Measuring the Conductivity Helps Ensure Bioethanol Purity!
In today's world, where the search for better renewable energy sources is more crucial than ever, bioethanol emerges as a promising alternative fuel. Its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels has garnered significant attention. Bioethanol is also an essential resource for chemical industries to produce ethanol and ethylene glycol. These developments have led to increased demand for bioethanol production. Although high purity is not mandatory in the case of chemical manufacturing, bioethanol, which is blended with gasoline, must contain 99.5%(v/v) alcohol. Hence, ensuring the quality and efficiency of bioethanol production is vital to realizing its full potential.
Conductivity Measurement: A Key Parameter
Sources of bioethanol, fermentative microbes, and different purification methods can lead to variations in water content and other impurities like organic acids, salts, methanol, and other ionic impurities. Conductivity measurement, therefore, emerges as a promising tool for monitoring the concentration of ionic impurities, such as salts and acids, which can impact fuel performance and sustainability. By continually assessing conductivity levels indicative of high corrosive ion content, the operators can swiftly identify deviations from purity standards, enabling timely adjustments and optimizing production parameters. This not only ensures consistent quality but also maximizes bioethanol yield. Moreover, conductivity measurement provides valuable insights into the efficiency of the purification steps, enabling process improvements and cost reduction.
Standards and Measurement Systems
German Institute for Standardization (DIN 15938) and Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT NBR 10547) specify a test method to determine electrical conductivity in ethanol and ethanol-based automotive fuel. It also mentions the permissible range between 0.3 to 5 μS/cm at a temperature of 25 °C, emphasizing the need to choose suitable sensor and calibration standards.
METTLER TOLEDO offers a complete solution for bioethanol measurement as per requirements specified by industry guidelines. This includes our Seven series benchtop and portable conductivity meters for laboratory, at-line, and real-time measurements. Our specialist InLab? 725 sensor equipped with a 2-pole platinum cell is a perfect solution for measuring low conductivity in organic samples like bioethanol, conforming to ABNT NBR 10547. We also offer certified conductivity standards in bottles or single-use sachets to avoid contamination for calibration and verification of conductivity sensors. We have a customized kit for bioethanol measurements for mobile applications using our Seven2Go portable meter with a uGo? carrying case
Figure 1: Our Portable, Benchtop Meters and InLab Sensor for Bioethanol Measurement
To learn more about measurement procedures, best practices, and tips for reliable conductivity measurements, download our conductivity theory guide by clicking the link here: Conductivity Measurement Theory Guide | METTLER TOLEDO (
In the journey towards a greener and more sustainable future, bioethanol holds immense potential. Yet, its success hinges on rigorous quality control measures, with conductivity measurement playing a central role. Our specialist conductivity sensors can help accurately analyze bioethanol for its quality and ensure that it remains a safe, reliable, and sustainable fuel alternative for future generations.