Measuring the Speed of Light
Front Picture: Harmonic Tuning of Sawdust
The Cage Theory of Physical Emergence?
The Experimental Design:
Design of the Experiment
Flight of the Bumblebee
As an aside, and attempting to show the difference between ”pure mathematics” and “natural mathematics”, a young violinist was on a local radio station playing the “Flight of the Bumble Bee”. She was very good. It was an excellent display of music talent. But someone had tuned her violin different than usual. There was at least one string off. I don’t have the ear to know which string it was. Anyway, and this is helped by being radio and not TV, that the music sounded just like a real bumble bee and not just a violin copying the bumble bee. For me, this goes with other studies, of actual or living examples, that the pure math [of our tuning the violin] is not the “tuning” that nature chooses to use. As Jesus says “the wind chooses to blow where it wants”.
The Experiment
The experiment is simple and seems to prove the speed of light.
In the experiment we are spinning mirrors [I am always spinning mirrors - and Spiegel, Spiegel an der Wand] that are a distance apart [so the measurement can be more accurate]. The test is to tune the spinning of the mirrors so that light that bounces off the first mirror hits the second mirror at just the right time that it then hits a sensor. Then we calculate the speed of light from the numbers related to the mirror speed, the distances involved, and corrections we might need for sundries.
Hymn of the Cherubim
The Space Time Cage
But what if we are not measuring the speed of light. The Copenhagen school warned us of the problem of “quantum entanglement” where an experiment with quantum kine [like light] is done in the physical universe by instruments and rules that are physical kine and definitely not quantum kine. Just this kind of thing [not entangled again] is how rainbows are made even though there is really no such thing as a rainbow [See Somewhere Over the Rainbow and Groucho and “Sanity Clause” -]. There ain’t no Sanity Claus and there ain’t no Rainbows.
In particular I have always been bothered by this speed of light experiment. I had many reasons but in the back of my mind I felt it did not measure the speed of light. That is where the Cage Theory comes into the question. The Cage Theory is about space-time. It is about the most important constraint on quantum kine in the emergence from quantum kine to physical kine. The Copenhagen expression for this kine emergence is “the collapse of the wave function”. So when we compare apples with oranges in our speed of light experiment - we are actually measuring the “velocity” of the collapse of the wave equation. That is because the experiment puts the light into a cage or “the” cage. The collapse occurs over the length of the cage the distance between the mirrors we are using for the experiment. The collapse is occurring over that space.
08/22/2021 - With enough loss of closed-ness of a quantum system, from encroaching physical systems activities [entanglement], some or all quantum eigenfunctions could be voided by the fact that the system is becoming an open system and there, and then, no or a minimum of quantum eigenfunction activities can occur [the collapse of the eigenfunctions - this is the etiology of the collapse]
The collapse is not always complete because there are complexities in the opening and closing of a system for the sake of various dimensions of the process. I imply that the eigenfunctions can collapse in a given dimension and not other dimensions because the original equation is a partial differential. The wave equation collapses when the hurricane comes ashore. But it takes weeks to completely collapse [it rains for weeks] because in some dimensions these things happen immediately and in some it takes longer - for reasons we need to further understand. The math is simple but complicated by how constraints work.
John 3:8 The Spirit breathes where?he will, and you hear his voice, but you do not know from?where he comes?and?where he goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.
Constrainta and Distributions
The cage [constraint] of the physical universe “emergence” is the constraint that also produces space-time. The physical cage of the light experiment has a physical kine constraint “attached” that puts the quantum light into a very special cage constraint. This is the constraint that produces the universe of molecules [the discrete formation of matter], the distribution of variable energy based on quanta molecular matter demonstrating a continuous variable and shareable energy system, and the equilibrating process of distribution via our old friend entropy. That is the envisioning of my beginning conception of the cage constraint. In the experiment, it is a fleeting constraint and does not last long enough to produce any more than a quanta particle - of a light photon [the minimal evidence of wave equation collapse]. There then is a photon moving, here - instead of just the presence of a wave equation.
There could be a change in the pattern of the light wave distribution - along with the necessary wave character of the distribution. This moving "center" of the probability "expected value" distribution equation area may be moving near the speed of the collapse when it happens, but this wave process is not a particle but a distribution curve. It is like an ocean wave before it breaks - the ocean wave's motion is an optical illusion. The water is actually not moving along the path visualized (kind of like the rainbow in some ways) but it is just circulating up and down and around - and thus creates the illusion of the water moving toward the shore. Not another rainbow!
When the wave breaks it is the beginning of the collapse of the ocean wave equation. At that point, for that forward wave, the rest of its action until it splashes on the shore is the collapse of the wave equation. The wave has come a long way under this mirage of the wave moving forward but the water stays in roughly in the same place while it circles around a path to produce the mirage. The wave equation collapses, called breaking, from the fact that the shore comes up and clashes with the lower parts of the wave action, from previously deeper water to shallower water near the shore. The part that splashes on the shore then turns back on the beach to try to flow back into the water. This causes under-toe and sometimes clashes dramatically with the incoming wave,
Land and Sea at sort-of Calm (yes those are surfers)
The Two Waves Coming Together
Land and Sea Meeting of the Waves - Right at the Collapse of the Wave Equation
This is a little cove on Oahu's North Shore. The waves are always higher on the North Shore than on the Waikiki side. The cove has a square corner. This increases the complexity of the wave process. The two straight up and down cliffs meet just beyond the right side of the picture. That unseen wall is sort of pointing towards where I am standing. Yes there are surfers down there. The lower picture is what the surfers are waiting for. There is more than one swell set coming in from Russia and crashing against this corner cove; so there is a variation in each swell depending on how the two swells match up. This lower picture issue is every once in a while (due to more than one swell set) and the back splash from the previous swell meets the next forward swell when both are very strong [the middle picture shows these two actions about to meet; the blue rise in the water is the next wave, the white foam is the splash back]. For a split second the water is spewing upwards. I was able to precede that picture with one showing the new wave coming to meet the old wave splash back. The Meeting of the Waves follow and that develops a skyward spray of water [that is what the surfers are waiting for in the few safe places to be]. I needed to take the picture at exactly the right instant. In just an instant, of the lower picture clash of wave patterns; the scene changes quickly to a scene more like that top picture again. The meeting of the previous swell with the new swell here "is" the collapse of both wave functions. "Collapse of the Wave Equation" makes more sense and is more visualizable when it is visible ocean waves we are talking about, than if it were light wave eigenfunctions collapsing.
True quantum “wave beings” are not in "the" cage - the space-time cage. What puts quanta in a space-time cage? Certainly double mirrors at a specific spacing does that. Perhaps the single “physical” mirror could initialize the photon, then the speed of collapse is the changing of the photon over space. The collapse is into Space-Time. We only record the time/distance between the mirrors. In the photoelectric effect a Space-Time Cage collapse also includes the event where the photon is totally captured [100%] by a physical plate.
What, then, does it mean to be outside the cage. The quantum, normal, form of light is waves that propagate at “seemingly” infinite speed and appear to be everywhere in the whole universe at once. The estimation of the expected value of the light acting on the physical universe is expressed in a wave equation - that includes a wave form for the light frequency - and some idea of the location it might be at in the physical universe. To try to measure “physically” the position of this light in Space-Time causes the wave equation to collapse and the actual position relates to a Space-Time characterization of the speed of light [like a staging of a play happening out of its context]. The picture above of the "Collapse of the Wave Equation" with ocean waves demonstrate that there are always more harmonics present that complicate the situation. Actually, what we call "Natural" is actually harmonics.
The Cage Constraint
The cage constraint for the emergence of the physical universes distributes matter into physical quantum of “molecules”, with their atomic contents [the inner glue or “bonds” is atomic and quantum mechanical - the outer system {outer in a reflexive sense} is physical level or “molecular” in nature], and produces a system that is always moving in relation to each other [einander] but whose motions are not comparable in character to anything in the quantum world. In the quantum world, and outside the cage, the entities can and must only be described in a wave equation. What that wave equation measures is elusive but definitely is some function of the probability-existence of the quantum entity. Can we call this its “being”?
In the physical world the entropy is what is defined by a wave equation, but in the cage, that applies to entropy and the probability distribution of any energy [not just the energy or what could be referred to by expressing total or average energy as a present state of the system]. There are specific physical entities that can exhibit a distribution of motion energy that could be described by a wave equation. If this distribution is of energy and to the extent that it is energy, it is reflecting entropy, and is a part of the entropy of the system.
Moonlight Sonata
The use of wave equations at the physical level [say for tuning issues with musical instruments] produces a result with the same kind of caveat as quantum level for the wave expressing: that is, the probability-existence of da kine related to the entity examined. Ultimately the physical level wave equation expresses the distribution of energy [entropy] in the system it is defining. This distribution of energy is part of the being on the physical level under the cage. It is not specifically constrained, except under the requirements of dissipation and equilibration which is part of the cage produced constraint(s). This energy is a remnant of the more free probability distribution of energy generally in entities of the universe outside the space-time cage. This energy [entropy] is ultimately controlled [or measured] by a set of wave equation functions which is the way the freer energy of the quantum level is controlled [or measured]. The difference is that the physical level has a smaller portion of its energy involved [the entropy or the energy that is distributed into various energy levels under the Space-Time cage] in the wave equation distribution. Of course all the energy is distributed, but the entropy and the wave equation involves the distribution of energy, its distribution in the system, and not the energy as a whole.
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Organ
Newton Only?
MALAGUENA - Easy Arrangement - Full Tutorial with TAB - Fingerstyle Guitar
BACH: Toccata and Fugue, BWV 565 by Edson Lopes
BACH - Toccata and Fugue in D - Piano
Hashtags: #harmonics #CageTheory #light #SpeedOfLight #cage #constraints #WaveEquations #tuning #kine #DaKine?