Meaningful Impact = Accountability + Transparency

Meaningful Impact = Accountability + Transparency

In this final Rising STEM Leaders Newsletter for 2024, I’d like to share two things with you.

Firstly, I would like to wrap up the Pathway to Leadership Diversity Framework, which we have been exploring over the past few months. Secondly, I would like to share a quick overview of some of Aya Leadership ’s key data for the year, and share the story and impact behind that data, as we work towards our vision of 50% female leadership representation in STEM & Security.

Over the past five editions of Rising STEM Leaders, I introduced and explored in detail the Pathway to Leadership Diversity Framework, which outlines a holistic approach to leadership development for women in these sectors that integrates formal, social and experiential learning – over the four stages of IMPLEMENT, AUGMENT, ACCELERATE and EMBED.

If you would like to learn more, this framework is explored in depth in two white papers, Navigating Diversity in STEM and Advancing the Cyber Security Sector, along with relevant case studies.

Pathway to Leadership Diversity


Central to the Pathway to Leadership Diversity Framework (though not a specific phase), are the foundational principles of accountability and transparency. Accountability and transparency are critically important to ensure this framework is applied effectively to increase diversity and inclusion and enable cultural and systemic change.

In the context of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity Framework, effective accountability requires having relevant governance structures and translating goals, plans and policies into actions and measurable outcomes. It includes robust mechanisms that articulate ownership of actions and measures results.

Transparency of your organisation’s leadership diversity goals and leadership development strategies for female leaders is important in providing clarity, building trust, and enabling accountability at all levels across the organisation. It is the first step in implementing a leadership development pathway that will successfully embed into the organisation’s culture.


Recommended Accountability Mechanisms

1. Inclusive leadership behaviours. Establish and model inclusive leadership behaviours consistent with the organisation’s diversity goals – for leaders, managers and all employees. Introduce mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all leaders and managers.

2. Strategic Plan. Set strong leadership diversity goals within the organisation’s Strategic Plan. Ensure each step of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle is linked to the organisation’s Strategic Plan.

3. Accountable owners. Establish clear ownership for all accountability measures across the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle – this will include senior leaders, first-line managers and participants.

4. Targets. Set gender targets for leadership representation at all levels, and targets for participation in leadership development activities. Investigate and address disparity in participation and promotion rates.

5. Resourcing. Ensure each step of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle is resourced (including appropriate budgets and time)

6. Flexibility and Relevance. Approach each step of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle with flexibility to ensure it is accessible, relevant, and tailored to individuals’ current experience, career goals and availability.

7. Clarity. Provide clarity around the expectations of activities and who will participate.

8. Career planning. Set expectations for the number of career planning conversations per year. Establish consistent career planning processes.

9. Performance Agreements. Include specific Key Performance Indicators related to each step of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle in the performance agreements of all participants, participant line managers and senior leaders. Introduce inclusion as a core leadership competency.

10. Feedback. Establish a process for receiving and responding to feedback from participants.

11. Check-ins. Establish regular check-ins for participants, managers, and accountable owners.

12. Accountability metrics. Set relevant accountability metrics for each step of the Pathway to Leadership Diversity cycle, captured in the organisation’s business plan and track progress. Benchmark against leading practice and industry peers.


Recommended Transparency Measures

1. Communication. Undertake clear and frequent communication to all employees, the Board, and other relevant stakeholders, addressing the following elements:

a. The organisation’s vision for gender equitable leadership representation and the reasons for undertaking leadership development activities for women.

b. Specific goals the organisation has set related to leadership gender diversity, and how they link to the organisation’s strategic plan.

c. Specific leadership development activities, how they will be undertaken, who will be involved, and other associated processes.

d. Associated accountability metrics and what data will be collected.

e. How accountability data will be disseminated – including via strategic reporting and ongoing internal updates to the organisation.

2. Accessibility. Make your diversity goals and objectives easily accessible to all employees and the public.

3. Metrics. Ensure accountability metrics are incorporated into strategic reporting and progress reports are publicly available.

4. Clarity and Consistency. Be clear and consistent about the inclusive behaviours expected of leaders, managers and all employees.

The story, and the impact, behind Aya Leadership’s 2024 data

Although we capture and celebrate data throughout the year, there is something so inspiring about being able to tell the story of progress through compiling a full year’s data. This is the first year we have done it visually, and we think the story is compelling.

We have made measurable impact towards 50% female leadership representation in STEM & Security by:

  • Uplifting and empowering more women into leadership roles
  • Increasing representation of women at all leadership levels
  • Promoting diverse and inclusive leadership
  • Driving innovation through diversity

Thank you for being part of Aya Leadership’s 2024. We are excited for the impact to continue in 2025!

Tailored leadership development support in 2025

Aya Leadership partners with STEM and security organisations to apply the Pathway to Leadership Diversity framework to their organisation’s context and strategic goals. If you are a STEM-related or cyber security organisation that wants to invest in diversity and outstanding tailored female leadership development, please reach out to see how Aya Leadership can help.

To receive more leadership insights, tips and resources direct to your inbox in 2025, and stay updated on our latest leadership development offerings, join our email list.


Susan McGinty, Dr的更多文章

