Measuring Your Will – Through Your Word

Measuring Your Will – Through Your Word

Apart from subjectively assessing your will-strength by reflections and meditations, how do you objectively assess your will-strength? How good or bad is it? 

Observe or Note your ‘word’ that you give to others or ‘promises’ you make like I will meet you tomorrow, I will call you at 4 pm or I will send the report by tonight or I will attend your program and so on.

How many times have you have kept your word or failed to keep your word to others that day. Do this observation for a month and note down in 2 columns – ‘Kept My Word’ (or) ‘Broke My Word’.

If you score more than 90% (Kept your word) then you got good will strength and this reflects in your credibility as well, and if you got 75% (Kept your word) or above, then your will and your credibility is on shaky grounds and you must soon start to do the will exercises or tasks to get back your credibility.

If less than 75% of the time you ‘Kept your word’ then your word means nothing to anyone (or that’s how others will perceive you) including your own body.

You really have lots of work to do to strength your will discipline vis-à-vis build your credibility back in your personal and professional life which is really the secret sauce for your success.

Don’t become frivolous with your ‘word’ and use them with utmost care and reverence.

Each day, be more careful in what you utter, write or promise others and if you speak those words then follow through at all costs. This is how great empires, organisations and individuals are built.

‘Your Word Is Your Will’

Keep Your Word Today!

If interested to enroll for the Will Boot Camp - 21 day Challenge on ‘Strengthening Your Will’ then please check out our event listing for more information. Online Camp starts on 1st June 2020 and registration closes on 30th May 6 pm or on reaching 60 participants.

PS: We have only 7 slots remaining.


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