Measuring Training Results
There is a Donald Kirkpatrick’s model widely used for it. Originally it has 4 levels and 5th level was added later by someone else.
Level 1: Reaction
In modern adult learning students give grades to the teacher. Most importantly is to measure “this was useful for me”, NPS (“I would recommend…”) and personal assessment of the trainer’s work. The score can be 1 to 5, 1 to 10 or 0 to 100. Not going to dive you into the fuzzy logic but there’s nearly no difference what scale to use. Important though that the ideal rate for “useful” and “trainer’s work” is around 90% of the maximum. When everyone score to 100% that means that they could do more and better and the trainer did not push hard enough.
Level 2: Learning
I prefer to call it “Knowledge”. Can be measured by testing or interviewing the student. Absolutely important to understand that knowing is not doing (alas doing is not always doing right).
In many cases we don’t even bother to measure it unless the next level falls too bad (that can be because of the lack of knowledge of the students).
Level 3: Behavior
Are the students DOING what they’ve learned during the training? Did the methods from learning became a part of the normal organization behavior? We can measure that by listening to the calls, reading written communication, asking feedback from peers (partners or subordinates). When we train sales skills, we can use double calls (when student’s manager goes to the meeting together with the student but watching and listening, not speaking). When we train management skills, we can add some questions to the regular 360 questionnaire.
Level 4: Results
This is the level of KPIs. Talking the language that is easy to understand for those who approves the training budget. Revenue, ASP, Margin, Involvement, Staff Turnover Rate could all be here.
Very important to separate “because” from “after”.
Example 1: Revenue grown 3 times. Because the company started a new extremely successful product line, opened a new region, tuned logistics to fit SLA, raised bonuses AND trained the staff. What are the training results? Probably we cannot measure.
Example 2: Regional manager decided to train the sales staff and make huge efforts to implement the trained skills into a daily work of the salespeople. Revenue dropped by 10%. Is this the impact of the training? No. The seasonal change had to be -40% so actually impact is 50% increase of sales (90% compared to planned 60%). We could estimate this in the case that no other major circumstances have changed.
Level 5: ROI
This level is new. It was not a part of the original model, however it makes a perfect sense how you can sell the training inside of the organization.
Calculate ALL costs. Including travel and the cost of the student’s work time that will be spent on the training.
Convert KPIs into money. You will have to understand how it works.
Example: we will decrease the staff turnover rate from 15% to 10%. We have 1000 people of those 100 managers who will be trained.
“Before” was necessary to employ and board 150 people per year, “after” we’ll have to employ and board 100. 50 less. Direct costs, low performance, mistakes, distracting experienced staff will be a saved cost. Different research from the leading consultants shows that the cost of replacing a person is between 3 and 12 months of the income. Let’s count to 3 months.
Taking that the salary of the staff is averaged to €3000 and the training will be effective 3 years (then the skill will degrade, and we will have to organize learning again, ignore discounting flow).
Then the total expected effect will be:
?€3000 3 months 50 people * 3 years = €1,350,000.
The cost of learning. 100 people is 5 groups of 20. The program will be introduction online session 1 hour, 2 days workshop for each group and 3 2-hour implementation and reinforcement online sessions for each group. The cost of the workshop is €5000 and online €500 per hour.
Then the cost of service:
€500 + 5 groups (2 €5000 + 3 sessions 2 hours €500) = €65,500
The cost of student’s time (if the hour rate is €60) is:
?100 (2 days workshop is 16 hours + 7 hours online) €60 hour rate = €138,000
Travel (€1000 per person): 100 * €1000 = €100,000
Miscellaneous costs will include renting the space, catering, services, etc. I will estimate them all together to €20,000.
So the total cost of the learning program will be:
€65,500 service + €138,000 salary + €100,000 travel + €20,000 miscellaneous = €323,500
(No wonder why big bosses don’t like it).
And ROI is:
(€1,350,000 saved / €323,500) * 100% = 417%.
Please share how you justify training for budget owners?