A Mediator’s Prayer for the Protests

A Mediator’s Prayer for the Protests

As we have seen wide-spread protests in cities around our country following the death of George Floyd, what should our response be as the Christian community? I believe we need to transform the protests into a heartfelt prayer movement. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Our country needs a healing touch from heaven. This is a unique opportunity for our country. The world is watching. What will they see? I hope they will see a people united in prayer instead of widening a great divide of us vs. them.

Prayer for the Protesters

Father, I pray for those who are protesting. There is so much anger, hurt, and frustration over a long history of racial injustice and inequality. Help their petitions to be heard. Help us to be understanding. Help us to hear their stories. Help us to be able to imagine the fear, frustration, and hopelessness that is fueling this movement. Help us to address the issues which need to be addressed. I pray that You might lead young people who want to do something about these problems to address them by literally joining law enforcement as a career and become the compassionate, guardians of the peace they want to see on their streets in the future. Keep the peaceful protesters safe from any form of violence directed at them. Help them to not answer violence and hate with more of the same. Help them to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by peaceful protests, which will carry their message with the power and authority of a righteous cause. Help them to respect lawful authority with the same respect they expect for themselves. Help them to overcome any prejudice in their hearts that they may have against the police in general, and to not give in to the small thinking that all polices officers are oppressor. Father, I pray that voices of reason will lead, without any other agenda, other than to help us grow, to be prosperous, and to become a beacon of hope for those who desire justice for all who call this great country their home.

Prayer for the Police

Father, I also offer up this prayer for the police and other law enforcement authorities. First, I pray for their safety. Keep them safe from injury. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to serve and protect us and our property every day. May they be healthy – in their bodies, minds, and spirits. May they return home after each shift to their families. I pray that you would give them patience and understanding for the people who are protesting. Give them the courage of character to not be provoked into violent reactions to the cruel, hateful actions of agitators. Help them to have great wisdom and discernment so that they might be able to detect and lawfully remove those who would cause harm to: (1) those whose aim it is to peacefully protest; (2) law enforcement officials; (3) the members of the press; (4) residents and onlookers; (5) the property and businesses in the area. Give them the strength and endurance to be guardians of the peace, for as long as these protests continue. I pray that those who harbor hate and resentment for any people group would be rooted out and removed from every department. Help them to police their own, and to help remove those who dishonor their badge. Help them to see the value and potential of every human life. Help them to apply laws equally, fairly, and with integrity. Help them to regain the respect and even admiration of their communities. Help them to be appreciated. Help them to feel appreciated. Help them to finish each shift with the pride of a job well done. Help them to receive just compensation for the difficult, demanding, and essential services they provide to us.

Prayer for Our Leaders

Father, please give our leaders the wisdom, discernment and good judgement to guide our cities, states, and this nation through this period of social unrest and turmoil. God, may great leaders arise and stand out in such a time as this. Help them to use appropriate measures to stop the lawlessness, while balancing this with respecting the rights of the people to free speech and peacefully assemble. Help them to hear and heed the voices calling for the application of equal justice for all. Help them to have solutions for the problems. Help them to have the confidence of those under their command. Help them to enforce the rule of law. Help them to have pure hearts, and to never use this crisis for making political points. Help them to give the people appropriate forums for their grievances to be heard. Help them to not accept the easy answers of political expediency. Help them to be sure due process is given to all, including suspected criminals, protesters and police. Help them to have the courage to guide those under their charge in a way that protects our citizens, our businesses, our memorials, our history, and our future.

Prayer for the Press

Father, we thank you for a free press, so that we may be informed. We pray that the members of the press would report the news objectively, and not seek to become of the object of the reporting. We pray that they would report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I pray they would have the courage to report the things with which they philosophically disagree. I pray they would report good news, and not just sensational bad news for the purpose of ratings. I pray they would speak and act responsibly, and they would recognize the power and authority they have to shape the narrative in our nation.

Prayer for the Rest of Us

Father, I pray that each of us would seek to understand before we seek to be understood. May we seek righteousness with the same zeal, passion and fervor with which we seek to be right. May the truth be revealed and may justice be served. May we overcome any bias or prejudice in our hearts and diligently seek to become a better nation. May we pray for those in positions of authority, especially when we disagree with them. May we see the value of every human life. May we collectively mourn the death of the numerous law enforcement personnel and accord them due respect. May we have to capacity to imagine walking around in the skin of those with which we disagree. May we feel the hurt of those who are misunderstood. May we help where we can. May we overcome our emotions to think clearly and logically. May we find ways to be bridge builders instead of burning them down with inflammatory comments or actions. May we be instruments of Your peace, spreading love, and not hate.

America is far from perfect. However, I challenge you to name one other country you had rather live in. Do you think there is another country in the world that would allow protests for change the way we have? Let us discourage the destruction and disruption in our cities. Let us engage in a productive dialogue. Let us speak the truth in love, not hate. Let us work together to become better. This is the beginning of a new day. Let us show the world we are the United States of America, one nation under God, indivisible, providing liberty and justice for all.


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