Measuring Emotional Intelligence

Measuring Emotional Intelligence

We measure distance. We measure time.

We measure the percentage of brine.

We measure the temperature outside and in, And our cheers and fears from our own point of view.

We measure tire treads, their depth and height.

We measure volume and velocity, vacuum and viscosity.

We measure weight, percentage of fat; half a cup of this and a teaspoon of that.

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I began thinking about this several days ago (it's October 2010) and realized that… I already had an answer. ?????? 1???? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ??????????. Of course! Everything works in an orderly fashion.

When I first purchased my dream home on a small lake, I spent hours fascinated with the activity of the waterfowl. Each group – ducks, mallards, pinheads, geese, and swans seemed ‘joined at the hip’ and moved quietly together as they made their way up and down the meadow between my home and the lake. Interesting ... when anyone walked down to feed them, all that broke loose, and pure instinct took over for the birds. When it came to food, everyone was on their own!

Not one of the waterfowl looked depressed or dragged their webbed feet… and none of them skipped happily along the way as they went about their day. They were all in unison, in order, as if being guided by and internal knowing of ‘where to go next.’

Universal laws work all the time every time, and restoring order (clear understanding) is our natural way of being, just like the geese, only most of us are simply unaware of this. No worries. Once you know, it makes things clearer, and we move with alacrity toward what it is we seek.

Our mind aligns with measuring as part of this order. Keep in mind that… Mind is an activity found in every cell of our body, so it’s a little tougher to do the measuring.

So then, how would we measure the emotional side of our being – such as success, vision, growth, intellect, achievement, courage and persistence? A different task altogether.

Why is this important some may consider. We get into action when we see a clear path. We feel 'stuck' when things are confusing. We have to know 'how!' 'How long,' and 'how much' and very few of us move without those answers.

For example, let’s say we have a big dream – one that we want very much, and we don’t know how ... how long or how much. The few that move anyway have turned purpose into desire, and then into faith (intentionally or by default). Faith has us know that order and understanding will be reached on the other side of that dark space, and we end up clear, and on a higher level of awareness of our potential.

Most, however, high-tail-it back to the couch for comfort and simply avoid the confusion and skip out on our dreams.

Measuring our emotional intelligence is sometimes referred to as "a checkup from the neck up!" [Zig Ziglar] We do this by asking ourselves, when reacting (not responding) to outside conditions and circumstances over which we have no control:

How long did I react and when did I begin to respond?

How long did it take to realize that this was my personal perception, which changes with added information anyway, and that it only works for me and no one else?

How long did I hold that grudge?

By when did I forgive that person because forgiving them really is forgiving myself (they're not worried about it anymore anyway)?

Recently I made a sound business decision. Once made, for a couple of hours I questioned and doubted myself. My limiting beliefs were going toe to toe with my well-developed intellectual tool – reason! I was really uncomfortable for 15 minutes inside that time period.

But then 'reason' stood tall and outwitted my limiting beliefs which showed up as fear and disappointment and I moved on, never again questioning my own decision. The shorter the time spent in self-doubt, the stronger our emotional intelligence and the closer we get to touching our infinite potential.

It's a lot of fun learning to measure our thinking or emotional intelligence. Continued learning after all is our gift -- the "miracle grow" of life! When we are learning, we are being guided just like the geese toward being happy, healthy, and wealthy. [10-20-10]


These articles were written between 2009 and 2012, when I was deep into study of Think and Grow Rich, Universal Laws and Principles, added to over a Decade in leadership development and awareness training and coaching. What took me three years to learn and apply will take you on a short journey, simply reading them in sequence. It's a crash course in "Realizing that you have infinite potential!"

They were my Life! Most important to me is that they are clear as you read them so you can embrace them ... or not. Please let me know your thoughts. Leslie


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