The great @joshfeldmeth of Prophet, when at Interbrand, was among a few noting an evolution of marketing Ages over the years, from Identity to Value to Experience to You.
Works in any industry. Take Beer. First, through Identity (“When you say Bud”), then Value (“What’s the price? Quarter twice.”), then Experience (“Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau,” “It’s Miller Time,” “Whazzup?”), and now it’s marketing to You and your needs (“Michelob Ultra: All of the taste with none of the guilt.”).
Today’s effective superbrands speak to You. Uber Eats’ “Tonight I’ll Be Having,” Peloton’s “We All Have Our Reasons,” etc. And “Susans,” a great recent TV spot from Zillow starring the many personas we each have (and the need-states of each that Marketing must satisfy nowadays).