The Media's Moonshot Moment

The Media's Moonshot Moment

This is the full #MediaMoonshot open letter, a version of which recently appeared in Ad Age.

Sign Your Name Here

The ravages of COVID-19 persist in our nation, in part because a second, less observable virus has kneecapped our national response. Its impact extends beyond the pandemic, infecting nearly every facet of American life. Our citizenry is divided, communities paralyzed by hate and resignation, and our broken politics only intensifies the infection. Symptoms include pervasive intolerance for opinions that differ from one's own, and increasingly, extreme public action like the events at our capital in January 2021. It’s time for the media industry to recognize that we are in a national civic health crisis – and to own our role in enabling the polarization and divisiveness that have made this moment possible.

Our country’s founders relied on a free press as a critical bedrock informing a healthy, self-governing republic, yet media fixation on ratings and clicks has undermined that lifeline, sowing confusion and suspicion.

In a recent study, only 29 percent of Americans expressed trust in the media, with the U.S. ranking last among the 40 countries polled. What’s more, 48 percent of U.S. say they get their news from social media “often” or “sometimes,” with Facebook outpacing all other social platforms. Couple this with the recent revelation from whistleblower Frances Haugen that Facebook, “prematurely turned off safeguards designed to thwart misinformation” and that the algorithms dictating what stories populate user’s feeds favor hateful content, and we see the far reaching and insidious effect these systems – when unchecked – can have on individuals, communities and democracy at large.

Individually, most Americans have grown so immersed in social media and TV that there’s little time left for authentic interactions, let alone for participating in constructive dialogue and civic engagement. Eliciting anger and glorifying inaccessible lifestyles and impossibly perfect bodies are sure-fire drivers of robust clicks and ratings. The ensuing profits and growth are as addictive to media companies as the scrolling news feed is to consumers. But by immersing our audiences in this warped version of reality while genuine human contact atrophies, we send countless numbers into an abyss of depression and anxiety, or of toxic rage. We are complicit in creating a culture of unrelenting “othering” and triggering, whose most sinister by-product is “affective polarization,” wherein tribal identity is animated by strong negative feelings - namely dislike and distrust toward those who hold opposing views.

As sponsors and innovators of media and entertainment, however, we are also in a unique position to right the ship. Brands and their agencies can wield their economic power to grant creators, producers and talent the freedom to apply their creative genius toward impact programming. The collective hold our industry has on public attention and imagination makes it possible to build momentum toward a consequential solution. The magnitude of this challenge requires “moonshot thinking,” and we believe our industry has the vision, tools and resources to break free of the notion that impact and enlightenment should be sidelined to the fringes - if we have the will.?

How can those in media set in motion a new civic awakening? The setting for this framework must live outside of politics. It should embrace real-world storytelling for and about a diverse panoply of everyday Americans with genuine convictions, often at odds but ready to roll up their sleeves and find ways to work together to solve problems.??

If we are indeed in the “golden age of television,” let’s take cues from the blockbuster entertainment and sports programs that dominate ratings, routinely racking up billions of minutes viewed. Let’s use our abundant talent and resources to leverage celebrity and apply the formats, techniques and raw inspiration behind our beloved programs to engender understanding and positive change. Let’s strive to create compelling programming that engages, educates and elevates, coupled with incentives and insights that rebrand civic engagement as cool and relevant. Let’s reveal the “real America,” unencumbered by the cable news and social media spin machine - making sure we engage as many people as possible along the way.

Finally, let’s shine a light on real Americans defying convention, bucking expectations and getting hard things done. And let’s create the conditions and incentives to inspire and enable more to do the same, with rewards for real-world outcomes. Partner with real-world organizations that bring the ability to foster understanding, collaboration and positive change within reach to every American. Embrace and greenlight positive community-based programming that engages, entertains, and unites a mass audience. Drive attention and funds to non-partisan groups focused on awakening the better angels of technology and media and those aimed at strengthening civic engagement. Throw our creative, economic, and entrepreneurial weight behind recasting our heretofore adverse influence on America’s civic health by taking purposeful action to generate real change. Join us by signing this letter and making your own commitment to:

  • Allocate a defined percentage of 2022 ad spend toward positive programming that humanizes differences, highlights common values and aspirations, and unites a mass audience?
  • Greenlight a defined percentage of new positive, civic-minded programming by 2023
  • Develop a CSR initiative within your company focused on ending polarization
  • Donate a defined percentage of ad inventory to non-partisan organizations working to combat the journalistic and technological divide such as? Solutions Journalism Network and Center for Humane Technology
  • Contribute to reputable non-profits aimed at improving civic engagement and unification like the Civic Health Project and National Conference on Citizenship
  • Refrain from working with groups that don’t support one or more of these measures?

We must act now to do our part because, quite possibly, no one else can reverse this downward spiral before it brings our nation to its knees. Taking this pledge is the first step to move past talking and begin active efforts to bring Americans together for the greater good.?

Sign your name here.?


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