Medical Secrets of Your Food
Dewy-eyed? Sneezing, sniffing? Coughing? Come spring, this is the story with almost everyone.
With the rise in humidity and temperature in this season, microbes in the air tend to multiply and disperse through the air – causing allergies. One need not go near a flower to get a runny nose or an itchy eye because these pollens travel for miles together. These allergens (Pollen from flora, dust and mould spores) cluster early in the day and late in the evening with the cool air and rise again in broad daylight. That being said, an allergy is an immune response of our body to the allergen. The allergic response features histamine and antibodies release causing such irksome symptoms and the second cup of coffee.
Sure, popping pills is a quick fix but not a permanent one. Let us walk through a few age-old remedies with the help of herbs to combat the allergy outbreak in the city.
While we cannot control the environment, we can definitely take the right steps to sooth the hypersensitivities. To choose herbs for remedial purposes was apparent. Mainly due to their anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. The methods in which these herbs are consumed can enhance their properties as decongestants, mast cell stabilizers, immune boosters and much more.
Moreover, the beauty of herbs lies in their potency- a few sprigs can do wonders.
After a thorough research, we have shortlisted 7 herbs which have a strong potency, would be easy to come by, easy to use and certainly tickle your taste buds.
1. Dwarf Morning Glory: Shankapushpi (Evolvulus Alsondis)
This green leaf is found all over Karnataka. There are two varieties – white and blue.
How it works: A chemical study of this plant was then initiated, which led to the isolation of carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, fatty acids, steroids, coumarins, flavonoids, and glycosides as active chemicals that bring about its biological effects, including CNS depression, anxiolytic, tranquilizing, antidepressant, antistressor, neurodegenerative, anti-amnesic, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, immunomodulatory, analgesic, antifungal, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antiulcer, anticatatonic, and cardiovascular activity.
Taste: Slightly bittersweet
· Decoction made with water(1:40) – Consume ? a cup daily
· Fresh leaf juice – 1 tsp twice a day
2. Curry Leaf: Kadi Patta (Murraya koenigii)
The curry tree is grown in hot and damp parts of India – mostly as a backyard tree.
How it works: These shiny aromatic leaves contain a glucoside named Koenign as the active ingredient. Curry leaves are very rich in essential nutrients like copper, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, fibre, carbohydrates, magnesium and iron which enhance immunity and strengthens anti-inflammatory properties.
Taste: Bitter but aromatic
· Decoction made with water(1:40) – Consume ? a cup daily
· Fresh curry leaf juice 1-2 tsp in lime juice and honey
· Eat 8-10 leaves early morning for 3 months
3. Honey Suckle: (Lonicera japonica)
Honey suckle is cultivated in hill stations of India.
How it works: The leaves and flower of the Honeysuckle plant contain an amorphous glycoside and salicylic acid along with secoiridoid and secoxyloganin. Tannins, inositol and lutolin are also present. All these components combined make the Honeysuckle plant a sweet and soothing medicine.
Taste: Sweet and Cool
· Raw: Can be eaten as a salad.
· Tea: Drink tea made with dried honeysuckle.
· Syrup: The decoction made thick by adding sugar and concentrating the solution
4. Mint: Pudina (Lamiaceae family )
Honey suckle is cultivated in hill stations of India.
How it works: Mint contains mint volatile oil, aliphatic acid, mint alcohol and menthol crystals. It induces perspiration, dispels fever, works against spasms and coughing, dispels mucous and functions as an anti-bacterial.
Taste: Sweet, Cool, Pungent
· Raw: Fresh Mint mingles well with any salad
· Tea: Drink tea made fresh mint leaves
· Decoction: 1g of clove, 1g mint, 2g honeysuckle and 50 ml potable water – daily for 5 days
5. Rosemary: (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary plant is an evergreen perennial shrub with aromatic needle-like leaves, coming from the same family as basil and mint.
How it works: Rosemary contains a number of phytochemicals, including rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, carnosic acid, and carnosol. They work mainly as antioxidants to fight against allergens, as detoxing and gives a comforting effect as well.
Taste: Warm, Spicy, Sweet
· Condiment: Spring few rosemary leaves over your food
· Tea: Drink tea made fresh rosemary leaves
· Decoction: Decoction made with water (1:40) – Consume ? a cup daily
6. Dill Leaves: (Anethum graveolens)
Dill is a very attractive herb, with dark green, almost feathery leaves and umbrella-like flowers, grown all over India.
How it works:
The pinnate thin needle like leaves contain certain volatile oils like anethine, phallanderene, d-limonene, apiol and other sterepthenes. These contribute to antioxidant properties, soothing the nervous system for irritable symptoms and overall calming effect in the body.
Taste: Combination of fennel, anise and celery, with warm, slightly bitter undertones.
· Condiment: Sprinkle dill over your food dishes, raita or chutney
· Decoction: Decoction made with water (1:40) – Consume ? a cup daily
Many studies have shown the anti-allergic potential of these herbs. But there are many more herbs, spices and nuts which can work wonders in combination as well. Apart from antioxidants and phytonutrients in herbs and spices, omega fatty acids and vitamin C are very strong anti-allergic components as well!
To Sum It Up!
We know there is no magic potion for any disease or disease prevention. Somehow these ‘Clark Kent’ foods have been defined as panaceas.
You might be shocked to know that as much as these bioactive nutraceuticals do well to particular parts or functions of the body, on a higher amount (dose) or long run (frequency) tend to vitalize negative cells in the same way (malignant cells or foreign bodies). High amount of turmeric is a carcinogen.
These terms tend to detract one of the crux of healthy nutrition, which is to choose a diversity of food, a colourful plate, if you will. So, if you want to keep the super in superfoods or the functionality in functional foods alive, you must incorporate them in your daily healthy diet along with an active life.
-Ishita Biswas