Me Crucified
Me Crucified
(#129 from Suffer Well Devotional Series?)
It is no longer possible for Me to have personal burdens; My resurrection granted Me the release from My own will. It is a burden for you, the one who still carries a stake that causes this moment in time for us. How many of you have missed what was intended when Shaul (Paul) proclaimed that one message mattered before all others; Me crucified? (1 Corinthians 1:23; 2:2) And so I have watched for a couple of thousand years now, and the same story resonates throughout a body (congregation of thoughts) of diminished power and capacity. The promise was that you would do “greater works” than I (John 14:12), and you haven't. I have come to lift this burden from you, so that we could prepare for a wedding that I long for.
“Me crucified” is not only about My physical death on a stake; it is about how I crucified My “self” will, which was not always immediately obedient to the Father's will. Nailing My personal desire to the stake, and forsaking thoughts of Myself was a greater death than what I suffered physically. I had to learn obedience. Hebrews 5:8 makes this quite clear; “Though was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which suffered.”
Every day I learned to say “no” to the things I might have wanted that My Father did not. And also to say “yes” to the things I did not want; “Take this cup from Me if possible.” (Matthew 26:39) At each moment I had to choose to submit My will to My Father's will. Why would that be needed if We did not have separate wills? Do you see? I crucified Myself, so that you would learn how to crucify yourself (your personal will). This is what I intended with My words, “Deny yourself and take up your stake!” (Luke 9:23) I showed you the patterns of the removal of your personal will, and with this process comes power to do those “greater works” I promised. Perceive everything I did with the understanding that the Father is “greater than I” (the independent self) (John 14:28). I made it very clear! Although We are One in purpose, that purpose is that His will alone be done, and not Mine. He is the One who commanded My death for you. My death is the pattern of how your ego is removed.
Your burdens are leaving and His glory is entering in. Me crucified—so you to could be crucified (Romans 6:3-7). This is the summary of all that needs to be preached.
For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin. (Romans 6:6)