To me, By me, Through me, and As Me

To me, By me, Through me, and As Me

Every day, consciously or unconsciously, we meet Life from one of these 4 states of mind. Our state of mind creates the feeling in our body that creates a vibration we operate on.

The first state of mind is meeting life as it happens TO us. We look into the world, our current circumstances, the economy, and the competition; someone is going faster than us, doing it better than us, and the voices of doubt begin to win. Inertia follows doubt, and the dullness takes over. The day is lost to overanalyzing, procrastinating, and not moving forward on our goals and dreams. This is where we drop our awareness to the level of a VICTIM. We are not connected to our inner power and feel at the mercy of our environment.

The second state of mind is when we find a sense of WILL to turn that around and remind ourselves that our THOUGHTS create our reality. We take our power back by reclaiming our FOCUS. We remember that what we feel about the NOW creates what will happen next. We transform by taking control of our attitude and choosing to ACT on our dreams in spite of doubt. The choice to ACT rekindles the flame, and we begin to move forward, trusting that life is happening FOR us. A hidden potential within it drives every challenge. Our actions unfold that potential. We take the attention off our perceived limitations and focus on hidden opportunities to be of service. We activate our MANFIESTOR consciousness by manifesting through the alignment of our thought + feeling + will.

The third state of being is a dance. It is a state of mind that is rooted in surrendering to the Intelligence of Life and giving yourself up to a Higher Service. "Life, move THROUGH me today. Take command of this mind, body, and all of my actions so I am an instrument of your Grace." This is the beginning of the miraculous, magical, and the way of synchronicity. You are not meeting your day through your will and effort alone, but an intentional alignment to be in the FLOW with Life.

The fourth stage is a complete MERGING with Life; moving out of the way so your I AM PRESENCE can move AS you. A sense of calm and lucid PRESENCE is who you choose to BE, and your BEINGNESS is broadcast into the world. The path of least resistance, the alchemy of liberated love in action, and your embodying your TRUTH is how you move through your day. No matter what happens, your LOVE and TRUST What Is because you know separation is an illusion; since you're ONE with Life, everything that occurs is LIFE unfolding as you.

To me, by me, through me, and as me.

What will you CHOOSE to BE today? How will you meet life today?

One choice will lead to more expansion, and another choice will drag you into contraction. You are never stuck; that is the truth. Shifting your mind, the body follows, and the power of choice changes what happens next.

p.s. The teachings of Michael Bernand and Michael Bernard Beckwith inspire the framework of the Four Levels of Consciousness.

Katerina Satori

P.S. I invite you to join my monthly spiritual community, Wisdom Collective if you are yearning to shift your consciousness, transform your energy, and create a new reality for yourself. Learn more and join here:

Michael Ravenwood

CEO & Creative Director at SkyFire Arts

11 个月

I remember first hearing of this distinction at one of Andrew's gatherings & am glad to be reminded of how it can transform my experience. I'm grateful to be hardly, if ever, in the to me. I have to say quite honestly I'm still regularly in the by me. Fine, as I'm excited about the things I'm creating, yet I know there's a deeper connection I can make with my inspiration. I'm always delighted to awaken & surrender into the through me, which does happen on & off. The as me, it feels, I literally wake up in, as it's inherently a state which isn't self conscious. It's a Flow state in which I don't question & only notice after I've finished some cycle. Most often, I experience this when I'm sharing insight or dancing, which are the most natural things in the world to me... Thanks for bringing up this beautiful piece Katerina!

P.J. – Int'l Resiliency Speaker and Trainer

I make Event Coordinators look great—as the truly engaging speaker audiences love!

11 个月

Mmmmmmmmmm, . . . I Love This! Yes! ??


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