Meditate on the Word of God The Key to Our Wholeness and Our Promise Land
Tassyane Assis
All About My Father’s Business | I can help you plan, write, and publish your book | Author | Teacher | Coach | Speaker
We live in a day and age where there are so many distractions, so many things trying to pull our attention in different directions, that it can be so hard sometimes to give our minds a break. No wonder there is a worldwide pandemic of emotional and mental breakdown—even within the church. We barely give ourselves the time to stop and process what God is saying to us.
But God has a solution. As a matter of fact, He’s had a solution from the beginning.
I love this passage from the book of Joshua 1:5-9 (NKJV).
“No man shall?be able to?stand before you all the days of your life;?as I was with Moses,?so?I will be with you.?I will not leave you nor forsake you.?Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.?Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law?which Moses My servant commanded you;?do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may?prosper wherever you go.?This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but?you?shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.?Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage;?do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the?Lord?your God?is?with you wherever you go.â€
God is the source of our potential, which means our potential is unlimited when we are connected to Him. Just like each fruit has a seed that has the potential to become a tree of its own kind, which can multiply and produce unlimited fruit, so do we have seeds to become like mature trees that multiply the fruit. ?
The seeds represent God’s character in us, the tree is our maturity in Him, and the multiplication represents His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven through our lives. Abundant life in every area of life. A life that produces unlimited fruit.
But does every seed become a tree and produce fruit? No!
Some seeds—at least in my house, MOST seeds—end up in the garbage, dead and with all their potential to ever become a tree completely wasted.
Why? Because I didn’t plant that seed, I didn’t nurture it, I didn’t cultivate it. I didn’t give it a chance.
The same is true for us. We are seeds of God, made in His image, with the fruit of the Spirit, with unlimited potential to grow, mature, become more like Christ, and produce fruit in every area of our lives.
That potential is there, but we will only begin to live it out if we are connected to the source.
God will always fulfill His promises, but He is not obligated to fulfill our potential. THAT IS ON US. We must tap into the source and nurture the seed in order to fulfill our potential!
The Israelites had been promised the land of Canaan, and it was the best there was. It was referred to as a land that flowed with milk and honey. That meant it was rich and produced everything it needed to sustain its inhabitants. It was a prosperous and productive land. It was an illustration—a symbolic picture—of heaven. And that’s the land God promised to the Israelites.
Then they went to spy on the land and saw that the land was, in fact, good, rich, flowing with milk and honey, giant fruits, and full of potential. But there was one problem… It was full of giants. Ten out of the twelve spies came back with a bad report.?
That bad report filled their hearts with unbelief, as well as the entire camp. That entire generation, except for Joshua and Caleb, lost access to the promised land because of their unbelief.
There is a part of the promise that requires absolute faith.
The Israelites had already been given the land, but it was their responsibility to conquer it. And there were giants. That’s a fact.
But it was already their land. If God gave them the land, He also gave them the ability to defeat the giants. The giants weren’t a surprise to Him.
In the same way, we have already been given promises, but we must conquer our promised land. And often, there are giants.
In the passage we read from Joshua, He said to not be afraid, to not be anxious, to be strong and courageous.
And He gives a word, which is the KEY to our HOW.
- How do we keep ourselves together?
- How do we make our way prosperous?
- How do we live a lifestyle of surrender?
- How do we stay courageous and strong?
- How do we make Him our one and only source of EVERYTHING?
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but?you?shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.â€
Everything begins in our thoughts. First, we speak until we believe, then we speak because we believe, and we begin to act accordingly.?
Biblical meditation is not like other meditation, where you sit and try your best to empty your head. It's actually quite the opposite. You intentionally think of what you are going to think—the Word of God—and you guard your thoughts so that intrusive ones don’t disrupt your meditation.
Meditate in the Word is another way to say, “Keep your focus on GOD ALONE, your only source!â€
The Biblical definition of meditation is: deep contemplation, a turning over and around in the mind to gain greater understanding and be changed by it, to moan, growl, utter, muse, mutter, plot, speak, groan, imagine.
It is the renewal of our minds that Romans 12:2 talks about.
Replacing old belief systems with NEW BELIEF SYSTEMS, like I talked about extensively in my book The Pursuit of Freedom. It is truly the HOW to pursue our next level of freedom.
I know it sounds simple—and it is—but simple doesn’t mean easy.
It is not easy, because as soon as we come across those giants, and believe me, we will, we begin to think we need bigger weapons. Different, more equipped people to go fight with us. We think we need to do more to become more.
That’s unbelief.
God already said it: Be strong and courageous. Meditate on His word, do not let it depart from your mouth, renew your mind, make your way prosperous.
Let’s not allow unbelief to invade our souls, and let’s not allow unbelief to keep us from the promises that God has already given us. Let’s instead move forward in faith and surrender to Him.