The Medicine Wheel: Inward Action for Manifestation
Graphic by Kati Pauls

The Medicine Wheel: Inward Action for Manifestation

I feel restless and I know I'm not the only one. There seems to be a collective feeling of restlessness, as if we're all suspended in time, mid-action, waiting for our lives to be un-paused. So many of us are at the same phase in the creative process...waiting. We began with a vision, prepared the soil, planted the seed, nurtured the seedling into a magnificent tree, and now, tarrying beneath its branches, we gaze expectantly upward, eager for our efforts to bear fruit.

How many times have we heard, "patience is a virtue?" How many times have we come to close to throwing in the towel, abandoning our endeavor only to start all over again with slight modifications to the original idea? We know that in order to manifest more efficiently, we must "let go" of the constant nurturing, forget about the outcome and focus our attention somewhere else. It is not an easy thing to do, and something about it doesn't feel quite right.

Since I am a "feeler," I instinctively go inward and sit with my feelings, trusting that there is wisdom woven throughout the emotions that will offer guidance. I close my eyes and allow the emotions surrounding this moment to emerge. Frustration. Impatience. Restlessness.

We are in the season of summer, of yang energy and we innately feel the urge to move, inspire and to create - the exact opposite of being still and restful.

So what can we do that will both honor the phase that we find ourselves in within the creative process AND satisfy our seasonally-motivated desire to take action?

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Graphic created by Kati Pauls

Enter the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel is a sacred hoop that represents the cycle of life, the cycles of nature, and the interconnectedness of the Universe. It has been used for millennia in indigenous cultures to bring harmony and wellbeing to its people.

The Medicine Wheel consists of a circle divided into four quadrants or directions: south, west, north and east. Each direction holds specific teachings, energies and qualities. Although an ancient tool, its teachings can be applied to our lives today to bring about greater harmony, balance, and connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Before You Enter The Sacred Hoop

Find a quiet space, have a journal and pen at your side, and be prepared to physically move your body to face the direction you are working within. Spend time in each direction, be still, ask yourself the suggested questions below and write down your answers. Try not to edit your answers and just write what comes to you.

Enter the Medicine Wheel from the South

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Graphic created by Kati Pauls

The south is linked to the warmth of the noonday sun, vitality, and the element of fire. It represents the emotional realm, passion, and creativity. It symbolized adolescence, emotions, and the nurturing aspects of life. The south teaches us to connect with our emotions, listen to our hearts, and cultivate our creative expression.

The Invitation - Are there any areas in your life where you feel stagnant or resistant to change? What can you do to ignite and nurture your passions and bring more vitality and enthusiasm into your life?

Continue to the West

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Graphic created by Kati Pauls

The west is associated with the setting sun, introspection, and the element of water. It represents the spiritual realm, introspection, and transformation. It symbolizes adulthood, autumn, and the need to let go of what no longer serves us. The west teaches us to explore our inner selves, face our fears, and embrace change as a path to personal growth.?

The Invitation: What are the lessons or gifts that your challenges and hardships have brought you? What gifts of talents have you been neglecting or underestimating?

Step Into the North

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Graphic created by Kati Pauls

The north is linked to the stillness of the night, wisdom, and the element of earth. It represents the physical realm, practicality, and ancestral knowledge. It symbolizes elderhood, winter, and the importance of grounding and stability. The north teaches us to honor our ancestors, seek wisdom from past experiences, and live in harmony with the natural world.?

The Invitation: In what ways can you cultivate stillness, silence, and solitude in your life? How can you integrate the teachings of your elders and mentors into your own journey?

End in the East

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Graphic created by Kati Pauls

The east is associated with the rising sun, new beginnings, and the element of air. It represents the mental realm, intellectual growth, and clarity of thought. It symbolizes birth, youth, and the spring season. It encourages us to seek knowledge, embrace change, and approach life with an open mind.?

The Invitation: What new beginnings or fresh starts are you seeking in your life? How can you cultivate a sense of optimism and openness to new possibilities?

Step outside of the Medicine Wheel and reflect on your answers and the time you spent listening to your soul. Ask yourself one final question:

How can you bring the energy and insights gained from your spiritual practice into practical, everyday life??

Take your answers and apply them to your everyday life, particularly to the situation that has you feeling restless and impatient.?

For example, when you were in the south, what did you learn about things that you are resisting? Perhaps removing the block and allowing more of what you are resisting will deliver your heart’s desires more quickly.?

When you were in the north, what solutions did you come up with that would allow for more solitude and stillness? Maybe waking up half an hour earlier to sit in meditation, before turning on any electronics, so you can hear your soul speaking to you. Instead of ingesting content from other sources, you create your own content that will bring your goals into reach.

Inward Action for Meditation

When you are at the brink of giving up on your endeavors because you are not seeing results fast enough, and you are feeling frustrated and restless, go inward! There is always action you can take there and insights to be gained that will reflect outward in the form of manifesting your heart’s desires.

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Hi, I'm Kati

In case we haven't met yet, I am the Brand Alchemist and currently the Creative Lead at Conquer Your Business. Feel free to add me as a connection and reach out if you want to talk about design, branding, and websites.


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