"The Me You Can't See"? Revisited - Part 3 - Normalization of Mental Disorders & Drug Consumption (Legal as much as Illegal)

"The Me You Can't See" Revisited - Part 3 - Normalization of Mental Disorders & Drug Consumption (Legal as much as Illegal)

As one of Oprah Winfrey’s cult followers, Big Gold Belt Media’s review of “The Me You Can’t See” series correctly highlights, its Objective is to Normalize mental health problems and those involved. I agree with the contention that mental health ‘disorders’ have been a Taboo subject in social orders for all too long. And, it is AS important to ask WHY?!?! It is also important to ask WHY anyone thinks that by Normalizing Hysterical, Erratic, and Aggressive behavior by giving a Voice to a bunch of highly Dysfunctional, albeit ‘rich’, celebrities that have ROYALLY MESSED UP their personal lives, as well as most of their Entitled, Narcissistic children; is going to HELP those who have to LIVE on a daily basis with these Highly Unstable and Uncivilized people?!?!?!

The narrative that is being promoted by “The Me You Can’t See” series is extremely bias, misinformative and has many hidden agendas of the Alpha-Dominance Feminists. It appears Prince Harry is in a ‘hornet’s nest’ of social-climbing, Narcissistic, Feminists in Hollywood that are using him as a Pawn in their ‘Games’ to become the New Masters of the Universe in competition with the ‘old-guard’ white, male-supremacists in the US. Propaganda initiatives such “The Me You Can’t See” are nothing but a waste of money, and yet another venue through which a bunch a whining, spoilt ‘celebrities’ can sit around and ‘Chew the Fat’ in front of a bunch of brown-nosing, IDIOT ‘followers’. There is a direct correlation between escalating mental health care problems in the US, and the Narcissism, Bullying, and Opioid Epidemics here. The ONLY thing that ‘awareness raising’ campaigns such as these accomplish is to disperse misinformation and propaganda designed to ‘normalize’ Depression, Narcissism, Erratic, Uncivilized and Hysterical Behavior, and pharmaceutical drug consumption for all concerned. 

They also provide entertainment for a Bored and Boring, Narcissistic American public that is suffering from Munchausen by proxy and need to feed their addiction to adrenaline highs produced by telling everyone how much ‘good’ in the world ‘we Americans’ are doing. These initiatives are nothing other than a platform for the various cabals and factions in the entertainment/press industry, which is Wasting precious limited resources and a lot of time on producing yet more propaganda and misinformation surrounding ‘mental health’ issues and their origins, treatment, and solutions. The manner in which these initiatives are Encouraging people to ‘play the victim’ in order to ‘get lots of sympathy’ is just Feeding into the Narcissism and Substance Abuse Epidemics which plague the country—by Encouraging and Rewarding this kind of behavior. 

My own father was UNJUSTLY ‘diagnosed’ and institutionalized for ‘manic depression’ and doped up on lithium from the 1980s until his death by my mother and complicit psychiatrists, destroying him and his career in the process. My mother was the one who needed to be ‘doped up’ and ‘institutionalized’. Because, SHE was the CRAZY one in the family, NOT my father, who was one of the most Sane and Intelligent men I ever knew! Meghan Markle’s ‘gaslighting’ games are NOT only reminiscent of my mother’s ‘shenanigans’, but also my ex-husband’s during my marriage, particularly in the last 10 years of it. My ex-husband in collusion with Spanish courts played the same game with me during my divorce there in 2008-09. However, when it comes to Machiavellian Games players, I am ALWAYS at least 10 steps ahead of them, and I successfully thwarted those efforts (which were the same used on Prince Harry’s great-grandmother, Princess Alice in 1939 to alienate Her away from her children, particularly her son, Prince Philip), and will be taking to the international courts for their efforts when I finally find a Lawyer with BRAINS and BRAWNS to Assist me!! The Ones who need to Psychiatric HELP are all the Narcissists and Psychopaths and NOT their VICTIMS!!

Prince Harry’s paternal great-grand-mother Princess Alice was a victim of the complicity of the psychiatric industry to cover-up for abusive spouses seeking to separate, and alienate, their children from their ‘caring parent’, with Sigmund Freud being one of the psychiatrists that signed off on Princess Alice’s institutionalization. Her case is a classical one of a ‘big-wig’ whose fragile ego has been destroyed by a Public humiliation, and took it out on his wife, and her ‘spiritual’ efforts to deal with a difficult situation (ie. the family’s expulsion from Greece, after her husband avoided the death penalty, and were left to live off of the ‘charity’ of their family in Paris in disgrace). Princess Alice was NOT psychotic, but rather a victim of an abusive husband, that was Empowered and Enabled by the psychiatric industry, which was an industry from its very creation as a medical science. 

One of the few ‘experts’ in the domestic violence industry who has actually RESEARCHED his subject matter before giving ‘expert’ advice, is Lundy Bancroft. He works with male perpetrators of domestic violence through ‘anger management’ therapy. However, he does NOT quite appreciate the role women play in inciting the violence of men, which is just as problematic in the matrix. One of the issues he exposes is the Fact that originally Freud found that his ‘hysterical’ women patients, had been sexually abuse as young children, often at the hands of their fathers or other male adults in the family. However, since all of his patients were of ‘respectable’ and ‘wealthy’ families, he was put under extreme pressure by his colleagues and others to revise his ‘diagnoses’.

It was then that he came up with his ‘famous’ Oedipus/Electra complex, which claims that young children had sexual desires for parents of the opposite sex, and a desire to exclude or alienate the other parent. Dr. Benjamin Spock’s book on child-rearing, and research on early childhood development of the past century, has clearly debunked Freud’s Oedipus/Electra theory. However, psychologists, sociologists, and psychiatrists still adhere to the debunked theory of Freud, particularly one’s in family courts—because it serves their purpose (and pocketbooks) in covering-up for incest, child sex abuse and pedophilia. WHY are NONE of the ‘celebrity’ Hollywood ‘big-wigs’ NOT exposing these FACTS and the plight of these victims—even telling them (like Trump in regards to the Jan. 6th Insurrection) that the ‘events’ were just in their minds, and did not really happen?!?! 

Unfortunately, as Bancroft points out in his work, NONE of the medical schools teaching psychiatry even MENTION this FACT in their curriculums—while churning out more and more ‘therapists’ and ‘experts’ to add to the Chaos and Lawlessness in the cesspool. The damage being done to victims of domestic abuse (physical, sexual, and emotional) by psychiatrists and psychologists who are misinformed, or Psychopaths of bad faith, in the past century cannot be underestimated. 

Glenn Close[1] is participating in “The Me You Can’t See” under the contention that she suffers from Depression due to trauma caused by being ‘trapped’ in a ‘cult’ from the age of 7 to 22 years old, and only ‘escaped’ after leaving a ‘forced’ marriage of 2-years (with a fellow ‘Up With People’ singer). While Close is correct that her parents were adherents and followers of the Moral Re-Armament (MRA) movement, which had a penchant for ‘kumbaya’ and ‘meditation’ mumbo jumbo, as well as irrelevance to Real Life and Realities of the World in its policies and programs. However, it was hardly an Extremist ‘cult’ under a fanatical, ‘possessed’, Leader, who believed he was the 2nd Coming of the Lord—as Close insinuates! The criticisms and allegations that Close makes against the MRA, are just as applicable to organizations within the international development community (such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), etc., etc.), whose missions, and failure to Implement them, are fundamentally the same as the MRA’s was! And, its ‘replacement’ movement, Initiative of Change, is just as ineffective as its predecessor for the same reasons! 

So, WHY are these Hollywood, celebrity ‘ladies’ NOT exposing the same ‘cult’ like tactics and policies going on in these organizations (as well as throughout DC) to the Public and Press with the same Zeal they are attacking the MRA (and its founder and his Peace building ideologies)?!?! And, why are they attacking Prince Andrew for his ‘friendship’ with Jeffrey Epstein, while NOT attacking all the politicians, Hollywood stars, UN high level officials, and nouveau-riche millionaires that attended Epstein’s parties?!?! The Prince ONLY attended these ‘parties’ in his capacity as Special Representative for International Trade and Investment in order to meet all of the ‘big-wig’ Friends of Epstein!!!!

And, WHY am I the ONLY one asking these questions, and being DRACONIANLY SILENCED for doing so?!?! Where are the Great Defenders of Freedom of Speech when it comes to ANYONE who does NOT agree with the alt-Left Wackos as much as the alt-Right Wackos?!?! Extremisms is on the rise because ANYONE with a Centrist Voice and Opinion is targeted by the alt-Right as much as alt-Left, in violation of the Freedom of Speech which they claim protects Their speech, but NOT anyone else’s!

As I explain to IMF Management in my report “Workplace Bullying in the IMF[2],” the organization is a ‘Cult’ controlled by bullies and terrorists who are subversively working to undermine the mission of the organization[3]. And, as I demonstrate in my analysis below, they are using the exact same ‘kumbaya’ and ‘brainwashing’ tactics and methods as currently found in practices and policies being promoted by the human resource (HR) industry, under the control of Misogynistic, Feminists, Minoritists, Managerialists and Affirmative Actionists. The ‘ladies’ and a few ‘gentlemen’ in the industry (as does those in the legal community) consider ‘Reverse Discrimination’ ‘Normal’ and the Right of previously oppressed ‘minorities’, in violation of Discrimination laws in the US and elsewhere. While Close’s allegations against the MRA as being a ‘cult’ have some merit, and these types of activities need to be brought into the ‘Conversation’. So do a lot of other organizations and Terrorist groups in the ‘Game’!!!! So, WHY did Close single out the MRA?!?! 

See the REALITY of the MRA in the videos below. The MRA was as riffed with problems in its Mismanagement as it aftermaths, the IMF, World Bank, and United Nations, with all the 'Gaslighting' WACKO propaganda Minoritists like Meghan Markle and her Black, American Queen 'friends', (ie. Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Sheila Johnson, etc., etc.) are proliferating across the Internet and airwaves!



[1] William Close was born in Greenwich, Connecticut, on June 7, 1924, minutes after his twin brother Edward Jr. His parents were Elizabeth (née Taliaferro) and Edward Bennett Close, an attorney; his mother was a descendant of the Taliaferro[1] family. William had two half-sisters, Adelaide Breevort (Close) Riggs and Eleanor Post Close (Eleanor Post Hutton), from his father’s first marriage to Post Cereals heiress and General Foods founder Marjorie Merriweather Post.

Raised in France, he attended Summer Fields SchoolHarrow School in England, and then St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire. Close enrolled in Harvard University in 1941, leaving the school two years later to marry and to become a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. He served as the personal pilot and interpreter for General Joseph Harper.

Following his military service, he attended the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and he trained in surgery at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan after receiving his medical degree.

On February 6, 1943, Close married Bettine Moore in a ceremony held at the home of her parents in Greenwich. She was the daughter of Elizabeth Hyde (1897–1983) and Charles Arthur Moore, Jr. (1880–1949).

[2] https://warondomesticterrorism.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Complaint-to-IMF-Ethics-Committee-Quenby-Wilcox-1.pdf - What the case-in-point with ICD demonstrates, is how and why some of the “training” being developed in the global mobility industry to combat bullying, is actually being used to encourage it. In order to understand how, and why, anti-bullying measures are actually promoting bullying, it is important to examine the respectful work-place initiatives in ICD in the past few years. The first initiative was approximately 3 years ago, and involved a mandatory 3 or 4-hour workshop for all staff and contractual of ICD. The bulk of the time was spent with lots of rhetoric of management jargon on cultural difference, respect, and communications styles, etc.—typical rhetoric in any cultural diversity presentation. However, the objective of the workshop was bullying and not cultural diversity.

Bullying, and all forms of abuses of power, exist in all societies, in roughly the same proportions (after making allowances for elevated levels of poverty and/or or conflict zones). Clearly, the issue with abuses of power transcend cultural differences of people, and it is the environment, or paradigm of the situation, which is the true determining factor; noting that in a violent paradigm, rates would be elevated, whereas in a peaceful paradigm rates would lower.

So, it was particularly shocking to me, when the presentators indicated that most instances of bullying were actually “cultural misinterpretation” and “isolated instances” rather than actual bullying. They even went as far as to say that those who felt bullied should ask themselves if they had not misinterpreted the bully, and should simply confront the bully with his or her actions, and how it made you feel, etc.

What these cultural diversity experts were advising IMF employees to do, is exactly what one should NOT do in these cases. David Yamada of, Professor of Law at Suffolk University of Boston, Law School and Director of the New Workplace Institute, why targets should not be instructed by management to “simply confront the bully” as a mechanism of dealing with bullying, as the Winters Group was suggesting.

Two years later ICD held another all department, mandatory Respectful Workplace workshop. On this occasion I was so surprised as to the rhetoric and advice of the presentators that I brought my concerns to Elizabeth Legrain, Domestic Abuse Prevention Coordinator at the World Bank. I know Ms. Legrain from my tenure at the IMFFA, and my work in DC on domestic violence issues. I did not really expect, or know what Ms. Legrain could concretely do, as this is not her area of responsibility what-so-ever. However, I did want to express my concern due to my work in global mobility, expat spousal issues, and work-life balance issues. My concerns about the content, message, and rhetoric of the Respectful Workplace workshop of the Winters Group go far beyond my concerns for the people who work in ICD (past, present, and future).

Bullying in the workplace, and what “solutions” the global mobility industry is developing and propagating in the public and private sector is of great interest, and concern, for me in relation to my work in Global Expats. Bullying in the workplace has a direct and indirect effect on the families of employees, particularly expat employees with non-working dependent spouses—and these families are my constituency. So my concern over the Respectful Workplace workshop developed by the Winters Group, and distributed by ICD is not just in terms of the detrimental effect it has on ICD employees, but also issues that must be raised and challenged within the global mobility industry.

[3] See my letter to the Executive Directors of the IMF and World Bank regarding the problems with their practices and policies, which are preventing it from fulfilling its Mission, posted under “Wilcox vs. IMF: Labor Rights Violations & Policies Supporting American 4th Reichers” on my activism website. (https://quenbywilcox2.wixsite.com/takingbackamerica/post/toc-of-letters-to-imf-world-bank-staff-mgt


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