Medicare Enrollment Begins With Holistic Education
Jill Dillingham
Healthcare - Digital Transformation - Business Strategy - Revenue Operations
The volume of Medicare disenrollments and complaints of inappropriate marketing practices are a black mark on a system tasked with supporting a vital population. While yes, there are a litany of bad actors in the marketplace, there is an issue upstream - the beneficiary's an incomplete or incorrect understanding of the Medicare benefit landscape and how it operates. More importantly, an alarming number of beneficiaries do not understand how this complex system applies to them as an individual.
I feel like a broken record on repeat saying, "every day 11,000 people become Medicare eligible. We simply throw them in the deep end of the pool and wish them luck."
So, what can an enrollee do to not only understand the lay of the land but also feel confident that they're finding the right coverage for their needs?
So, let's minimize the risk by beginning with bespoke education that increases understanding of the Medicare system and promotes confidence in plan decision making? Drumroll....... enter Artificial Intelligence and behavioral science.
Even at first blush, employing an AI tool is clearly a better vehicle for retained education in the senior population than static content. By providing a personalized and interactive learning experiences, the beneficiary is going to automatically be more confident in their choice which leads to stickier enrollments & increased brand affinity. Everyone wins!
AI technology can analyze and understand the unique needs and preferences of each individual as well as provide them with tailored educational experience that is relevant to their specific situation. Goodbye to Medicare textbook materials fraught with If/Then statements that are difficult to follow.
Static content is one-size-fits-all and may not address the specific concerns or questions of the individual. The expectation that a beneficiary (or even the adult child trying to help their parent) can decipher eligibility data, variances in out of pocket by plan and formulary differentials for their own needs demands a personalized experience.
By employing AI-driven Medicare education on the front end of the enrollee experience, we optimize the quality and accessibility of healthcare education for the entire Medicare population, leading to better health outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system.