MEDIA RELEASE | Wise Words Media releases International Student Education video series online for overseas audiences
Sean McIntyre
Consulting Services - OTT Strategies / Content Producer / Communications Specialist / FAST Channels
Wise Words Media announces online release of Australian International Student Education video content series for overseas audiences
Produced by Wise Words Media and Callumny Films. a new, unique Australian International Student Education video content series is now available online for overseas audiences at 'this walking life'.
A new, unique Australian International Student Education video content series has been released by Wise Words Media and Callumny Films. Available online at 'this walking life', it aims to assist parents of international student's who are considering enrolment in, or returning to study in, Australia's international tertiary education sector.
The video content is also produced and distributed for use by international education recruitment agents based outside Australia.
CoVid-19 continues to drive fluid and ever changing circumstances, especially around issues of safety and health. Staying in touch with Australian univerisities presents rare challenges - not only to parents of prospective international students, but also for international education recruitment agents.
A safe destination, job prospects and networking opportunities are key success factors for Australia’s reputation as an education exporter. [1]
Everyday tasks - researching information about courses, meeting study and enrolment requirements - are proving difficult to resolve, especially for those living outside Australia. For example:
- is it safe for international students to live and study in Melbourne?
- how is life in Melbourne evolving throughout ongoing, changing CoVid-19 restrictions?
- what kind of support is available for international students from their nominated university?
Premiering on 11 March 2021, Wise Words Media's International Student Education video content series is offered as a valuable information reource to assist parents of international student's as well as recruitment agents based outside Australia. Commentaries are also available - subscribe now.
Wise Words Media's International Student Education video content series demonstrates verfiable, real-life evidence of Australia's successful response to CoVid-19 pandemic.
In March 2021, an orientation week episode presented international students back on campus for activities and face-to-face classes at Monash University, Melbourne. [2]
Each episode in the series addresses key questions:
- Are you the parent of an international student?
- Australia - a CoVid-19 safe study destination
- CoVid safe study destinations - Australia vs UK
- Melbourne, Australia - best destination for CoVid safe study
Wise Words Media welcomes local and international queries from international education recruitment agents as well as parents and / or prospective international students.
Whether based in Australia or overseas, University's, english language institutes and language schools (TEFL & TESOL) are also invited to share and use this new online video content resource.
Wise Words Media is 'an honest broker'. We produce, distribute and provide independant, unbiased video content and information on Australia's international tertiary education sector.
Further Information
Melbourne | Sean McIntyre
T: +61 0413 397 441 | E: [email protected] | skype:
ADDENDUM | Further Information
- international education recruitment agents | subscribe now
- parents of prospective international students | subscribe now
- Monash University - orientation week | Clayton, Melbourne
- Melbourne University | Swanston St and Royal Parade, Parkville
- RMIT University | Swanston St, Melbourne
- Victoria University (International) | Flinders Lane, Melbourne
- combination video featuring Melbourne University, RMIT University, Victoria University (International) and introduction to Queen Victoria Market
- Commentaries are also available
- video content - Melbourne, Australia | consistently rated worlds most liveable city
- image credits
- Content curator: Sean McIntyre, Content Producer, Wise Words Media
- Photography by Sean McIntyre | Images cannot be produced without permission
- ? Wise Words Media, Callumny Films
- #thiswalkinglife | variety of strategic themed series
- About Wise Words Media | video | audio | images | words
international education recruitment agents | subscribe now
Free of charge, Wise Words Media's International Student Education video content series is an online tool and resource for international education recruitment agents based outside Australia. It offers valuable visual evidence addressing issues about lifestyle and safety for international students in Melbourne.
The impact of international education on the Australian economy increased by 22% in 2017, reaching $32.3 billion dollars. [3]
Consistently rated the worlds most liveable city year-on-year, how can Melbourne stay alive and relevant as a brand and destination of choice for international student's and their fee-paying parents?
COVID-19 will dictate marketing and recruitment of international students in Australia for some time to come.
Australia's international tertiary education sector is Australia's 3rd largest export earner.[4]
Australia's international borders are still closed to international students. [5]
Australia's international tertiary education sector and its decimated workforce faces huge challenges during 2021 as it deals with the current CoVid-driven environment. [6]
Keeping current students since March, 2020 while attracting new enrolments is an exceptional challenge for the sector suffering from a huge reduction in fees income.
In April 2020, RMIT and La Trobe University 'in a sign of the mounting financial pressure on Australia’s universities..moved to let go of hundreds of casual staff''. [6a]
Australian univerisities have to find a way to maintain their sales funnels. Just as urgently, they must keep international student recruitment pipeline's open via long-established relationships with international student education recruitment agents based outside Australia.
parents of prospective international students | subscribe now
Wise Words Media's International Student Education video content series offers valuable, real-life visual evidence that addresses concerns about safety and health in Melbourne for international students.
Australia is the safest and most welcoming country for international students [7]
International students will return - many to Melbourne saying, "My future and my life are there". [8]
Although Australia's borders have been closed for some time, international flights into Melbourne will resume on 8 April 2021.
Students have reportedly been transferring their enrolment to study in CoVid-ridden countries such as UK and North America. [9] Yet CoVid restrictions and sudden lockdowns in these countries may drive students into the very environment they are trying to avoid - online delivery of courses for unknown and extended periods.
However while these countries in the short term may have greater attraction, parents and students need to consider and compare the stricter CoVid-driven lockdown conditions of each country with the lifestyle Australia now enjoy's under current Co-Vid conditions. Crowds now flock to entertainment venues.
Witness the return of crowds last week to Australian Rules Football in Melbourne, as captured by 'this walking life'. [10]
Previewed as a teaser trailer by 'this walking life', live theatre has also returned. Returning to the stage and exclusive to Melbourne is the massive global smash-hit 'Harry Potter and the #CursedChild' [10a]
For 27 consecutive days, Melbourne (and the entire state of Victoria) has recorded no new coronavirus cases. The state government is now preparing to welcome international flights and resume hotel quarantine within a fortnight. [11]
Of 65,000 international students surveyed in 2016, 93% listed safety as a key reason for studying in Australia – making it the “safest and most welcoming country for international students”. [12]
Melbourne has also overhauled it's state-wide hotel quarantine program. These were halted in mid-February 2021 amid fears a hotel quarantine outbreak had released a mutant COVID-19 strain into the community. [13]
In a global CoVid-driven environment, it's understandably natural that the parents who pay for and send their children to Australia for tertiary and secondary education make decisions based on genuine concerns about safety and health.
However, their decisions will be driven by the quality of the education and perhaps less so about how Australia has managed it's health response to CoVid-19. [14], [15]
For parents, safety of international students in Australia is always a key consideration. Not surprisingly, this topic is always a primary plank of marketing and recruitment issues every university addresses in their available services for international students.
A final word on health is from Melbourne's Chief Health Officer, Mr Brett Sutton:
Melbourne eliminates COVID - 28 straight days of no new local cases. [16]
As of Friday 26 March 2021, Melbourne recorded 28 days without a single local case of coronavirus - reaching what is described as effective elimination of the virus.
Another good reason for choosing to study in Australia.
ABOUT - this walking life | International Student Education video content series | subscribe now
Stay in touch with issues in Melbourne, Australia around international education and enrolments. Released by Wise Words Media's this walking life, this unique International Student Education video content series features:
- Monash University - orientation week | Clayton, Melbourne
- Melbourne University | Swanston St and Royal Parade, Parkville
- RMIT University | Swanston St, Melbourne
- Victoria University (International) | Flinders Lane, Melbourne
- combination video featuring Melbourne University, RMIT University, Victoria University (International) and introduction to Queen Victoria Market
- Commentaries are also available
Each video addresses key questions:
- Are you the parent of an international student?
- Australia - a CoVid-19 safe study destination
- CoVid safe study destinations - Australia vs UK
- Melbourne, Australia - best destination for CoVid safe study
welcome to this walking life | subscribe now
Walking video content from Melbourne, Australia - consistently rated worlds most liveable city
Entertain, Inform, Educate
walk | ride | travel explore | discover | experience locations | sport | tourism | live events lifestyle | experiential public transport | nil cars used
parents of prospective international students | safety, health and lifestyle
If you're a parent of a prospective international student considering study in Melbourne, Wise Words Media's this walking life offers video content with real-life insights:
- safety (how to get around)
- accomodation options
- local lifestyle
- arts, culture, sporting events
- finding a safe study destinations during and post-CoVid-19
why choose | Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne eliminates COVID - 28 straight days of no new local cases
- As of Friday 26 March 2021, Melbourne recorded 28 days without a single local case of coronavirus - reaching what is described as effective elimination of the virus.
- choose Australia, the safest country to study in - not USA, Canada, UK and Europe - during & post-CoVid-19
- International Student Education - many global-ranked universities
- Accommodation, lifetyle, post-Covid-19 study options
ABOUT | welcome to this walking life | subscribe now
Walking video content from Melbourne, Australia - consistently rated worlds most liveable city
Educate, Entertain, Inform
"Lovely walking tour ???? very nice and intereseting ??
I have subscribed to your wonderful channel, I want to see in the future more important and good content too, much success", @El Rincón de Abdel, Morrocco
walk | ride | travel explore | discover | experience locations | sport | tourism | live events lifestyle | informative | educational | experiential kids friendly | topical
Strategic objectives: promote Melbourne and surrounds by building / driving more online content consumption, increase monetisation:
"Nice to see a walk in Melbourne! :)", @Exploring Norway, Bergen Norway
- online content - create and develop viable, sustainable, monetised content targeted at existing demand for online content (walking)
- using arts, cultural, sporting and tourist destinations/visitor attractions identified as base content strategies - integrate to augement exsiting channels and objectives.
join the bloke who walks | subscribe now
This unique stand-alone content creator series is driven by 25 years worth of communications and marketing experience.
Unlocking, Exposing New Youtuber unique strategies.
What makes this content channel standout and flourish on the worlds most competitive content platform? Tap into experience and insights from the bloke who walks as he walks you through his confidential, compelling approach.
A creative industries entrepreneur, the bloke who walks worked in a variety of competitive industry sectors such as tourism, international student education, online content, retail banking and the finance industry.
#thiswalkinglife | variety of strategic themed series
Since 1st October, 2020 Wise Words Media and Callumny Films has published content of around 150 videos at various lengths on a wide variety of strategic themes, including:
- international student education series: audience target
- international tertiary education sector
- English Language Institute's
- parents of prospective international student's
- international education recruitment agents based outside Australia
- 2021 Australian Open series
- Harry Potter and the #Cursed Child series
- Australian Sporting Legends Series
- Myer Christmas Windows series
- AC/DC Lane | Melbourne Laneways series
Other content recently produced and published since Oct 2020:
COMING SOON | subscribe now
- Project: #thiswalkinglife | architecture series
- to capture footage giving visual overview/context of contemporary, progressive Melbourne architecture
- Melbourne is changing at a rapid pace. This content aims to briefly capture the fluid nature of Melbourne's current evolution.
- please see LinkedIn - Wise Words Media and LinkedIn - Callumny Films for articles charting the publication of this content since Mar 2020
- continues pursuit of strategy to produce differentiated content offering
Youtube content creator ideas#9 Revealed How to make content standout using little known strategies
Youtube Content Creator Ideas Series
effective strategies, thought-provoking game plan tips
Copyright ? Wise Words Media and Callumny Films, Oct 2020 All Rights Reserved.
About Wise Words Media
Wise Words Media | creative industries production house
For content makers and content creative's, there's never been a better time to approach audience's around the globe.
Audiences are literally captive. House-bound. And hungering for fresh, unique content with market-tested cred presented by trusted, well-known brands that have commercial traction and deep industry-credibility.
Wise Words Media's family of brands are not just story-telling vehicles - they are stories waiting to be told multiple times to multiple audiences across integrated, multiple platforms. Over and over and over again.
Established in 2003, Wise Words Media has more than 19 years of experience in content production, marketing, media and communications. We have created, written, edited, published and distributed content across a diverse range of industry sectors including finance, legal, tourism, the arts, tertiary and government.
We have worked within multi-nationals and side-by-side in partnership with creative practitioners and professionals at corporate and SME level.
Wise Words Media offers professional services in Content Production (audio &video).
About Callumny Films | SHOWREEL
storytelling – with a commercial outlook
Our stories are: authentic, engaging, unique, relatable, sustainable.
Bringing to life the vision of creatives such as writers, directors and producers as well as clients since 2003.
Callumny Films' express explicit goal and established, competitive advantage is to pursue stories on a global scale, both in the telling and in production. Key drivers of this outlook are story, story, story, character and the human experience.
Produces and distributes short and feature films to Australian and global audiences. Our style/outlook borrows Clint Eastwood's 'El Paso' productions, Lars Von Trier's 'Dogma' collective, Blue-Tongue Films (Joel Edgerton and Nash Edgerton), Peter Jackson & David Lynch.
- Asia TVForum, Marche du Cannes, American Film Market, Multimedia Online Virtual Exhibition (MOVE)
About Sean McIntyre
Collaborative by nature, content producer Sean McIntyre brings to life the vision of clients as well as creatives such as writers, directors and producers.
He is an experienced film producer and screenwriter of world cinema. Sean McIntyre‘s Callumny Films represents scripts of various genres for international co-productions at international film markets written by himself and other screenwriters - such as American Film Market, USA.
Sean McIntyre has also produced and written plays which have been performed in Australia, Ireland and the United States. Selected for Melbourne Theatre Company's prestigious 2015 NEON Festival, his new work 'KIDS' performed to a sold out audience.
He established Wise Words Media in 2003, A Fistful of Scripts in Jul 2010, Lounge Theatre in 2012, Callumny Films in 2014, A Fistful of in Sept 2016, A Fistful of Flicks in Sept 2017, A Fistful of Scripts MEETS the filmmakers, featuring… (in development) in Sept 2017 and in Oct 2020, ‘this life’ series (video content – #thiswalkinglife | #thispublictransportlife | #thispropertylife | #thisgeneologylife).
He is also co-founder / writer / producer at Jimmy Flinders Productions, established in Nov 2011 with co-founder / director / producer Marco Romero Rodriguez.
READ MORE | about
Wise Words Media | creative industries production house
Brings to life the vision of creatives such as writers, directors and producers as well as clients. Wise Words Media also offers professional services in Content Production (audio &video). Our production vehicles are:
storytellers | with a commercial outlook
Walking video content from Melbourne, Australia - consistently rated worlds most liveable city.
We write ‘em. They read ‘em. You hear ‘em.
We write 'em. They record 'em. You listen to 'em.
podcast - aCast, googleplay, iTunes | production and distribution vehicle of audio content
A Fistful of Flicks
We write ‘em. They make ‘em. We screen ‘em.
A Fistful of Scripts MEETS the filmmakers featuring...
We write ‘em. They make ‘em. You meet ‘em. | in development
Jimmy Flinders Productions - Lounge Theatre (partner, established in Nov 2011)
- Lounge Theatre - 2012 Melbourne Fringe Festival | The Butterfly Club, 3 star review The Age (Melbourne, Australia)
[1] 2016 Hobson International Student Survey - 'Education is Australia’s third biggest export category',, 24 MAY 2019
[2] for more information, contact Future international student enquiries, Monash University. You can also contact a registered Monash education agent in your country to help you with your application for admission.
[3] 'Education is Australia’s third biggest export category',, 24 MAY 2019
[4] see [3]
[5] as at 25th March 2021
[6] 'CoVid-19 Is The Anti-Social Disease | industry, the lockdown & consumer online subscription entertainment strategies', Sean McIntyre, Wise Words Media April 18, 2020
[6a] see [6]
[7] 2016 Hobson International Student Survey - see [3]
[8] '"My future and my life are there": International students speak of life in limbo', Michael Fowler The Age, January 17, 2021 — 12.00am
[9] 'Overseas students dump Australia for Canada and COVID-ravaged Britain', Anna Patty, The Age, January 17, 2021 — 12.00am
[10] available online: 'Walking around Melbourne | Crowds return to live sport Richmond v Carlton (#MCG) pre-game Highlights | Round 1, 2021 | #AFL | Melbourne Cricket Ground (#MCG)'
[10a] Available online: 'Revealed Harry Potter and the #CursedChild Walking around Exclusive playing Melbourne only (60fps)'. Also previewed as a teaser trailer by'this walking life'.
[11] 'No new COVID cases, hotel quarantine set to resume ', Jackson Graham, Paul Sakkal and Sumeyya Ilanbey, The Age, 25 Mar 2021
[12] 2016 Hobson International Student Survey - see [1]
[13] 'International flights to resume, returned travellers to be tested four times in revamped hotel quarantine program', Sumeyya Ilanbey, The Age, 25 Mar 2021
[14] see [9]
[15] see [3]
[16] 'State eliminates COVID with 28 straight days of no new local cases', Ashleigh McMillan, The Age, Friday March 26 2021
multi-media producer at CALLUMNY FILMS, producer | writer | creative director at #webseries & A FISTFUL OF SCRIPTS
3 年*