Medieval settings
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
Despite the government ostracism to which they are subjected, the scarcity of births and the exodus of a youth that renounces the countryside and old traditions, seeking the fallacious opportunities of the big cities, there are towns that still resist with stoic heroism the inevitable attacks by a brutal enemy, time, and although badly wounded by it, they still, in essence, refuse to die.
Towns, which, nestled in the depths of that historic heart of inland Spain that still continues to be the old and melancholic Castile, offer, both to the cultural tourist and to the unrepentant adventurer, the opportunity to live the experience of wandering at will through dream scenarios, which have changed little or nothing since that Dantesque medieval era in which they were created, offering the sensation that time, in some inexplicable way, has also fallen into its own trap, incomprehensibly stopping its path.
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