Meaning and Purpose of Your Earthly Life
Revelation of Jesus Christ
June 30, 1979
I Am the life, the Spirit, from eternity to eternity. It is not the flesh which tells you that I Am the Son of God, but the Spirit within, who wants to quicken every human being.
Therefore, do not ask your neighbor, "Do you believe that it is the Son of God who is speaking to us?" I tell you, if you ask your neighbor, you have asked the flesh. Ask the Spirit who lives within you and do it without prejudice. Pray; when the time is right, the Spirit within will place the truth in your heart, for the flesh is full of problems and egocentricity. The mind cannot give you an answer to this question. Only He who lives within you and who wants to quicken you and lead you into the eternal kingdom – namely the Christ of God, the living salvation within you – can give you the answer.
Two thousand years have passed, and people still ask "What is the meaning and purpose of our life on earth?" They say, "Our destination is death, which is also the end of our human existence." O child of heaven, the meaning and the purpose of your life on earth is self-recognition, for it is through self-recognition that you will come to God-recognition. When you can grasp the meaning of these words, you will recognize your goal and will know where your eternal self came from. It came from the heavens, from the kingdom of love, and I want to lead it back there.
As long as man does not believe in the Creator of all things, he will see his death before his eyes. Many people live under this delusion and, for this reason, enjoy earthly pleasures to the fullest, for they have not recognized the meaning and purpose of their lives.
My children, I speak to you in the name of My Father, who is your Father, too. Give up the delusions, which were forced on you over thousands of years; understand and recognize the love, the eternally pure living Spirit, who lives in every soul. Every single one of you should know that his soul has been in a body of flesh and bone, not just once but repeatedly.
Oh see, My children, it would be so important for mankind to know about the teaching of reincarnation or re-embodiment. The one who knows nothing about re-embodiment and about karma or soul-debt will ask himself, "Why do I live on this earth? Where did I come from and where will I go? Is there a just God, and why does He allow all this injustice? I am sick; others are healthy. What have I done wrong? I have lived and still live like my neighbor and my colleague at work. Why must I face death in my youth? All those who cling to the world more than I are living in the fullness."
When the person does not know what cause and effect mean, he blames his God and accuses Him of being unjust.
Here are some examples: A beggar stands by the wayside asking for a few pennies. Here a prince drives by, there a rich man walks by. The beggar looks up at them and says, "If I were a king or a rich man of this world, I would give away and share all that I have. For who knows better than I what it means to be poor?"
Oh see, in another life, the beggar’s soul will be given the opportunity to live in the body of a rich man or even of a prince. This soul can now make its statement come true; the person can share his plenty. In many a rich person, even in the kings of this world, there may be the soul of a former beggar which now has the opportunity to do good, for this was once the beggar’s wish. It could also be that the soul of a former king is in this beggar. For every soul must learn to ask and to give thanks.
For example, there is a very ill, bedridden young woman. She looks out into a busy street where she sees other young mothers walking along with their children. Sadly she thinks of her two toddlers, a feeling of fear comes up and she asks herself: "Do I really have to die? Was the meaning and the purpose of my life to bear two children who will now be alone? Where is the God of justice, the gentle and kind One, who is supposed to be the all-love?" So asks the young woman. "Young people like me are walking here, healthy and happy. What is the meaning and purpose of life, if I have to leave this world at a young age?" And more fear creeps into the soul of the person. If mankind were more knowing, it would be logical to deduce that, as long as the soul is incarnated, every soul-burden should flow out into the physical garment. Every one of you sees to it that a boil on the body is broken open and can flow out, so that the filth can be discharged.
Oh see, it is the same with every embodied soul here below. Thanks to the grace of God, it can atone for its guilt in the earthly garment. The more burdens the soul can transfer to the earthly garment, the lighter, happier and more joyful the soul will be. But as long as the person does not know about these things, he continues to dispolarize and burden his soul, because he acts against God.
Many of you will say, "How can we know about these things when everything is concealed?" I tell you: As Jesus of Nazareth, I was a symbol for each one of you. From My childhood to the "It is finished", I showed the people here below how they should live to come closer to God, the eternal Father, so that the Spirit within can quicken every single soul. The souls can rarely be quickened by the Spirit of life, because people seek salvation externally and in the mirage of this world. If My children knew about reincarnation, then the woman on her sick-bed would recognize herself, and her will would be the Lord’s will. She would ask that every cause may flow into her coarse-material body, so that she would be free and could hasten towards God, her Lord. The mother would entrust her two children to their earthly father and all three to the Eternal, the life, who wants to embrace everything. But as long as a person does not know about the inner living Spirit, he is spiritually dead. As long as the beggar does not recognize the meaning and purpose of his life on earth, his soul will strive for another incarnation.
If the rich person saw the misery of the poor people and shared his wealth, he would recognize the meaning and the purpose of his existence. Through self-recognition, the world could flourish, incarnations would decrease, and the birth-rate would recede more and more, because man would refine himself from within, from the essence of love.
My children, much is said about eternal damnation and God’s punishment. The one who speaks these words and believes in them has not yet found the all-love of the Father. He is a seeking child of the world who wants to fathom the meaning and purpose of this life. In all of the universe there is no place where there would be those who are eternally damned by My Father.
Oh see, the universe is formed and vivified by the love of a Creator-power. This Creator-power is the expression of absolute love. No small particle vibrates without the love of God. Every soul bears the Spirit of life. What is the Spirit of life? It is God, who respirates all forms of life, including your soul. When you do not perceive the breath of your Father, it is not because the Father withdraws from you, His child, but because His child pushes the Father away.
Oh see, there will never be an eternally dark place and an eternal damnation. God, the eternal love, does not damn Himself; He is in every soul. The love that knocks, the life-maintaining Spirit, is in every soul, be it even the soul of the darkest demon. Even the demon will find the path to the all-love, for only love exists in the universe. Everything else will perish in going through the eternal life, because God is without time and space. God, your Lord and Father, waits for even the darkest demon.
The universe is like a scale, and love is held in both pans of the scale. The scale must be kept in balance. If an eternally dark place existed, the balance of the universe would not be ensured. Every dark place will dissolve through the all-encompassing, supporting love.
O man, My child, have you recognized the meaning and the purpose of your life on earth? May each one of you examine his conscience and go deep within. Only through the deep faith of the heart can you come closer to God. The church-faith is the outer form, but the heart-faith is the Inner Life.
How do you find the way to your God? Only through self-recognition will you find the way to God-recognition and to your Father. Therefore, start with yourself first. Do not see the splinter in your brother’s eye, but see the beam in your own eye. When you have recognized it, you can help your neighbor and possibly assist him in removing the splinter from his eye.
Love your God with all your heart. If you cannot yet do this, then pray from your heart. It is not the mouth that should speak, but the heart. Wherever you go, whatever you do, address God, your eternal Father, within you, and the Christ of God, your Redeemer. Even when you do the simplest work, say a heart-prayer first, just a few words, such as: My Father, I am not alone; I am walking with You; this work shall be in Your name.
O little child of this earth, do not go to school until you have first prayed to your heavenly Father. Your prayer should be as follows: Father, who are in heaven and in me, quicken me with Your blessing salvation and guide my hand when I have to write or do arithmetic.
Oh let the little ones come to Me and do not hinder them, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
. O you little ones who have gathered here, I Am thinking about My life as Jesus: What joy it was for My heart when the little children came to Me, trustful and good. I gently touched their heads; I taught them to pray and took them into My arms and said, "Your Father lives in you; He is the life."
Oh see, My children, thus spoke Jesus once, thus speaks Christ today: Respect life, respect each person; for in each one is the goodness of the heavens. O you children, who are still little children, look at the beetle and the flower; the life is in them. Perceive the sweet scent of the flower; it is fragrant because the life shines upon it. Look at the beetle, how active it is. This activity, too, is the life from God. Never step deliberately on a beetle, a worm or a snail. Do not pull up the flowers deliberately; for in them, too, is the life, the same life that pulsates in you, too.
O you little children of this earth, walk about this world with wide-awake eyes; pray and give thanks. When you leave school, say again: O Lord, You are in me. I thank You for guiding me. Guide me on my way. Thus, the Spirit of life comes closer to you. The guardian spirit places his hands on your shoulders and, deep from within, a sensation rises that says: O child of earth, you will become a child of heaven; remain trusting and good.
O you parents, look after your children and explain to them the meaning and the purpose of the life on earth, for you do not know what kind of a soul is in the body of your child. The soul often takes in the words of love gratefully, for every kind word from the parents can be a drop of life for the soul.
O you little children, come to My heart; come every day to Him, who once took you into His arms; His Spirit now lives within you. Let yourselves be refreshed by this wellspring of life, which penetrates into this world with longing, wanting to bring conscious salvation to each soul.
O you little children, what a joy enters My heart, and what a longing! Each one of you should become small, humble and modest, trustful and good. Only then will each one of you understand the meaning and purpose of his life on earth.
How often do you get up grumpy in the morning, take your bag and leave the house! Thus, you are delivered unprotected to the darkness; for you have not addressed in yourselves the law of life, your Father. Even when you are in a hurry, stop for a moment in spite of everything; a few words of love will ensure your spiritual protection.
Never get into a vehicle before saying a short prayer.
When you go to work, take God, your Father, with you; speak with Him. Surrender your will to God, your Lord, and ask for guidance; then you will have a good day. Every word you speak should come from the sensation of God’s love. I say to you: When you live in this manner, the result will not fail to come: You will recognize the meaning and purpose of your life on earth and will become grateful, happy children.
When an abscess of the soul breaks open and your body thus becomes weak, you will nevertheless be jubilant in your heart, because you know that everything that expresses itself externally means the liberation of the soul. It is the effect of a cause. The one who thinks in this way and lives being conscious of God perceives the moment when the Christ-power becomes active. It is the same power that speaks to you now. It soothes and heals the ailments, if it is good for the soul. Only then can the soul feel the redemption which I brought to every one. The one who does not ask cannot receive; the one who does not knock will not have the door opened to him; the one who does not seek will not find. But do not seek externally, seek within yourselves; prayer will be your guide. The "Father-child" unity is the life-goal of every single soul; it is the goal of the child, but it is also the goal of the adult. The child’s soul, too, comes from the primordial stream and is just as perfect as the soul of the adult. Each soul is to receive the divine "drink of life" through Me. I Am the crucified and resurrected One, the inspirer of the New Covenant.
My children, through self-recognition you come to the recognition of God, to the Father-child unity. Remember, whether you are young or old: All human beings are brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the heavens. Do not send your souls into damnation through negative actions; do not chastise yourselves; recognize yourselves and practice love, for love is all-encompassing. It supports and vivifies the creative universe and the dynamic soul.
Nothing happens by chance in all of infinity.
Everything is well ordered and integrated
into My great law.
Endeavor to overcome the law of cause and effect,
of sowing and reaping,
then you will truly experience your heritage
and you can use it appropriately.
from: "Fatherwords for You, Too"