Medical Report.
Craig Finch
Check out everything that’s FREE and included in 1 CLUB! Don’t miss this opportunity to access top-tier resources. DM me for more details.
Do you have business Flu?
Call Craig Today +44 (0)1772 977224 or email [email protected]
1. Your marketing isn’t biting.
2. You are stuck in a – how do I loop?
3. You have a lack of clarity + direction. Solutions seem foggy.
4. You’re under pressure, on a spectrum of treacly progress to facing extinction.
It’s OK – you can recover quickly; business flu very rarely kills off a business that has a good reason to exist.
Early diagnosis is important as there are only 12 months in each year.
You may lack resources or time to do all that is necessary to make sales hit or exceed the numbers your business needs to make. Creating a route to sales with low exposure to test appetite is a good starting point. When validated you can scale and grow sales through that pathway.
You may be trying to pitch your messages, offerings, products or services on too many channels or places. You may even be pushing out to the wrong channels! You spend more time and money trying to win new business than you make in the resulting sales and that’s a one-way ticket to failure.
Do not get hooked into ‘vanity stats’ please – your analytics or reach or web visits may be going up but if that is not translating to enquiries or sales – something’s wrong. Appreciating that customers are being bombarded everyday with hundreds of brands, offers and requests should help you to realise that creating a ‘non muddling’ easy way for them to engage, communicate and deal with you on demand with no effort is essential.
Not relying on them to remember ‘you or your, this or that’ builds much stronger loyalty and improves future sales + profit. Give them a one click pathway to everything you want to say, tell or sell it, boosts nurturing and building your customer base becomes a clean and simple routine.
You may be running the business lean and that’s a good thing, however being ‘over lean’ usually bounces everything back on you. The outcome here is usually over burn, quality issues, poor communication with customers and these vibes usually accumulate into a loss of credibility and reputation. Its much easier to undo than build up. You don’t have any time to grab back in the business to learn new skills because you are constantly firefighting.
Things not going as well as you desire usually manifests in cash flow issues or blockages. Your focus naturally is driven on managing that one area of the business, you may borrow from Peter to pay Paul and this is where a best intention can create ripple effects - in some cases it means you haven’t put your VAT aside or you haven’t factored the Corporation Tax payment that is looming.
Managing the Pain
Springboard your business in 2020 with this 1 quick and simple step.
1. Tell us today, your 3 biggest ‘pain points’, blockages or limitations in your business.
We will create a pathway at no cost to you which deals with your pain points and gives you choices that you can fully control.
1. No cost to you - Let us map your pathway to:
- Build valuable time back into your business
- Give you clarity.
- Show you ‘low exposure’ low cost ways to build sales, customers, prospects.
2. If you feel what we have done resonates INVEST as little as £10 + VAT per month (33p per day + vat equivalent) to springboard your business in 2020.
If not – the pathway is yours to try yourself with our compliments and no further obligation.
NOTE: HardyFinch are a business software and strategy professionals’ company that have developed an app and business platform that supports real business needs as outlined in this article.
With proven case studies and a simple process to help you overcome problems and pain points in your business they offer a roundhouse service that grows with your business.