the psychic force of self becomes exposed to the light of the spirit, which harnesses more power of stillness through the purity of space. The practice now is to surrender any build-up of psychic pressure. ‘Look through’ any emotional energy trying to arise but without resistance. Be as nothing within the pure perception of inner space.
The still point is the power that creates everything in existence. We are invoking this reality of life by simply being here and giving the time to be still – and acknowledging in love the opportunity to do so. The realisation of the still point can happen at any moment. It may be just a flash of recognition at first. But the sign that the divine connection has been made is when a radiant point of light is activated as a visible presence within the stillness. Not unlike the signal from the lighthouse to light the way home, the still point is none other than the guiding light of the spiritual being which has been supporting the life since birth.
So, it’s to enter the body whenever reminded and allow the genius of your own being to help show the way.
My e-books, articles and videos offer guidance in entering the body.