A Meaningful Life
So I begin to write this article, to inspire and bring hope to a population seemingly living through dark times, where our lives have been put on hold, and all aspects of society from the economy to human migration patterns have been altered into a state of misinterpretation and uncertainty. The main subject that I would like to hit home is that as living fields of energy, we are all interconnected in a material world, fused by a life force so powerful, born from stardust matter destined to live and thrive together in unity, governed by the law of attraction - where thoughts influence our destiny, are molded into living entities that guide us through the uncertainties of life. I want you to understand the idea, that we all are on our own individual journeys in this indescribable event called life.
We are only given a short time on this earth to make an impact on our various chosen environments we expose ourselves to. Remember, that time is your most precious commodity, we are only here for a short period of time, a heartbeat in the never-ending grand spectrum of life. Choose whom you invest your time with, and be cautious about which environments you place your being in - all of this creates the experience of a positive or negative flow through your life. Your headspace can either be a garden of flowers or a bush of thorns. Ultimately, it is up to you how great or bland your life will be on your personal journey among a greater tribe of the world's population. Make the world your playground, see it through innocent child-like eyes and I promise you, it will be a wondrous journey.
Remember you can't control the forces of this world, choose to merely float downstream the river of life, adapt to the changing tides of your personal experiences that become memories and experiences. We are given one chance on this precious planet, to fulfill our wildest dreams - so make the most of the opportunities that are presented to you, to become the best version of yourself. Develop a warrior mentality, building resilience through life lessons experienced on the path to your personal greatness. So many people live long lives on a dull treadmill to nowhere, without experiencing true bliss, where they become true conquerors of their own fate, and truly live an existence that if lived to the optimum of their potential, are able to achieve wondrous milestones. Whilst conveying this last statement, it is important to come to the realization that life is not a race, people peak at different stages in their lives. Just because you're not a millionaire at age forty, it doesn't mean you will never become one. Remember all matters of importance and achievement take time to accomplish. Commit to a plan of action, take measurable strides each new day towards achieving small manageable goals, which ultimately lead to conquering considerable noteworthy milestones that change your course of direction towards a great life - one of bliss and purpose.
“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.” - Albert Einstein
In life, you need to develop a hunger and passion for activities that drive you to greatness. No matter how small you start, taking the first leap is always the hardest and most critical. Believe in a higher power, whether you call it "God", or a higher energy field pulsating through the universe, draw power from these invisible entities - they will become your life force, your main source of fuel for harnessing your true abilities and potential. We are loved beyond understanding by this unseen force, and if we make our lives in collation with this unseen power, we will thrive and prosper in a world that is filled with obstacles and challenges. Learn from the past, but don't live in it. Concentrate on being present in each moment blessed and bestowed upon us, and let the future be determined by the actions we take today.
Life is one great experience, each new day should be seen as a new life, a chance to start again. With the rising sun, we are giving the chance to become anything we put our minds to, and with the setting sun and rising of the moon, we release our thoughts for the day and rest easy for the night, only to be reborn the next day. Self-belief and confidence are some of your best forms of capital. Harness these attributes, use them wisely and God will "fill your cup" even more abundantly, and you will soar like an eagle, attain the strength of a warrior and have talents bestowed upon you that you never knew were possible.
Harness the energy and life force of the day. Wake early, sleep early... approach people and animals with kindness, see the world through sympathetic eyes. By changing the way you see your world, you will internalize this belief system of hope and glory. Living your best life will become effortless, no task or goal will seem unattainable, as you march forward into the sphere of uncertainty that each new day brings, you will have an unwavering spirit that will become infectious to those that you encounter on your journey and walk of purpose.
Live by the mantra, "Each new day is a new life to a wise man" - find hope in each new sunrise, and with the passing of each new day, focus on all the positives in your life, your reason for being, as I like to call it your "soulfire". Let your life become lived with so much passion, that you literally ignite a path of heavenly bliss where ever you choose to place your being, knowing that each person you encounter is a living soul, a blessing from God, so full of potential and awe-inspiring, that one sometimes fathoms to understand the complexity of the human being, each one so unique that one can be compared to an individual grain of sand among a sandy shore or one-star glimmering in an endless galaxy.
As mortals we are not all born equal in social stature, many of us find hardship and struggle being born into families in poverty-stricken regions. Do not let your beginning in life, dictate your destiny or moral compass. Many a man and women have done great things with their lives, with little resources initially at hand. Fight hard to find what makes you laugh and love...after all these two attributes are what really makes one's heart sing with purity and joy. Forge forth on a road to find your life purpose, what makes you truly happy, to live a life of passion. Someone is never too old to learn a new skill, a hobby, or venture off on a new journey into the unknown - after all, it is said that is where we thrive, not knowing what is around the corner, to proceed with both trepidation and excitement.
So start today, make it a point on starting your journey to a meaningful and wondrous life, with the intention of becoming the best version of yourself. After all, life is short, and one should enjoy all the experiences along the way with an attitude of gratitude, and a seize the day mentality.
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney