Wymillian Cobb
Executive Human Resources Leader | Driving Workforce Transformation and Strategic Organizational Development
Hone your craft, your skill set, your body of knowledge. Stay on the cutting edge of your industry and your profession. As an employee you want to be engaged and integrate well with the corporate culture; however, never define who you are by the company you work for. Your professional identity must be separate. What body of knowledge or skill set do you have that you can go anywhere with and perform at any time? Think of yourself as Me, Inc. This might seem selfish, but it is not. In this economic climate; YOU must be your own Corporation that provides work and services for an employer. If you adopt this mindset, you can never truly be fired or terminated. One assignment might end, but your skills will propel you to the next opportunity. This is not being disloyal; this is simply self- preservation and the reality of the work environment we are in.