Me and my Buddy - Back Together Again
Rivers Corbett mba
Guiding business owners in doubling their profit within 12 months!
A journey FOR a lifetime.
Over 22 years ago I started a company based on an article I found in Profit Magazine about trending business ideas. One of the ideas was reflecting on how we have "housekeepers" come into our house to help so why not have a chef come into your house to help with meal prep for busy families.
Enter what some of you will remember the birth of Rent-A-Chef...later called The Chef Group. A cool launch into building a business in the culinary world for a guy who definitely is the furthest thing from a chef you will ever find. The proverbial un-Chef.
Over twenty plus years as a Canada's premier chef talent agency it's been an incredible ride serving numerous customers including long long term journeys with the good folks from Sobeys, numerous pharmaceutical companies and the YFC. Oh yes circle in a restaurant chain called's been crazy. My buddy has served me well. Been very loyal. I always say if you look after your business it will look after you.
That said over the last three years I have not respected my buddy the way it should have been treated. Kinda got lazy looking after this beauty that was so faithful looking after me, my family and my life journeys. Took it for granted. It's easy to get that way when things are good.
Enter Covid-19, which I consider one of the greatest blessings to my entrepreneur career. Why? Because it took all the revenue I was making from The Chef Group and took it away. Hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. GONE! POOF! cya in one month. Never coming back the way I knew it. And still left me with debt. Yep...and no small amount of business debt either.
So why the blessing? Because it's got me awake! It's got me excited. It's got me invigorated to enter in 3.0 of my life taking this wonderful company to new heights. Global heights. You and me baby...back in the game again. AND NOW...the world is open to us. I am so blessed to be here bare and ready to get in the game again. Move over Tom Brady!
We have pivoted in many ways but one is to take our mainstay, cooking classes, and bring them into virtual, interactive experience. A great source of value to corporations, fundraisers, and non-profits looking for experiences as they enter into the world of virtual events.
We call these ChefTorials. Cute eh
And we are already getting amazing traction into working with amazing international brands.
So why tell you all this? Because this time. This 3.0 journey of mine will include you! I am taking along anyone who wants to listen...inside the journey of the rebirth and mountain climb of The Chef Group and its founder...Me. I am hoping that by sharing insights personally and professionally, you will gain some thoughts, inspirations and knowledge from the swamps, scars, toughness and yes..joys and celebrations..that will help you in your life.
Been reading Gary Vaynerchuk and learning tons how to serve through the sharing of a journey
Let's get going. I am excited
Rivers xo
ps. here's a peak at our newest service