Mediocre and Under-Performance in Organisations Pt 4: 14 Unreasonable Performance and Results Expectations from Leaders and Managers On employees.
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
Many organisational leaders and managers expect high performance and extraordinary results from their employees. This is aspect alone has a colossal impact in triggering, escalating and perpetuating underperformance and average to mediocre performance that is so widespread in the world. In most of these organisations, non-executive, non-managerial staff and employees are the ones who take the blame for such underperformance and bad or meagre results. Many top leaders and managers then absolve themselves from the poor or underperformance of their organisations. This is a result of either lack of understanding of what drives high performance and exceptional results or lack of interest in high performance.?
There is explanatory detail on each of the fourteen reasons has its own details and dimensions that need further explanation. In many organisations, underperformance is not caused by just one of the fourteen elements but a combination of two or more. It is important that because of the nature of performance, addressing one element without addressing the others does not always lead to positive outcomes because performance is driven by an interactions of these factors and others not mentioned here.
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?Simon Bere