Media Statement: Flight Delays

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC Limited would like to first acknowledge the flight delays experienced at OR Tambo International Airport today.

The delays were as a result of unavailable Standard Instrument Departures and Standard Instrument Arrivals that serve operations for Runway 21.

This means that generally we would experience delays when the wind direction favours this particular Runway 21 especially during high peak periods, which was the case today.

The result of this requires ATNS to regulate the demand to ensure that available capacity is not exceeded and safety is prioritized at all times.

We can confirm that we are working around the situation to ensure that we minimise the delays as best possible to reduce the impact to our stakeholders, mainly the airlines and travelling passengers.

Furthermore, ATNS is working hard to conclude the maintenance of the affected flight procedures in order to submit to SACAA for validation and approval as soon as possible.? ?

ATNS deeply regrets the inconvenience caused to all affected parties and reiterate that our key priority is keeping the skies and our passengers safe.

Issued by the Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC Ltd

Mphilo K. Dlamini – Head of Corporate Affairs and Communications

076?639 5800

[email protected]



