Medical Myth - a low salt diet is healthy.
The current guidelines on salt intake may be causing more harm than good.
Salt in moderation is okay but too low may be harmful.
There is some controversy over the effectiveness and safety of reducing salt intake.?
Too much dietary salt may lead to hypertension, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Too little salt intake may paradoxically increase cardiovascular disease.?
Drinking too much water can cause low salt levels in the blood (hyponatraemia) which can also be harmful.
In endurance exercise events low sodium levels, due to over-hydration, can cause harm including nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headache, weakness and in the worst cases lead seizures, coma and death. This can occur even when consuming isotonic, sports drinks.
I have seen health consciousness people in my practice making themselves ill by over consuming water or having a diet to low in salt.
If you are healthy the amount of salt you are consuming is probably safe.
Again, like most things in health there appears to be a sweet spot- not too much and not too little.
About 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of salt daily is about right. (3-5g of sodium)
This is total salt consumption in all food not just what's sprinkled on top.