The "?Me"? Economy

The "Me" Economy

“Out beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrongdoing, there is a field I will meet you there. It's the world full of things to talk about.” - Rumi

A few days ago, I got the chance to see reality like never before. It was so vivid and clear that I was at awe and loss of words of how simply unbelievable reality was. It was beyond words, not because it was beautiful or not, because it was not anything, it was not a thing, it was No-thing-ness. It was like coming back from the blind. I was finally able to observe and be me with no chatter inside my head. There were no words following what my eyes are seeing putting a label on everything “this is a tree, and it’s green. This is a car and it’s passing by, and oh I remember hating this car!” There was simply, silence, words simply fell behind and there was just me

“Now that is a difficult thing for many Western people because it suggests to them a kind of fatalism. It suggests that the individual is nothing more than the puppet of cosmic forces. So, in the same way, when your own inner sense of identity changes, from being the separate individual to being what the entire cosmos is doing at this place, you become not a puppet, but more truly and more expressively an individual than ever. This is the same paradox which the Christian knows in the form whosoever would save his soul shall lose it. Now I think that this is something of very great importance to the western world today because we have developed an immensely powerful technology. We have stronger means of changing the physical universe than has ever existed before. How are we going to use it? There is a Chinese proverb that if the wrong man uses the right means, the right means will work in the wrong way. Let us assume that our technological knowledge is the right means. What kind of people are going to use this knowledge? Are they going to be people who hate nature and feel alienated from it or people who love the physical world and feel that the physical world is their own personal body? And extension the whole physical universe right out of the galaxies is simply one’s extended body. Now, at the moment, the general attitude of our technologists who are exploring space is represented in the term “the conquest of space”. And they are building enormous shell-like phallic objects to go into the sky. And this is downright ridiculous because who is going to get anywhere in a rocket. You know it takes a terribly long time even to get to the moon, and it is going to take longer than anybody can live to get outside the solar system just to begin with.

 The proper way to study space is not with rockets, but with radio astronomy. Instead of going bang, you know, with a tough fist the sky. Become more sensitive. Develop subtler senses, that’s radio astronomy and everything will come to you be more open be more receptive, and eventually, you will develop an instrument that will examine a piece of rock on Mars with greater care than you could if you were holding it in your own hand. Let it come to you. But you see this whole attitude of using technology as a method of fighting the world will succeed only in destroying the world as we are doing with uninformed and shortsighted methods of getting rid of insect pests, of forcing our fruit and tomatoes to grow, of stripping our hills of trees, and so on and so on, thinking with all this is some kind of progress when actually it is turning everything into a junk heap.

 It is said you know that Americans who are at the forefront of technological progress are materialists. Nothing is further from the truth. American culture is dedicated to the hatred of material and to its transformation into junk. Look at Los Angeles. Does it look as if it was made by people who love the material? It is all made out of ticky-tacky, which is a combination of plaster of Paris, paper maché, and plastic glue and comes in any flavor. The important lesson in other words is that technology and its power must be handled by true materialists and true materialists are people who love the material. Who cherish wood and stone and wheat and eggs and animals. And above all they treat it with a reverence that is due to one’s own body.” – Alan Watts

 And just there, I could not see "me" either, I could not feel the “Me” that always felt different and separate from everything around. I know “Me” that I have always worked to make it happy and less sad. I know the “Me” that I bought an app beginning of this year to work on my new resolution. I know the “Me” the put-on weight and sometimes I hate seeing in the mirror. The “Me” that used to fear boredom and go on scrolling aimlessly through social media just because I had nothing more to offer to entertain the “Me”. The “Me” that is being sold every second of earthly time something new through ads that speak directly to “Me”. The “Me” is cultivated and well-behaved around strangers. The “Me” that gets depressed and often think about more constructs and concepts that only exist in that little powerful thing between my ears. The “Me” that is divided against itself, that sometimes gets drunk when the outside of it seems to be an overwhelming blurb of words and feelings coming all at once that my brain simply overheats from being unable to do processing, storing, comparing, labeling, categorizing, pigeonholing, analyzing, and anticipating what is going to happen next.

“So, in the same way, this old strain, the futility of the strange men wanting to improve the world, that entire futility. The frustration of it is, what you mean by ‘I.’ Now it goes, it won’t work, and the “I” are collapsing, everybody is terrified of this happening. Suddenly finding out that you do not have an ego. And heaven forbid, I have been building up this personality of mine all these years I have been very carefully nurturing this personality you tell me doesn’t exist. No, because your personality is a phantom even more insubstantial than your body. Personality is a work of art it is like music that vanishes as soon as it’s played. - Alan Watts”

I could not see all the constructs I have built-in my head. There was just the happening of everything around me. I could not perceive time; I could not see boredom and I could not see anything through words anymore. My brain has stopped processing, storing, comparing, labeling, categorizing, pigeonholing, analyzing, and anticipating what is going to happen next. My brain was simply reflecting everything instantly like a mirror and there was no drag behind - to be in a state of mushin is to have a mind like a mirror. And all of this the Taoist sage Chuang Tzu said “the perfect man employs his mind as a mirror it grasps nothing it refuses nothing it receives but does not keep.”

So just like that No thoughts were following or dragging behind. I was present and I was there, and I was not there. Cause language is so limiting that I could no longer express what seeing is like. There was no “I” or “Me” or “Ego”. There was just the happening and there was no more separation between the constructs in my head and what is outside. Outside was inside as much inside as outside, and this is where I became undivided against me. I was the happening of everything around me. Just a continuous infinite flow of now with no beginning or end. Just the flow and I was the flow, as much as the flow was me.

“I am but a speck of dust in this vast universe. But I am a star among stars such as you. In this infinite world, we are only small from the vantage point of our minute perspective. We are the universe, and the universe is us.” - M. Mondesir

See, this is the problem with words. Words as we have learned them bring their own emotions and feelings to our physical body. Language has developed the way they are so that we can break down big problems into small manageable pieces that we can dedicate our energy and focus to. This unfortunately has come at an extremely high cost. Words begin with the premise that there are things in the first place. To define a thing, you start by the inaccurate assumption that things have beginnings and end in and of themselves. And accordingly, you have dissected your experience into blocks of things. That is why you in Eastern Philosophy they always talk that there are NO THINGS out there. It is just a flow of things. When you free yourself from seeing things, you start being immersed in the present and all words fall to the background. There is no more chatter inside your brain that is going on and on doing what the brain is equipped to do for survival. There is no longer that drag of thoughts catching up with you like subtitles on a movie to reason with everything happening before your eyes.

That is when you lose the perimeters of the “Me” construct and finally realize that there has not been a thing all along. There has only been an infinite flow of now. You do not see time anymore, you do not see boredom, you do not see fears, you do not see opposites, you see the whole thing which is again not a thing. It is not beautiful or ugly, it does not make you feel anything. It does, but they are beyond words. You stop caring about what feelings are going through your body. You finally start knowing that seeing is not about what is – assuming language is what gives you that sense of WHAT IS – you realize that seeing is WHAT IS NOT. And WHAT IS NOT is not the opposite of WHAT IS. It is the unadulterated whole happening of an infinite moment of NOW.

“But nature itself is clouds, is water, is the outlines of continents, is mountains, is a biological existence, and all of them wiggle. And wiggly things are to human consciousness a little bit of a nuisance because we want to figure them out. And it is as if therefore, some ancient fisherman one day held up his net and looked at the world through the net, he said: “My, just think of that. There I can see the view, and the peak of that mountain is one – two – three – four – five – six holes across, and the base is one – two – three – four – five holes down. I’ve got its number.” See? So, the lines of latitude and longitude, lines of celestial and terrestrial, latitude and longitude, the whole idea of a matrix – of looking at things through graph paper printed on cellophane – is the basic idea of measurement. This is the way we calculate. We break down the wiggliness of the world into comprehensible, countable, geometrical units, and thereby figure it and construct it in those terms. And this is so successful up to a point that we can, of course, come to imagine that this is the way the physical world really is – discreet, discontinuous, full of points, and in fact a mechanism.” – Alan Watts

Is there a way out of that labyrinth? Well, I do not know what works for everyone. But I also know that throughout your day there are several moments when the mind and body are doing the same thing they are supposed to be doing. i.e.: when I am getting good sleep, when I am doing something, and I lose track of time while doing it, I even feel it more often with the mundane things like cleaning the toilet, peeling the potatoes, cooking, and washing the dishes. Some others despise the cleaning part or washing the dishes simply because you assumed that the “I” is meant to be utilized for higher things of intellectual gimmicks that help you in further building your phantom personality. While other things like music and hobbies tend to be down your ally because we tend to give it the name “calling” and we assume that it comes from heaven, godly or spiritual place for some. So, just like that. With one word, you have split up your world into two black and white, good and bad, and you chose to do one part and ignore the other part or delegate it to someone else or some other app. The chores are the part you despise and the “calling” part is just the opposite. And just like that, you had all your emotions and thoughts worked up for washing the dishes or changing your baby poopy diapers.

“That’s the game we’re trying to play, not realizing that there cannot be winning without losing. If whiteness wins blackness loses. But if black loses, we can congratulate black for having helped white to win. Because unless black loses white one. You would not know you are living on the right side of the tracks unless there were people living on the left sidetracks. You know as an I.Q. thing it says up is to down as blank is to left. Or left is to blank. As opposed to fill in. I would put “taken”. Anyways, taken and left. Right and left. Right and taken. right and wrong. These opposites get tricky. But the point is people are afraid, afraid of the negative one. Do not be negative. The Power of Positive Thinking. That is all nonsense. The negative is the source of the positive” – Alan Watts

That is the thing about the “Me” economy. That humans want one side of life without putting up with the other, and it is a problem of itself that you see that you have to put up with anything living in the first place. Splitting your life experience into opposites, what you like, and what you do not like. It is like living with one eye. You want to enjoy having a baby and their cuteness, but you don’t want the poopy diapers. You want the pizza, but you do not want the calories. The result is that you are living half your life and the other half you live finding ways to delegate it to someone else through an app while wasting your energy thinking and despising that half. We have built a whole “Me” economy that fosters your feelings of separability from your environment. We have fostered the feeling that there is a “You, Ego, I, Self” at the first place that needs to be looked after, nurtured, take care of and we ended up having placed above everything else at whatever costs because there was never and never will be time for anything else besides that self. You live all your life living for working that something that does not exist, yet you are secretly hoping that it will pay off. It is a futile quest to quench your thirst with salty water.

Do not feed both sides of yourself equally.
The spirit and the body carry different loads and require different attention.
Too often we put saddlebags on Jesus and let the donkey run loose in the pasture.
Do not make the body do what the spirit does best, and do not put a big load on the spirit that the body could easily carry. – Rumi

In other words, if life is series of peaks and troughs where peaks are your moments of high, beauty, success, control, and good accounting numbers indicating that you’re at the peak in relation to what you have sat for your “self” to achieve, then when the troughs hit your tracks you feel icky and probably hate yourself and probably put on some weight and you use all you can just to escape being locked up in this bag of skin, so you go on playing music, getting drunk, introduce some drugs and in severe cases you really go on the path of self-destruction. You get the jest of it, where the lowest destructive behavior is the scrolling behavior and the worst is alcohol and drugs. Because what you missed on is that negative is the source of positive. And if you have desired and worked your “self” up to the top, assuming this is your Yang “Positive”, that inherently means that you have just unknowingly accepted the Terms and Conditions of the Yin “Negative” which means that there will be going down with it. The biggest problem is that you almost wonder Every.Single.Time a Yin come to take its turn and you do everything at your power to avoid it by either playing it out louder than reality with your “LALALALA” vibrations and your fingers in your ears by the way of bringing about any of your bad habits, or you resign to the bleak nature of life and how unfair life is to you. In both cases, you have miserably failed to make sense of seeing your perfect Yin-Yang altogether, split your life into two halves, lived half of it while you played out the other half by going through the motion, resisting it, and making it worse. What you resist, persist. Remember?! Doesn’t it sound like a waste to you throwing away half your life?

“Now this sensation of our identity can be shown and demonstrated to be false by some of the disciplines of our own science. When we describe a human being or any other living organism from a scientific point of view, all that means is that we are describing it carefully. We are going to describe very carefully what a human being is and what a human being does. All right. And we find that as we go on with that description, we cannot describe the human being without describing the environment. We cannot say what a human being is doing without also saying what the world around him is doing… Because to see me you need to see my background. And therein lies a clue of which we are mostly ignorant. In Buddhist theory, our phony sense of identity is called Avidya, and that means ignorance, although it is better to pronounce it ignore-ance. Having a deluded sense of identity is the result of ignoring certain things…

And so, the biologist comes to say that what he is describing is no longer merely the organism and its behavior. He is describing a field that he now calls the organism-environment. And that field is what the individual actually is. Now, this is very clearly recognized in all sorts of sciences, but the average individual and indeed the average scientist does not feel in a way that corresponds to his theory. He still feels as if he were a center of sensitivity locked up inside a bag of skin. The object of Buddhist discipline or methods of psychological training is as it were, to turn that feeling inside out. To bring about a state of affairs in which the individual feels himself to be everything that there is. The whole cosmos. Focused, expressing itself here. And you as the whole cosmos expressing itself there and there and there. And so on. That what, in other words, the reality of myself fundamentally is, not something inside my skin but everything, and I mean everything outside my skin, but doing what is my skin and inside. I mean, imagine that every one of us, look, in the same way, that the sea when the ocean has a wave on it. The wave is not separate from the ocean. Is it? Every wave on the ocean is the whole ocean wave in the ocean waves and it says you I am here. But I do I can wave all over the place I can wave in many different ways I can wave this way or that way. So, the Ocean of being waves every one of us. And we are its waves, but the wave is fundamentally the ocean.” – Alan Watts

The most mind-blowing thing that I come to realize that there are two worlds that I see. One that I see through language, constructs, values, norms, and every single experience I come across in my life. This world is extremely limited, and it only sees what it can label, judge, pigeonhole, reason, and categorize. It tends to look like subtitles on a movie. This view always seems to be lagging behind by a few scenes and I often find myself catching up with reality. Some moments here and there and I find it hard to be present as the chatter inside my head is firing words all the time. At best if what I am seeing is judged to be beautiful, it does not seem to last longer than few seconds then I am ready to move to the next ONLY beautiful scenery or maybe even get interrupted by an unpleasant scenery of someone homeless.

“Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains, and waters as waters. When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point where I saw that mountains are not mountains, and waters are not waters. But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest. For it is just that I see mountains once again as mountains, and waters once again as waters.” – Alan Watts

While the other world seems to be continuously there and nothing else is present but it, I do not necessarily feel any feelings, not that I do not, but I am so present that getting to recognize my feelings seems to be alienating and would just be a waste to my experience that I would rather be present with everything rather than pausing and trying to get to think about what I am feeling. In that world, I come to see mountains as mountains, rocks as rocks, waters as waters.

“Do you know our saying, anybody who goes to a psychologist ought to have his head examined? That is a very there is a double-take in that saying. So, in the same way, anybody who goes with a spiritual problem to a zen master defines himself as a nut, and the teacher does everything possible to make him as nutty as possible. But the teacher says quite honestly, I have not anything to tell you. I do not teach anything. I have no doctrine as I said to you at the beginning of this talk, I have nothing whatsoever to sell you. So, the student thinks, this is very deep, because this nothing that he’s talking about this nothing that he teaches, is what they call in Buddhism Sunyata, is Sanskrit for nothingness. And it’s supposed to be the ultimate reality but as you know if you know anything about these doctrines, this doesn’t mean real no-thing-ness, not kind of just nothing there at all not just blank but it means no-thing. It’s the transcendental reality behind all separate and individual things and that’s something very deep and profound so he knows that when the teacher said I have nothing to teach he meant this very esoteric no-thing. Well, he might also say then if you have nothing to teach what are all these students doing around here? And the teacher says they are not doing anything there is just a lot of stupid people who live here. And he knows again you see, this stupid does not mean just straight stupid but the higher stupidity of being, people who are humble and do not have intellectual pride.

So finally, the student has gone out of his way to define himself as a damn fool in need of help has absolutely worked himself into the situation. He is defined himself as a nut and then the teacher accepts him, and the teacher says now, I am going to ask you a question. I want to know who you are before your father and mother conceived you. That is to say, you come to me with a problem and you said I have a problem I want to get one up on this universe. Who is it that wants to get one up? Who are you who is this thing called your ego your soul, your eye, or identity for whom your parents provided the body? Show me that and, he says Father I am from Missouri and I don’t want any words I want to be shown. So, the student may open his mouth to make an answer, but the teacher says. You are not ready. And he takes him back and introduces him to the chief student, all those so-called Zen monks who live together. And the chief student says now what we do here is so and so, we have this discipline, but the main part of the discipline is meditation. And we all sit cross-legged in a row and then we do that, and you sit cross-legged and you learn how to breathe and be still. In other words, to do nothing. But you must not go to sleep, and you mustn’t get into a trance. You have to stay wide awake, not thinking anything, but perfectly doing nothing. And there’s a monk walking down all the time with a flat stick rather long about so long and if you go to sleep or if you get into a trance or if you get dreamy he hits you on the back. So that you will stay quite clear and wide awake but still doing nothing. And the idea is that out of the state of profoundly doing nothing you will be able to tell the teacher who you really are. And in other words, the question Who are you before your father and mother conceived you is a request for an act of perfect sincerity and spontaneity, as if I were to say to you, will you be absolutely genuine with me? No deception please, I want you to do something that expresses you without the slightest deception no more role acting, no more playing games with me I want to see you.” – Alan Watts

I ran an interesting experience with my wife, and we agreed to spend a day in silence without talking at all from wake-up time to the next day with our 10 months old daughter and see if we want to repeat that again. Ground rules were easy, reading and journaling were allowed no phones, no TV, no calls, urgent communication in the fewest words possible about our daughter and to our daughter. We preplanned our main time-consuming conversations about what to eat and when and laid it out some outlines for the day. Results were remarkably interesting, to say the least. We both had a very pleasant time in general, there was nothing to stick on to because there were no words. Even with little hiccups along the way, those quick disappointments tended to melt away faster than I would expect, again the non-stickiness of words to hold on to. We realized that our arguments were not really about things, it was about words that happened that we kept bringing to the surface by keeping it on life support by bringing back the hurtful words that we received from one another. It was lonely sometimes and we missed the funny conversations during our walk. We also realized that reading was better than TV, and family time over social media wasted time. Agreed that the fasting of the mind from the chatter is necessary, maybe not in an extreme format of 24 hours but we can time it and fast from talking for 6, 8, or even 12 hours stretch at any given day. With the fad of intermittent body fasting, I believe that mind fasting is just as helpful while living with your significant other. It is a good practice for the soul to just shut up for a while every now and then. It made us appreciate talking even more.

"Every project for righting the world or oneself is a conceptual fantasy, because, while we remain in the world of concepts, we cannot identify right without the contrast of left or wrong. In the name of such projects, we obliterate whole populations for their own liberation, crowd criminals together in prisons for their rehabilitation, and isolate crazy people in asylums in the desperate hope that this will somehow make them sane.
This is as true politically as it is psychologically, for the following of right-wing or left-wing ideologies divert our attention from specific problems, just as projects for world improvement divert us from planting seeds and gathering fruit." – Alan Watts

I believe that the conclusion of this article is to recognize the divided life you might be living and adjust your view accordingly. Understanding that while technology is a remarkably successful medium to streamline your life, and you should always simplify it whenever possible but not to the extent of ignoring the repercussions of those delegations that cancel out half your life. Also, to understand what others might be going through and not forgetting to be empathetic to others. We are all divided up against our “self” and not everyone will be able to "experience" that. And now that you have come to know how divided you are against your "self" anything that happens to you from the outside always gets assessed towards the value you have put for that phantom "self." If it comes at a higher value than what you have assigned to your "self", you feel praised and if it comes at a lower value you feel offended, and when you know that there is no "self" in the first place. You should be able to laugh it off; well, at least every once in a while. And if you do not agree with this at all, this is also fine. I am not taking my “self” seriously anymore.

Further listening to Alan Watts: The Game of Yes and NoOn Zen


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