Mechanism And Control Of Ultrafiltration Membrane Pollution

Mechanism And Control Of Ultrafiltration Membrane Pollution

The following will briefly introduce the mechanism and model of ultrafiltration membrane pollution.

The test results show that the main factors causing membrane pollution include the properties of membrane materials, the interaction between membrane materials and the treated liquid, the concentration and flow rate of the treated liquid, etc.

The problem of membrane fouling can be solved effectively by improving the properties of membrane materials and reasonably handling the parameter matching between the membrane and the treated liquid.


01 Application Of Membrane Technology In Water Supply And Drainage Industry


Due to the wide application of ultrafiltration membrane in the field of water supply and drainage, the filtration resistance caused by membrane pollution during the operation of the system, especially in the field of wastewater treatment, is constantly increasing, and the serious attenuation of membrane filtration flux is the key to hinder the application and promotion of this technology. This paper aims to improve the understanding of effective application of membrane technology in water supply and drainage field by summarizing the pollution control factors of ultrafiltration membrane pollution experiment.


02 Mechanism And Model Of Ultrafiltration Membrane Pollution


2.1 Mechanism And Model Of Pollution

Theoretically speaking, the adsorption process of the solution on the surface of the membrane is complicated because there is always competitive adsorption between the solute and the solvent or between the components of the adsorbent mixture (membrane) in the adsorption process, so the adsorption isotherm of the solution must be calculated by measuring the apparent isothermal adsorption line and adding appropriate vapor adsorption data. However, in fact, from a qualitative point of view, it can be considered that the adsorption of the membrane to the solute is closely related to the polarity between the two, and the membrane of polar materials tends to strongly adsorb polar substances, and the adsorption of non-polar substances is much weaker. On the contrary, the film of non-polar materials is more likely to adsorb non-polar solutes.

On the other hand, according to the principle of similar solubility, polar solutes dissolve easily in polar solvents, while non-polar solutes dissolve easily in non-polar solvents. The easier it is to dissolve, the less likely it is to be adsorbed by the membrane surface. In summary, if the polarity of the solute is closer to the solvent and opposite to the membrane, the adsorption of the solute on the membrane surface is less. From the microscopic point of view, the difficulty of adsorption on the membrane surface and the stability of the adsorption layer are related to the interaction force between the macromolecular solute, the membrane surface and the macromolecular solute. The force between them is generally divided into van der Waals force and double layer force.


2.1.1 Van Der Waals Forces

The size of the Van Gogh force between two bodies can be characterized by the Hamaker proportionality constant H. For the ternary system of water (1), solute (2) and membrane (3) : H213 = [H111/2 - (H22 ×H33) 1/4] in formula 2, H11, H22 and H33 are the Hamaker constants of water, solute and membrane, respectively. The hydrophobic membrane, H33 decreased; For hydrophobic solute, H22 decreased. Both of them can lead to the increase of H213, increase the Fan force between the membrane and the solute, and aggravate the pollution of the membrane surface. Therefore, both hydrophobic membranes and solutes make the membrane surface more susceptible to contamination.


2.1.2 Force Of Double Electric Layer

When the membrane is in contact with the solution, the surface of the membrane will be charged due to the ionic adsorption, dipole orientation, hydrogen bond and other effects, and the surface charge can affect the ion distribution in the solution near the surface: the ions with different charges are attracted by the surface charge and tend to the surface of the membrane; The ions with the same charge are repelled by the surface charge and are far away from the surface of the membrane, which makes the positive and negative ions in the solution near the surface of the membrane separate from each other. At the same time, the thermal motion makes the positive and negative ions have a tendency to return to uniform mixing. Under the combination of these two opposite trends, the excess heterosign ions are diffused in the medium near the surface of the charged film to form a double layer. When the electrification of the membrane is the same as that of the solution, the pollution adsorption is small. On the contrary, the adsorption is larger. The amount of pollution adsorbed on the membrane surface depends on the combined result of the above two forces.


The adsorption model of membrane fouling can be expressed by Gibbs adsorption equation and Fredrich adsorption equation. Among them, the Gibbs adsorption equation focuses on the adsorption relationship under isothermal conditions:

In the case that the adsorption heat is related to the degree of surface coverage, the Friedrich equation is used:

Γ=k×c1/n …………………………………2.2

Where, Γ is the pollution adsorption capacity of the film per unit area

k, n is the correlation constant and c is the equilibrium concentration of the solution


03 Membrane Pollution Control

According to the mechanism and adsorption model of membrane pollution, membrane pollution can be controlled by adjusting the following factors: hydrophilic properties of membrane materials; Charging properties of membrane materials; The concentration of the treatment solution; The flow rate of the treatment fluid.

In this paper, the influence factors of the above four kinds of membrane pollution were studied through relevant experiments, in order to seek the control of the changes of various factors on membrane pollution.


3.1 Experimental Equipment And Materials

The equipment used in this experiment includes self-made plate ultrafilter, self-made feed liquid tank, super constant temperature water bath, WZJ-II metering circulation pump, C14 isotope meter, quartz spring scale, height meter and so on.

The materials used are standard BSA solution, prepared alcohol fermentation solution, polysulfone (PS), polysulfone amide (PSA), polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and acetate fiber plate ultrafiltration membrane with molecular weight of 30,000.


3.2 Experimental Cycle Flow And Control Conditions

Firstly, the ultrafiltration membrane of various materials is made into blocks according to the size and shape of the ultrafiltration tank, and soaked in pure water for 24 hours, and the weight of the wet film is weighed. Then, alcohol fermentation solution or standard BSA solution of different concentrations prepared by the same method is poured into the feed liquid tank respectively. The process is followed by constant temperature and air pressure circulation according to the process shown in Figure 1. After the adsorption equilibrium of ultrafiltration membrane, the weight of the membrane block after the adsorption equilibrium is determined to determine the equilibrium adsorption amount of the experimental membrane block.

The membrane weight of standard BSA solution and alcohol fermentation solution was determined by C14 isotope method and quartz spring balance and height meter, respectively. The flow rate of feed liquid is controlled by regulating valve and measuring pump, and measured by stopwatch and measuring cylinder. The pH value of alcohol fermentation solution was measured by PHB-4 pH meter and adjusted by 1 N HCl and NaOH solutions respectively.


3.3 Experimental Results And Discussion

3.3.1 Experiment On Hydrophilicity Of Membrane Materials

We selected the most representative hydrophilic membrane material acetate fiber ultrafiltration membrane (CA) and the most representative hydrophobic membrane material polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane (PS) to conduct a comparative experiment of equilibrium adsorption test in standard BSA solution, and the equilibrium curve of membrane pollution measured by C14 isotope was shown in Figure 2: As can be seen from Figure 2, the adsorption capacity of hydrophobic PS membrane for BSA pollution equilibrium is about 1.0mg/m2, which is 5 times that of hydrophilic CA membrane under the same conditions, and the time to reach the adsorption capacity of pollution equilibrium is 60 minutes, which is 6 times that of CA membrane. It can be seen that the membrane made of hydrophilic materials reduces H213 due to the increase of its Hamaker, thus reducing the Fan force between the membrane material and the solute, and effectively reducing the pollution level of the membrane surface. It can be clearly seen from the Gibbs equation that after the determination of parameters C, T, R and γ, Γ only changes with θ. The stronger the hydrophobicity of the material, the larger the d (γCOSθ)/dC, the more serious the membrane pollution. ?

The experiment showed that the hydrophilic membrane had the advantage of low pollution equilibrium adsorption capacity. The hydrophobic membrane has the advantage of long time to reach the equilibrium of pollution adsorption. Therefore, in fact, the current foreign ultrafiltration membrane generally adopts the practice of composite hydrophilic materials on the basis of hydrophobic base membrane, which not only reduces the pollution of the membrane surface, but also extends the time to reach the adsorption balance of the pollution of the membrane surface, which effectively improves the performance of the ultrafiltration membrane.


3.3.2 Experiments On Charging Properties Of Membrane Materials

We selected a more representative positively charged PAN film and a negatively charged PAN film to do comparative experiments. The experimental conditions were: air pressure operation; Temperature: 25℃; Fermentation solution concentration: 0.333 g/L; pH is 3.5; Flow rate: 43.7cm/min.

Table 1 and Figure 3 show the equilibrium pollution adsorption capacity and adsorption equilibrium curve of positively charged and negatively charged polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membrane (PAN) in alcohol fermentation solution respectively. It can be seen from the diagram analysis that the equilibrium adsorption capacity of positive charged PAN ultrafiltration membrane is much lower than that of negative charged PAN membrane in the environment of acidic positively charged alcohol fermentation solution. The lower the pH value is, the stronger the positivity of the solution, the greater the difference between the pollution equilibrium adsorption capacity of the two membranes, and when the pH value of the solution is close to the isoelectric point, the adsorption capacity of the two membranes tends to be consistent and the difference between the maximum adsorption capacity of the two membranes can reach more than 75%.

It can be seen that due to the effect of double electric layer, the relationship between membrane and solution charge (pH value) will have a very large impact on membrane pollution. When the charge of the membrane is the same as that of the solution, the trapped solute is generally far away from the membrane surface, resulting in less pollution. When the charge of the membrane is opposite to the charge of the solution, the trapped solute is easily adsorbed and deposited on the membrane surface, resulting in greater pollution.

Therefore, in the water supply and drainage treatment, especially in the wastewater treatment process, special attention should be paid to the charging of the treatment liquid (usually expressed in pH). When the treatment liquid is acidic, positively charged ultrafiltration membrane is selected; When the treatment solution is alkaline, the negatively charged ultrafiltration membrane is selected.


3.3.3 Concentration Of Treatment Solution

According to the Fredrich equation Γ = k×c1 / n, ultrafiltration membranes of four materials, namely polyalum (PS), polyalum amide (PSA), polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and acetate fiber (CA), were selected to determine the pollution formed in alcohol fermentation liquid of different concentrations. The experimental conditions were as follows: pressure; Air pressure operation; Temperature; 25 ℃; Fermentation liquid flow rate: 43.7cm/min. The experimental results are shown in Table 2.

Through linear regression of the data in Table 2, the Fredrich equation of the adsorption capacity of four kinds of membrane pollution was obtained as follows:

S membrane:Γ=0.4415·C0.3616 …………………3.1

PSA membrane:Γ=0.0463·C0.6981 ………………3.2

PAN membrane:Γ=0.0453·C0.6299 ………………3.3

CA membrane:Γ=0.0126·C0.9729 …………………3.4 It can be seen from the above equation that the adsorption amount of pollution on the film surface is directly related to the concentration of the treatment solution. The higher the concentration of the treatment liquid, the stronger the pollution of the membrane surface. For hydrophilic film, the increase of surface pollution caused by the change of concentration is greater than the increase of hydrophobic film pollution. Therefore, in the water treatment, especially in the sewage treatment industry, the use of filtered water backflow dilution and other means to reduce the concentration of treatment liquid has a significant effect on controlling and reducing the pollution of the film surface.


3.3.4 Flow Rate Of Treatment Liquid

The influence of the flow rate of the treatment liquid on the surface pollution of the membrane was analyzed through the pollution adsorption experiments of CA and PS membranes at different flow rates. FIG. 4 and FIG. 5 showed the equilibrium adsorption capacity of CA and PS ultrafiltration membranes during the hollow pressure circulation of alcohol fermentation liquid, respectively, under the experimental conditions of 25℃. The pH value is 3.5. The following conclusions can be drawn from the data diagram: the equilibrium pollution adsorption capacity of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic membranes is linearly inversely proportional to the flow rate of filtrate. The proportion of equilibrium pollution adsorption of hydrophilic membrane decreased with the increase of flow velocity was greater than that of hydrophobic membrane.

This is because the increase in the flow rate of the treatment liquid is not only conducive to reducing the concentration polarization phenomenon on the film surface, thus reducing the film surface pollution, but also conducive to reducing the film surface pollution due to the shear effect of high-speed fluid on the film surface. At the same time, the increase of flow rate will also increase the micro-stirring effect of the treatment solution, promote the dissolution of the solute and reduce the occurrence of membrane pollution.


3.3.5 Other Methods

In addition, proper pretreatment of the membrane surface and treatment is also an effective method to control the pollution of the membrane surface. J. A. Howell et al. used the method of fixing papayase in the ultrafiltration membrane to decompose the whey deposited on the surface of the membrane, which greatly reduced the membrane pollution. In addition, the polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane treated with Tween80 greatly reduced the membrane surface pollution during the ultrafiltration of BSA solution, which is a good treatment means to reduce the membrane surface pollution.


04 Conclusion

The key problem of the application of ultrafiltration membrane in the field of water supply and drainage is the flux decrease caused by membrane pollution. The main factors causing the surface pollution of ultrafiltration membrane include: the properties of membrane materials, the cooperation between membrane materials and treatment liquid, the concentration and flow rate of treatment liquid and other factors. By further improving the properties of membrane materials and reasonably handling the various parameter matching between membrane and treatment liquid, this difficult problem can be effectively solved, so that ultrafiltration membrane can be more widely used in the field of water supply and drainage.


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