MEDCoE celebrates Award Winners, Medal Recipients
MEDCoE (US Army Medical Center of Excellence)
Army Medicine Starts Here!
Maj. Gen. Dennis P. LeMaster and Command Sgt. Maj. Clark Charpentier recognized MEDCoE staff achievements in a ceremony held May 11, 2022.
The Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) Recipients:
The O2M3 recognizes excellence and promotes esprit de corps among Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel. Membership in the order denotes distinguished service which is recognized by the senior leadership of the U.S. Army Medical Command.
Legion of Merit
The Legion of Merit is one of the highest honors given in the United States military, and is awarded for exceptional conduct and outstanding service.
Meritorious Service Medal
Civilian Service Achievement Medal
Civilian of the Quarter - 4th Qtr FY 2021
Civilian of the Year CY 2021
Civilian Length of Service Awards
-20 Years of Service
-25 Years of Service
-30 Years of Service
-35 Years of Service
-40 Years of Service
For photos from the ceremony visit: