Meaningful Messages for Us
Ernie Brooks
?????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ...Instructor of 'Positivity & Relaxation Training' at UMass Amherst
I probably could never gather together all of the wisdom I have collected, written, and shared for our collective healing and prosperity.? Here, though, I would like to begin, and periodically add to, a collection of some of the most thoughtful (and far too less commonly explored so meaningfully) messages I have created for us all…
I share some of these directly on LinkedIn.? However, there are many more that are only posted on my personal Facebook and Instagram pages, along with my Facebook page ‘Messages of Love’.? I invite anyone who resonates with these kinds of messages to follow me there, as well.
There are reasons why breathing is recommended as a way to relax.
Our breath can be a point of focus.? And so, when we are worried, anxious…noticing our breath can be a way to focus our mind, which may have run wild, on one some thing. This is like a moment of mindfulness that can help us to slow down.
When we breathe in, our heart rate increases, with an increase in blood pressure following a handful of seconds after. And when we breathe out, nervous system interaction applies the brakes to our heart rate and it slows, followed about five seconds after with a decrease in blood pressure.
All of this is part of our interconnected body systems’ ability to adapt moment to moment to a changing environment and other conditions. Because, there will be times when we will need greater or lesser inhalation and exhalation for gas exchange and more or less need for moving blood throughout our body.
And so, longer breaths in, and especially long breaths out, can help promote this natural variability in our heart rate, signaling safety, inspiring (or rather more accurately ‘expiring’) calm.
Especially deep breaths may not be necessary. However, a longer deep breath in can help us to have a longer breath out. And with that slow long breath out comes the opportunity for heart rate variability trending towards more time between beats and a lower rate of pulsation.
For this, counting as we breath in and out might help. A breath that is for about ten to twelve seconds (creating 5 to 6 breaths a minute) can be helpful to practice. Counting five seconds as we breath in and five seconds as we breath out can bring each breath to ten seconds.
With our breath, we truly can stimulate a response of relaxation within us. And it all starts with bringing awareness to our breath. You might choose to notice in this moment as you are breathing in and breathing out. It could be helpful to be mindful of our breathing in all kinds of moments…when we are walking, when we are singing, when we are watching the rain fall outside, when tears fall from our eyes, when we are with people we love, when we are? doing anything and anywhere.
I wish for us all moments of mindful awareness and calming breaths.
Loneliness ??
I was reading about loneliness this evening in a book I had started earlier this year and put aside until now. Many facts and figures were included, but to summarize it…a lot of people are lonely. Many of us are lonely.
I have faced loneliness in the past few years. I experienced it when I realized that, without the lover I was previously with, there is no one else who knows me so deeply and few who I have anything near the deep conversations with that I so very much desire. I’m still not sure that I have quite found that, but I am not as lonely these days.
This post isn’t a call for sympathy for me, though: it is a call to action for us all. Many of us are lonely. We have become so disconnected from each other.
??What do you really know about yourself, the people you love, the people who you are with regularly??? What do they know about you?
??Have you looked someone in the eyes recently?? Have you seen their soul? Oh, because sometimes, without words, that itself is a powerful connection.
??What is it that we are hiding from ourselves and each other, and what are we going to do about that?
??Who is missing?? Who are we not seeing?? Who is lonely?
??Is there anything you can do each day, even if it is a ‘pattern interrupt’ of society, to connect with someone?
I like to write and speak about things that are taboo or otherwise missing in our conversations.? And I think loneliness is something taboo that we need to talk more openly about with each other. We might need to say to our friend or anyone, ‘I am feeling lonely’.? And we may need to each more directly open our hearts as safe spaces for the people in our lives who are lonely.
As I often do, I sat here and reflected on the right words to share about this. It’s only a start. Keep this going!? May it plant a seed for us to consider. May we connect with each other meaningfully. ??
Because so many of us are lonely...
When you see someone alone, maybe go over to be with them and start a conversation with them. We have so many opportunities each day to connect with each other and reaching out to each other more can become a meaningful experience.
With our friends and all the people we care about, we can ask 'do you feel lonely at times?' and talk about it. This may even become an opportunity to share if you are lonely, as well.
We each need a friend who we can talk deeply, meaningfully, truly with about what we are thinking, feeling, experiencing. When an opportunity is present to be more authentic in who we are, let us share ourselves more openly. If we can have a connection more like that with someone, we may feel less alone.
Your guardian angel is always with and around you and it wants for you to feel that meaningful connection with someone. Remember that your angel is there with you when you feel lonely and maybe ask your angel to help you make a connection with someone.
I wish you love and meaningful connection today.
?? Music…
I have been writing about ways in which energy moves through us. I have talked about healing energy through crying, through orgasms, and now through music.
‘I couldn’t live without music’ I recently wrote. It is as essential as the water ?? that flows through me.? I sing nearly every day with songs that I’m feeling in those moments-songs that connect me to a place, or time, or person…
Oh, I can feel love energy moving through me when I sing a powerful love song.? Times when love ?? feels too powerful to keep inside, music has been a way to let it flow.
There have been times when I have moved anxious energy through me with some air guitar ?? playing of some powerful rock songs. I have been able to be less nervous for presentations or interviews by giving myself that experience before them.
Sometimes, music gifts us an experience just to be. A piano ?? in the campus center at the university I work at commonly is being played during the day by a variety of people. It’s a peaceful experience to spend some time there just listening. It doesn’t matter how well the player does.? It always is beautiful. A calming energy is present here.
As I get to this point, I am realizing there are countless more stories to share of healing energy flowing through music. So, so many stories, that this one feels incomplete. ‘We’ll write another song ?? to say the rest,’ I hear the writer within me saying. For now, reflect on your experiences of music.
Music is so essential to us because it connects with the essence of life itself and with our creative expression as humans. Rhythmic patterns and sound producing energy are found everywhere in nature here on Earth ?? and all throughout the mysterious universe that Earth and its life are an interconnected part of.
From the dust and energy of the earliest stars ?? we evolved.? Thus , we are all of the same energy-energy which is always in motion, seeking to flow. And our creative expression though music is a flow of energy through us which allows for an experience that physically, emotionally, and spiritually connects us with each other, with Earth, with the endless universe.
And so, music is another experience of life that I believe we should include in our self care conversations with each other. Wonder about who in your life might have a brighter day with some music as part of it. Create safe spaces for everyone and anyone to express themselves through music. ?? Sing, and play, and dance however and whenever you wish.
??Crying and orgasms…
There’s not enough out there in the self care conversations about how healing both crying and orgasms can be. ?‘I must write more about these’, I have been thinking recently.
Both are beautiful ways we can move energy through us. Tension and release…
Today…crying. I have written before how crying is like a storm. I sense the storm building throughout the day. And I often know, as I did today, that ‘I’ll need to give myself time to cry later’.
I have previously written this about the experience of tension building and then releasing through crying…
~ Our heart ?? beating faster is like thunder and our breathing is like the wind ?? picking up. And then the rain ?? comes. Sometimes it’s torrential rain.? But eventually it passes. And though drops ?? may remain, maybe we can see a rainbow ?? ~
When it’s time to cry, the angels gather around.? We are never alone; we are always surrounded by love-a love that gives us the space we need, yet a love that can hold us as we need.? …The funny thing to think about is how the angels also gather around when it’s time to experience an orgasm too. ?? I really do have to write soon about how movement of energy through those can be healing for us too.
No matter how bad things have been, I have always felt more peace, safer, that I will make it through…after crying. It’s an experience that lets emotional energy flow through us, it is a release of tension, it’s an essential experience for our well-being.
Let’s talk more about crying while helping each other take care of ourselves.
?? The healing cry…
I have written before about how healing crying can be as a way to let emotional energy flow through us. A couple weeks ago, I recognized something I called a ‘healing cry’.
It’s really important that we give ourselves and each other time to process emotions. Many of us are really good at ignoring our emotions. But, when we give our emotions time, attention, and patience, we can better understand them and we can let them flow through us, with hopes that they don’t become stuck within us.
And this could result in crying. As I find it, some cries seem to be letting off pressure.? That is, they help to feel better, but maybe we can feel the emotions, the pain still there.
Eventually, though, a healing cry may come, and it may be powerful. And I call it a healing cry because, even though we may know there may still be more to process as time goes on, we can truly feel that something significant has been released. More than just letting off some pressure, a healing cry truly lets emotion freely flow.
It’s important that we allow this for ourselves and for each other. Some people may wish to be alone, while others may appreciate someone they trust to be with them. To be there with someone and be witness for a healing cry is spiritual and emotional magic.
Maybe what takes place through a healing cry can happen in other ways for some people. Maybe even the singing powerfully of a song can be an opening for a flowing of emotion. It may not be experienced the same for all of us. In our resonate ways, the practice of helping for emotion to flow is so needed.
That moment a couple weeks ago, when I experienced a healing cry, it seemed the angels gave me those words to describe it and I have had them written in a note since then. This is how some of my messages like this and some of my stories are written-an idea conceived takes time to become.
True also that crying may need time and patience. I know that the longer I push emotion down and out of mind, the longer I must patiently be still before emotion will flow out with a cry. And so, we would be well to be encouraging of ourselves and each other to give time, attention, and patience for our emotions often.
I wish a healing cry for all who need it.
A rhythm of song within you, maybe with a few colorful notes piano at first.? From one beat to the next stronger, more powerful.? As you begin to hum it, each breath fanning the small flame.? It’s exciting, magical, curious wondering what is to ‘come’.
Time to play…alone or with accompaniment.? Play, dance, sing the way you like it. Experiment, experience, vocalize...? You may play or have played that lick, that movement any way you desire it.
Crescendo! The most powerful feeling of intimacy, ecstasy, release ever possible. Beats of heart pounding, body shaking, heavenly chords vibrating, sounding in harmony. Climax!
Tension and release…
A lasting tickling sensation, an echoing note, maybe lingering between your ears in the center of your forehead, invites you to stay with this experience, your love song. May you stay in this bliss for as long as you wish.
Taboo as it may be to share, and unfortunately missing from discussions on self care, orgasms may be a song of tension and release that can be so essential in taking good care of our body, mind, and soul.
Creating safe spaces...
I wonder if it might be helpful at times to say ‘is there anything you want to share?’ when someone says that they are overwhelmed, or that things aren’t going well, or…
And then simply to let them ‘share’ if they wish.
Because there have been times when people have said to me ‘do you want to talk about it?’…and I kindly declined. Because I knew that ‘talking’ about it might require me to more fully explain it all again…and, with some people, to hear their recommendations in return.
And that more full dialogue might be helpful for us at times. But sometimes, someone might just want to share…to share the parts of their experience they can in that moment and to share to a listening ear with a compassionate presence.
Yes, it’s a lot to ask someone to just be a listener. But, it can also be much to ask someone to share AND receive when they are overwhelmed or hurting or…
You know, over the years I have at times written my emotions through messages online…because by sharing in that way, I could let them flow without needing to entertain or listen for someone else’s reaction to them. Journaling is a lovely way for most of us to express in this way. I did once hear that “writers work out their ‘stuff’ in public” through their writing…and I resonate very well with that. Oh yes, for all kinds of experiences, part of how I make meaning of this life is through these reflective messages I write and share.
Again, I want to emphasize that dialogue between people can surely be helpful. But, I think we can create space for more of us to connect with each other through our emotions and thoughts by understanding that sometimes someone simply might need to let thoughts flow from their minds and emotions flow from their heart…and for that moment just let them go where they go.
We can create safe spaces to share if we can ask each other if we need someone to ‘listen’ or someone to ‘talk with’ in any given moment.
?? Creative expression…
She was listening to some of her most favorite music, powerful vocals, thunderous rhythms, ooohhhh, and when those low notes of the piano shined through then, she could feel them within her.
Rocking out and dancing through her apartment, she wanted to sing and dance for all to see and hear. On the way by, she picked up one of her favorite bandanas and she twirled it all around her through the highs and the lows, right to the very last note and beat.
This was an exhilarating experience, one that she knew she needed in her life to move energy through her, to express everything about her.
'What does creative expression mean to you?' she asked her friends the next day...making something unique that wasn't there before, understanding myself authentically and expressing who I truly am, being mindful in a moment with something I enjoy...
Yes, oh yes, it was all that and more, including all the ways that her life energy, the energy of her soul moves through her.
Creative expression is the way she dresses and the sparkles she wears in her hair. It is the natural sound of her voice and the phrases she speaks into existence. Creativity is the flavor of coffee she enjoys and the way she breaks her chocolate bar into smaller pieces. It is how she looked at you while you were speaking and when she will let you know of her reflections.
Everything, everything that she is and does is her way of expressing creatively. And she is here now to ask you to consider what creative expression means for you.
I have been further exploring sacred sexuality. This is truly important to me, essential for my experience of this life. I know when this comes around again through my consciousness and I write about it, some who read it might be surprised, unsure what it is, or not interested. For those who this resonates with…
Sacred sexuality requires authenticity…that we show up authentically for ourselves and one another, with everything we are in a moment…
Sacred sexuality has space for an honoring of the body and soul…that we recognize the inherent beauty, divinity, love…and desire to take good care physically, emotionally, spiritually…
Sacred sexuality may create and inspire through sexual energy…this can include the energy of orgasm, energy that we can move through us, that can be powerfully experienced through our whole body, lingering, as I have written about before, and even woven through our whole life, all that we are…
Sacred sexuality can be abundantly experienced between people and also by our own selves…these experiences probably will be more nourishing even if they are understood first as what they mean for one’s self before sharing with another…
Sacred sexuality is patient, mindful, sensual, conscious…it can be a whole body experience that connects us with ourselves, each other, all that is divine…it is often given all the time it needs…
Sacred sexuality is more than even I have written about here…meaningful and something that I hope is embraced by those who resonate with it…
Remember I wrote ‘authenticity’ above, and as I read over this I wonder, ‘have I said it all well?’ This is what comes to mind for me now, and I create space for the possibilities of another to understand sacred sexuality in more ways…that’s what the three dots I often put at the end of phrases in many of my writings means…something more…
Sexual energy flows into so much of what I create and share with the world. About a year ago, I wrote about orgasms at the link below. This was the message that inspired my writing today.
?? When I die…
As many of my creations come, some time ago, whisperings came of writing about dying and then yesterday, I heard that it is time. Because it can be so helpful for us all, I want to share my understanding of some of what is happening when we are dying,
?? We sometimes seem to know ahead of time that our time is soon to come. Most commonly, I have heard this described as people being visited by the souls of loved ones who have passed on. And, it almost never seems to be a frightening experience. Rather, people describe feeling comforted very much so by being visited by, for example, their father in spirit.
?? And, as we near death. people describe more and more seeing souls of people they love and who love them. Some people also share about being visited by angels and other beings. The wonderful part of this is that it hasn’t mattered what someone believed in life about such…people of all faiths, religions, and beliefs in all areas of the world have described some kind of spiritual visitations. Again, nearly always these bring comfort and lead to peace of dying.
?? No one ever dies alone. I do very much believe that our guardian angel especially guides our soul on. And it sounds like other angels and spirits come along the journey with us. People witnessing death have described being able to see spirits and angels there with the dying person and have shared witnessing the soul move on from the body.
??When we get to ‘the other side’, whatever that may be, we seem to be brought together again with souls of people we have loved and who have loved us. Our souls really do seem to travel together in ‘families’ and all seem to be waiting to joyfully greet us when we ‘return home’. We are never alone.
?? Suddenly, it all makes sense. Through what has often been called a ‘life review’, I have heard that we get to see all the impact we have had in life, all the people we helped, how we brought joy, how we have hurt, how our choices influenced our life and those of other people, why we experienced certain things, who our soul family/soul mates are and why or why not we connected with them in life…so much more. Overall, this does not seem to be a ‘review’ of regret, but rather of ‘understanding’ and ‘knowing’. Whether we die suddenly or over a longer period of time, somehow this ‘review’ and knowing seems to still be able to happen.
?? From ‘the other side’ our souls can be with people we love who are still in life at anytime. The souls of people we love can hear our thoughts, they can hear what we say, they can see what we are experiencing and do. It is not in as a much of a judgmental way as we may think. Remember that from the spiritual side, they can see it all and have understanding. And so, spirits are with us in a supportive, helpful, loving way.
?? And souls, angels, and other beings communicate with us all the time, letting us know they are here with us. It is not always easy for them, who are of energy, to get our attention in our busy world of physical experience. Still, they try to connect with us each in ways that are most resonate…for some it may be dreams, others through thoughts we have, others with actual physical signs, such as the ever noticed feather or butterfly, and so much more. One thing souls especially want us to know is that they are okay.
Still, there is so much more to say. Obviously, all that I have shared comes from the presumption that we are souls and that there is more after we ‘die’. All of what I shared comes from the many, many stories I have heard from people who have died and come back, people who are actively dying, people who have witnessed the dying process of others, and people who are mediums able to communicate with spirit. I write this not as absolute truth, but as a sharing of experiences.
When I die, which I believe will be many years from now when I am very old, I surely will be looking after anyone I love who is still in life. And I would encourage the visiting of a psychic medium as a way for us to communicate. I’m always very touched by my grandmother and dad sharing with me and have forever been changed by being visited in this way by the soul of a friend I admired, but didn’t have the opportunity of much time with here in life.
The time became right to share all this after I told my mom about what I have heard from my dad in spirit…because I want her to know he I here with us and that he’ll be there for her when it’s her time to go.
I share this because I believe it can be helpful to talk about dying as we live. We need not be afraid. We all eventually will have to let go of all that is material here for our energy to move on. And, as people who are dying open up and share about being visited by souls, perhaps we should welcome that and let it be a comforting experience for us all.
One final thing I want us to know is that, whether we realize it or not, we DO hear what our angels, spirits, and guides communicate with us. I know we are not always conscious of it, but every day, we see the signs, we hear the whisperings, we are guided on our way by those who we love and who love us. ??
The twelve dots above indicate an opportunity to add more. As I create and/or find others that I have written in the past, this article can continually develop as I add them in. And so, I recommend coming again for a read and reflection of what I share here.
With love,