MDA GSI - SAR Data Analytics Webinar -
Radar can reliably image broad areas to automatically detect irregular equipment deployments regardless of light level and cloud cover. This example (above, using ExtraFine, 125kmx135km scene) shows equipment deployed in the desert of Sana'a, Yemen as automatically detected by RADARSAT-2 change detection. The red polygon is autogenerated and indicates probable military deployments giving insight into pattern of life on a country-wide scale (i.e. all of North Korea every 12 days or better).
Are you interested in learning how Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can grow or improve your geospatial analytics operations? At 10:00 am PT on Wednesday, May 3rd, MDA will host a free webinar on using SAR to overcome some of the challenges associated with using optical imagery for machine learning and big data analytics. In our 60-minute webinar, you will learn about the benefits of augmenting optical imagery with SAR, approaches for integrating SAR into big data analytics, and MDA’s role in providing “Big Data SAR.”
Don’t miss out! Save your seat for the “Satellite Radar for Geospatial Big Data Analytics” webinar by registering online at