MediaCat Monthly, Feb 23 | Hope and Kindness

MediaCat Monthly, Feb 23 | Hope and Kindness

In The Sandman on Netflix last year Dream defeats Lucifer in a battle by saying, 'I am hope'. And hope does feel like something we should lean into of late. There's even a growing storytelling trend called Hopepunk.

So, for February, our contributors explored Hope and Kindness: with articles on optimism, vulnerability, political leadership, sustainability, work-life balance, whether hope sells, generative AI, wellness concepts, control, and generosity. We also have a podcast on non-binary thinking, an article exploring the Russia-Ukraine war from different points of view, and a piece on separating art from a problematic artist (hint: it's to do with wizards).

So all in all, a bumper issue. To soothe your soul and give you hope whilst you read, as ever, we have a playlist. Thanks to Love Will Save the Day's Jed Hallam: Hope and Kindness playlist.

Mike Piggott, Editor

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Optimism is a necessary delusion

'A brighter future can’t be built entirely in the fantasies of the past.' Faris Yakob looks to Leibniz and Voltaire for answers read

Lessons in empathy from Jacinda Ardern

'Humility is a quality rarely seen in any leader.' Communication Strategist Derin Kocer explores effective leadership read

Time to step into your power

'You can’t move forward without being vulnerable.' Lucky Generals' Cat Wiles with a heartfelt piece read

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Harry Potter and The Death of the Author

Can a beloved franchise still be a source of hope independent of its problematic creator? This month our Editor-at-large, Natasha Randhawa, turns her attention to JK Rowling read

Hope will save us all, hopefully

What does hope over fear mean for marketing? Harbour Collective's Kev Chesters investigates read

Russia-Ukraine war: indie magazines against hopelessness

Stack Magazines' Director, Steven Watson, introduces two independent publications facing the fight from a different perspective read

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The last generation to learn ‘the hard way’

'Let's change the script for junior creatives.' Havas Australia's Senior Art Director, Anastasia Simone, on redefining work-life balance read

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Sustainability: why bringing a message of hope matters

'Brands working on sustainability attract greater attention, since hope is a better driver of positive change', says Walnut Unlimited's Research Director, Andreea Tarasescu read

Rebel With A Cause — with Isabelle Bale

'We must embrace the non-binary world or be forever doomed to certainty.' In this podcasANKIN's Opal Turner chats to Isabelle Bale, Strategy Director at M&C Saatchi World Services, about moving the industry forward read

Why there’s a role for brands in Soft Life

One Twelve Agency's Co-Founder, Hannah Campbell, on how brands can embrace and support future wellness concepts read

Hope is en vogue, but does it sell?

Hope-based marketing is a powerful tool for long-term brand-building, says Brandwidth's Senior Digital Strategist, Imogen Kemp-Hunt read

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Generative AI and its impact on the creative industries

'The future will belong to those who can learn how best to navigate AI tools to enhance their creativity' says MediaCat's Selin Ozkan read

Learning to let go: you can’t control everything anyway

Célibataire's Founder, Amy Ramage, on how letting go is more of an art than a science read

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How can we lean in to hope?

'Marketers: be generous. The more you give the more you'll get', says author Richard Shotton read

Hope is a dangerous thing for a young Bangkoker like me

Bangkok-based Chayin says perhaps it's time to let our hopelessness became the reason to be hopeful read


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