Meaning Purpose & Life
The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. To have as one's intention or objective.
What is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.
Money can buy pleasure, which some liken to happiness. Money cannot buy sustained happiness. The happiness that money can buy is brief, momentary, and minute. It is so fleeting in fact, that the expression “Money can’t buy happiness,” has become renowned, albeit slightly inaccurate.
While money can in some cases buy short-lived happiness (pleasure), there’s something that money simply cannot buy. That coveted thing or feeling that money absolutely cannot buy is the same matter or sense that most pursuers, seekers, and purchasers of happiness are really trying to acquire, even if they do not consciously know it. Money can buy short-term and momentary pleasure/happiness but it can never buy sustainable Meaning and Purpose.
The state and quality of life are where the woes of life are housed. In being human, one can live without pleasure and without happiness but living without Meaning and Purpose is unbearable. Happiness can grow out of Meaning and Purpose, but even when it doesn’t, Meaning and Purpose add breadth and dimension to life.
Meaning and Purpose cannot be purchased or sold?
That’s not quite what was said. Why, of course, they can be purchased. They just can’t be tendered with money, traditional currency.
Meaning and Purpose are tendered through intent, kindness, time, commitment, and often parts of life itself.
In determining your purpose, look for the signs and evidence in these areas, most often, not obvious and even elusive (remember, worthiness is a byproduct of intent):
Through contemplating these questions, then one’s purpose will begin to reveal itself. They are the revered that we fight for, protect, save, nurture, grow and love, by trading our intent, kindness, time, commitment, and parts of life itself. Meaning and Purpose reside outside us. To find one’s self, one must give one’s self. By doing so, Meaning and Purpose will be then revealed. Through this process, happiness may be found. ?Even when absent, the extended contentment of Meaning and Purpose trumps the fleetingness of happiness, always.