Measure and Track all Tanks automatically and instantly

Measure and Track all Tanks automatically and instantly

Tatbeek Tank Tracker solution is a plug and play hardware with a digital screen plus web platform to measure automatically and monitor instantly all Tanks’ liquid or solid inner and consumption amounts from anywhere and sends automatic alerts when reaching the minimum amount or the re-order point, plus integrate with ERP systems to compare added amounts with suppliers’ vouchers and to create automatic purchase requisitions as well.

Available stock in a real time


  • All Tanks in one dashboard and separately
  • Accurate, Automatic, and instant measurements
  • Automatic reports with Analysis
  • Email and SMS alerts
  • Access historical data up to 3 years

Inner amount time series graph


  • Measure water Quality as PH, DO, TDS, and Turbidity
  • Measure Temperature and humidity
  • Measure liquid and water flow in real time
  • Taking automatic actions with pumps based on inner amounts
  • Access internet through SIM card or Wi-Fi
  • Rechargeable battery for extra availability

An SMS Alert

For more information:

  • Visit our website
  • Schedule a call from this link
  • Call us at any time at +2011 456 356 12


Tatbeek Team



