
We discuss measurability, intended as the fundamental problem of assessing what can be measured.

We review some of the main ideas that have been historically proposed on this subject, including the positions of Helmoltz, Campbell and Stevens, the representational viewpoint and some criticism of it.

Then we propose an approach that attempts to combine scientific rigour with openness to innovation and we discuss its applicability to both fundamental and derived quantities, in virtually any scientific domain.

Such an approach may be particularly suited for addressing the measurement of quantities related to human perception.


What can be measured? This is a key question in measurement science and it is closely related to another fundamental one: what really is measurement or, in other words, what is a good definition of measurement?

Increasing the number of measurable characteristics was a part of Galileo’s scientific programme for modern science, according to the motto: “count what is countable, measure what is measurable, and what is not measurable make measurable” [19]. Interestingly enough, two centuries later, Fechner (1801–87), made a similar statement for psychophysics, writing: “as an exact science psychophysics, like physics, must rest on experience and the mathematical connection of those empirical facts that demand a measure of what is experienced or, when such a measure is not available, a search for it” [9].

As noted by Finkelstein [25], “the true foundations of the modern theory of measurement were laid by Helmoltz”, in a paper published in 1887: in this work [1], as well as in a later and similarly important one, by Campbell [2], the problem of measurability was posed explicitly.

In the first half of the 20th century the question was considered so important that the British Association for the Advancement of Science appointed a Committee composed of physicists and psychologists, to consider and report upon the possibility of providing quantitative estimates of sensory events. The final report of the Committee (1939, cf. [4]) showed the impossibility of reconciling the positions of the two parts towards a common understanding of measurement. The physicists, in particular, took a strong stance against the possibility of actually making measurements in the behavioural sciences. This led to an essentially parallel development of measurement science in physical science on one side and in behavioural sciences on the other, with consequences up to the present days.

Yet the problem of quantities expressing the human response to some external stimuli is of great interest for metrology. This is reflected, for example, in the inclusion, among the base units of the International System (SI), of the candela, which quantifies the response of the human eye to light and is therefore a measurement of a biological response to an optical radiation [17], [26]. More generally, there is an interest in quantities related to human perception, since they are suited to describing quantitatively the interaction of persons with their living or working environment. This kind of study is also collectively referred to as soft metrology, which may be defined as “measurement techniques and models which enable the objective quantification of properties which are determined by human perception”, where “the human response may be in any of the five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch” [24]. An example of the interest in these themes is provided by some recent Calls of the European Community, entitled “Measuring the impossible”, as a part of the New and emerging science and technology (NEST) programme [32]. As a rationale for the Calls, it is observed that “many phenomena of significant interest to contemporary science are intrinsically multidimensional and multi-disciplinary, with strong cross-over between physical, biological and social sciences”. Moreover, “products and services appeal to the consumers according to parameters of quality, beauty, comfort, etc., which are mediated by human perception” and also “public authorities, and quasi public bodies such as hospitals provide citizens with support and services whose performance is measured according to parameters of life quality, security or well being”. We may thus say that new needs suggest a reconsideration of the problem of measurability, taking into account new findings in the specific disciplines involved (physical metrology, measurement theory, experimental and cognitive psychology, neurophysiology, to name but some).

So in this paper we first present a review and a discussion of the main ideas that have been historically proposed on measurability, including the positions of Helmoltz and Campbell, the Report of the British Association, the position of Stevens, the representational viewpoint and some criticism of it. Then we propose an approach that attempt to combine scientific rigour with openness to novelty, trying to provide an answer to some of the main questions that have been historically raised in this regard. Such an approach may be particularly suited for addressing the measurement of quantities related to human perception and for providing a foundation to soft metrology.

Prior to entering into the discussion, let us consider a simple and classical introductory example, the scale for the hardness of minerals, proposed by Mohs (1773–1839) in 1812. The key idea of his method was that the hardness of a mineral may be characterised by its ability to scratch other minerals. He identified a series of 10 reference materials, collectively suited to express the different degrees of hardness we may encounter in nature and he assigned the numbers from 1 to 10 to them, so fully defining a reference scale. We will call a standard each element in the scale and measure the corresponding number. On the basis of it, it is possible to determine the hardness of any piece of mineral a by comparing it to the scale in order to identify the standard to which it is equivalent, in the sense that it neither scratches nor is scratched by it.

Consider now some questions.

Is the technique just described really a measurement, since it is different to some extent – rougher we would say – from other types of more familiar measurements, such as mass, length or electrical resistance, to name some? More specifically, in what way is it similar to other, more traditional, measurements and in what way does it differ? This simple example leads us to the problem of measurability that we will treat in the following sections.

Before proceeding, let us introduce some language.

What we measure is called an attribute or characteristic or property of an object (or event or body or system). We prefer the terms characteristic and object, respectively. A measurable characteristic is called quantity or magnitude – we prefer the former. A characteristic for which measurability has not yet been assessed is sometimes called a quality. We will simply call it characteristic, since the term quality is also used in contrast to quantity to denote a characteristic which is purely ordinal.

What we use for expressing the result of a measurement is considered to be a number, a numeral or a symbol. We prefer to consider it a number but we will also call it a measure, as we have just done with the Mohs scale. Despite our preferences, we will occasionally use other terms, especially when quoting other authors, in order to maintain their language. Definitions and notation conventions are summarised in Appendix 1.

We are now ready to start a brief excursus in the history of measurement science.

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Helmoltz: the analogy between measuring and counting

Although measurement has been a key factor in the development of modern science, studies on its foundations appeared relatively late and the first work usually quoted is a memory by Hermann Helmoltz (1821–94), included in a book published in honour of the famous historian of the Greek philosophy, E. Zeller, in 1887, titled “Counting and measuring considered from the standpoint of the theory of knowledge” [1].

Helmoltz explicitly posed the problem of measurability, since he investigated “the

Campbell and the foundations of physical measurements

In 1932 the British Association for the Advancement of Science appointed a Committee, whose members were drawn from section A (Physics) and J (Psychology) of the society, to consider and report upon the possibility of quantitative estimates of sensory events. In other words, they were asked to report on the measurability of characteristics involved in psychophysics.

Prior to examining the final report in detail, let us consider the position of the most influential of the physicists, Norman

The report of the Committee of the British Association for the advancement of science

The Committee, appointed in 1932, at York, by the British Association, made a long interim report in 1938 [3], containing statements both for and against the measurability of sensation intensities. It thus concluded by “asking for reappointment to consider whether the views put forward are, or are not, irreconcilable”. The task was undertaken by a Sub-Committee, which produced a final report, in 1939 [4]. Some of its conclusions are briefly summarised here.

Consider a typical psychophysical

Stevens: measurements in psychophysics and the classification of measurement scales

“In the meantime, unaware that the British committee was trying to settle the issue, some of us at Harvard were wrestling with similar problems… What I gained from these discussions was a conviction that a more general theory of measurement was needed, and that the definition of measurement should not be limited to one restricted class of empirical operations”. This is Stevens (1906–73), professor at Harvard, writing in 1956. “The best way out – he continues – seemed to approach the problem

The representational theory of measurement

The main body of studies on the foundations of measurement in the 20th century may be referred to as the representational theory. A comprehensive presentation is offered in the gigantic treatise, Foundations of measurement, by Krantz, Luce, Suppes and Tversky, in three volumes, issued from 1971 to 1990 [10]. Other remarkable presentations are those by Roberts [12] and Narens [13] and recent surveys are also available [23]. These studies share a common framework, which essentially may be seen as

A criticism to the representational viewpoint

Although measuring systems (or instruments) have been key in the development of modern science, quite surprisingly the notion of a measuring system is almost completely absent in the representational theory of measurement [31]. This may probably be explained by considering that the representational theory has been developed mainly in the area of behavioural sciences, where the concept of a measuring system is not considered to be so important. The need of explicitly accounting for its role in a

Measurability conditions

Now it is time to make a proposal.

To do that, let us consider again the case of Mohs-hardness measurement. Thanks to its simplicity, this example is good in showing what the different steps are that must be undertaken to enable the measurement of something, that is

  • –to define the class of objects manifesting the characteristic,
  • –to identify the empirical properties that define the characteristic,
  • –to construct a reference measurement scale, that is select a series of sample objects able to represent

Derived quantities

Let us recall Campbell’s distinction between fundamental and derived quantities and reformulate it in more modern language, accounting for the findings of the representational theory of measurement.

We may say that a fundamental quantity is one for which a scale is constructed on the basis of the empirical relations defining it, whilst a derived quantity is one for which a scale is obtained through a functional relation holding between it and other quantities, whose scales have been previously

Summary of the proposed approach and discussion

On the basis of the discussion presented in the previous section, we define measurability as follows. We say that a characteristic x of a class of objects is measurable if the following four-steps procedure may be successfully applied:

  • 1.define the class of objects that manifest the characteristic;
  • 2.identify the empirical properties that define the characteristic;
  • 3.construct a reference measurement scale;
  • 4.devise at least one measuring system based on that reference scale.

We now briefly discuss why, in


We have discussed the problem of measurability and we have shown how it has deeply influenced the development of measurement science. We have seen how the discussion in the Committee appointed by the British Association sanctioned a historical division between measurement in physics and engineering, on the one hand, and in psychophysics and in behavioural sciences, on the other. Since then, considerable achievements have been obtained in both fields, but a unified vision of measurement has not


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